[email protected] (Joe "Woody" Woodpecker)

30/03/2005 12:37 PM

Automatic Dust Collection for My TS

I finally got the dust collection hood built for my Delta 10" open
stand TS.
It uses a pre-manufactured 13 x 16" fiberglass hood made by an east
coast DC and mini lathe supplier.

A piece of 1/2" x 1/2" welded fence wire was placed into the hood before
it was installed under the TS. A piece of 1/4" x 20 threaded rod was
placed above the welded wire so that it was held in place.

With very little changes, the hood will sit on the top side of the TS
top stand rail. Have someone hold this in place and drill a 5/16" hole
near the vertical side of both the front and back leg on the stand
rail.under the TS on the top stand rail. ( about 7" toward the center
of the saw in the center of the top stand rail )
A 1/4" threaded rod was put into the upper top rail near the vertical
side of the hood and fastened with lock nuts on the outside of the top
stand rail so the hood could not move.

If you need a wider or deeper hood, you can expand it by fastening some
1" x 2" along the inside edge of the TS case with some sheet metal

A 1/4" threaded rod was put into the upper top rail near the vertical
side of the hood and fastened with lock nuts on the outside of the top
stand rail so the hood could not move.

A piece of wood was fitted under the case where the motor and other
parts were on the left side of the table.

A 4" DWV union was placed over the end of the DC Hood and held in place
with the rubber seal inside. A 4" to 2" reducer was placed at the other
end of the union.

The ABS reducer was then glued to an ABS 2" LONG elbow which was cut
to 2- 3/8 ID to accommodate the 2-1/2" DC hose and fittings. The hose
was then run to a blast gate on the side of the TS.


Check out my Web Page at:


Where you will find:

******** How My Shop Works ******** 5-21-03

* * * Build a $20 DC Separator Can Lid. 1-14-03
* * * DC Relay Box Building Plans. 1-14-03
* * * The Bad Air Your Breath Everyday.1-14-03
* * * What is a Real Woodworker? 2-8-03
* * * Murphy's Woodworking Definitions. 2-8-03
* * * Murphy's Woodworking Laws. 4-6-03
* * * What is the true meaning of life? 1-14-03
* * * Woodworker Shop Signs. 2-8-03