I am writing to these groups to see if there is any experienced
woodworker who wants to come to Nepal to help direct a new woodworking
shop for a small mountain village. The village has made a workshop
building and they are looking for a master carpenter or woodworker to
come and teach woodworking. This would be volunteer (unpaid) but it
would be the experience of a lifetime.
If you are interested write to [email protected] and
[email protected]
Thank you.
Cool idea. I've been to Nepal and India and, can vouch that it would be a
mind 'bending' experience. Go with the intention of learning from them, not
the other way around. After you've lived there a while, you will know what I
"Sage" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hello,
> I am writing to these groups to see if there is any experienced
> woodworker who wants to come to Nepal to help direct a new woodworking
> shop for a small mountain village. The village has made a workshop
> building and they are looking for a master carpenter or woodworker to
> come and teach woodworking. This would be volunteer (unpaid) but it
> would be the experience of a lifetime.
> If you are interested write to [email protected] and
> [email protected]
> Thank you.
> Sage