The veneer on front panel by one control shaft of my Console is
pushed out, cracked and raised, but not completely separated from
backing. The back panel of cabinet is also damaged and forced out
which causes the veneer on front to be pushed out.
This entire area, approx. 16" sq. is forced out. Surface is raised
about 1/4"
( Speculation of what happened to cause the damage)
The control shaft was forced internally near the hole from the rear
when not lined up with the hole and caused the external damage from
internal pressure of the shaft.
How does one go about this type of repair ?
I would start by seeing if you could iron it back in place. Use piece of waxed
paper to protect the veneer and use regular iron to reheat glue and press
veneer. Usually about 8 to 12 seconds of iron with do the job. After you heat
with iron, follow the hot sould with a pice of serve as heat sink as
veneer and glue cools.