20/08/2007 7:14 AM

MI5 Persecution: Old_500 5/7/96 (4564)

From: [email protected] (Old_500)
Newsgroups: uk.misc
Subject: Dear Mike Corley
Followup-To: uk.legal,uk.misc
Date: Fri, 05 Jul 1996 15:41:16 GMT
Organization: XYz
Lines: 55
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gw1-073.pool.dircon.co.uk
X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99e/16.227


Subject: Now we tell the truth as it really is
Newsgroups: uk.misc
Organization: Toronto Free-Net

:AND a second posting which appeared in uk.legal on 5th July 1996 (isn't Mr
:Corley popular ?)

> Dear Mike,

> I've just spoken to a man who knows and he has told me you
> have never ever been a target.

> My man knows because he once wrote a report on you after
> you made complaints.

Come off it "Big Ears", if you're going to pretend someone else is giving me
advice then at least get one of your fellow coppers to write it so that it
isn't obviously written in the same style as your posts.

Also both your post and the one you're pretending isn't yours were posted from
pipex via news.dircon.co.uk, viz:


From: [email protected] (Big Ears.)
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gw5-072.pool.dircon.co.uk


From: [email protected] (Old_500)
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
NNTP-Posting-Host: gw1-073.pool.dircon.co.uk

:NCIS leaks and most policemen regard it as unaccountable and occasionally
:insecure. M Howard promises to make NCIS publicly accountable.

You know a lot about what policemen think, don't you?


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