Wife can load up a large sliding kitchen cabinet drawer as well
as any (50#?). Nylon(?) bracket broke a few days ago. After
removing a bracket for identification purposes, and setting the
screws atop a can of vegetables. I subsequently moved the
vegetables and the screws fell 4 feet over the side, falling to
the base level among all the stuff there. Upon request, I cleared
out all of the stuff out so my wife could clean it and she
noticed extra brackets of 2 different sizes screwed into the base
of the cabinet way in the back.
Note: Attach extra brackets to your cabinets like this, and "make
someone's day" sometime!
I was going to have to search for a drawer bracket, 15/16" high,
having screw holes 1 1/4" between centers based on a letter "G"
on the side of a drawer slide! I'm glad I was able to call off
the search! Hope the story is useful and was told in a useful
entertaining manner. : )