After I have 3 coats of Poly on the wood do I finish with a wax?
The can doesn't have any directions about what to do after.
Also I'm having problems with getting rid of brush marks. Any
suggestions how to make the Fast dry poly more self leveling?
Chip Off the O'l Proc
Thats 'cessor not 'tology
Thin it with the appropriate solvent, or use foam brushes. You can wax
after the poly is cured, if you want to.
"Chip off the Ol'Proc" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> After I have 3 coats of Poly on the wood do I finish with a wax?
> The can doesn't have any directions about what to do after.
> Also I'm having problems with getting rid of brush marks. Any suggestions
> how to make the Fast dry poly more self leveling?
> Thanks,
> Chip
> --
> Chip Off the O'l Proc
> Thats 'cessor not 'tology
> www.1GoodReason.Com
Fine Woodworking August 2004 has an article that might help.
Chip off the Ol'Proc <[email protected]> wrote:
>After I have 3 coats of Poly on the wood do I finish with a wax?
>The can doesn't have any directions about what to do after.
>Also I'm having problems with getting rid of brush marks. Any
>suggestions how to make the Fast dry poly more self leveling?