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Original Message Follows:
From: "Craig Oral Somerford" <[email protected]>
Subject: WHITE SPACES Re: Craig, the aftermath...
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2007 10:30:44 -0500
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2Barter, Google & YouTube
with true VISION...
Were if it is not good news it is not news to US, Him Her, Them &
"YOU "
28 mar 2007
Gauher Chaudhry <[email protected]>
21 mar 2007
Thank you
Gauher Chaudhry
Mr Chaudhry
Please if you will?
DONATE to this Site please i have no income at all at this time.
You had told me that there would be a 1 Dollar per sing up that you
my posting. Please let me in on this blessing a little Money would be
so i can get my LIFE back
I lost my D/L and and it's hard to get a job that pays with out these
like D/L and S/S card.
Please give this Non-profit a DONATION
I am going to post your Stuff Now thank you
Craig Oral Somerford
Founder of said Non-profit given to GOD through faith
U S Contractors Offering Service A Non-profit
A CLICK Away [email protected],
IMAGES " Chasing Cow to Music "
from barters give from Google
U S Contractors Offering Service A Non-profit <>
A CLICK Away [email protected]
You can find the Donation on the top of the site
Thanks again
Mr Chaudhry
>From Founder
Craig Oral Somerford & GOD Daughter Taylor Ann Hill
The Big Media companies are trying to stop.
Microsoft and Google.
There QUEST over WHITE SPACES will be told of.
This Non-profit and other blessing found on the INTERNET will get
Day to shine as well in this WORLD.
On 3/28/07, Gauher Chaudhry <[email protected]> wrote:
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> Hey Craig,
> Once again, thanks for being part of this pre-notification
> list for Pay Per Click Formula.
> Well it has been a week now since I launched my home study
> course Pay Per Click Formula and over the last seven days I
> have shipped hundreds of packages to buyers from all over
> the world.
> The forums are now buzzing with excitement as many new
> Traffic Brokers are exchanging ideas and resources to help
> each other get started in this lucrative business.
> The launch did actually start off with problems as all my
> servers crashed with the surge of traffic at 12:00 pm last
> Tuesday.
> But once that was fixed, the orders started to come in fast
> and furious.
> One of the biggest questions I received were from people who
> wanted a payment plan, so that they did not have to pay the
> one-time fee all at once.
> I have introduced a two-month payment plan to help ease the
> burden on people who really want to get their hands on my
> course.
> The one-time cost of $697 can now be paid over a two month
> period in two equal installments.
> Did you know that if you are in North America and if you
> order before 2:00 pm today that you could have my course
> sitting on your kitchen table tomorrow morning?
> I was stunned that customers in Hawaii were telling me that
> they were receiving my course the next day.
> I have already scheduled the first teleseminar for tomorrow
> night as I want to keep the momentum going and start to see
> results from my customers.
> If you have been looking for a business model that can help
> you build a long-term income on the Internet, then consider
> this about the traffic brokering business:
> 1. There are no barriers to entry.
> 2. CPA networks are free to join.
> 3. Most pay per click search engines are free to join
> besides Google and MSN who only charge a $5 set up fee.
> 4. You can buy tar^geted traffic and send it to CPA leads
> offers in less than 10 minutes.
> Most people will not hesitate to spend $100,000 on a four
> year college degree that provides no guarantee for a job.
> My course only costs $697 plus shipping with a 60 day money
> back guarantee.
> So why do people hesitate? It is because the way we have
> been conditioned to think.
> People relate a college degree to stability where as income
> programs on the Internet are treated with skepticism.
> And rightfully so with all the scams and garbage being sold.
> Which leads us to the *tremendous* feedback I have received
> from buyers and non-buyers to the sales letter I wrote for
> the course.
> I told you that it would not be the traditional Internet
> marketing sales letter that you may be accustomed to
> reading.
> It did not contain any hype or make any false promises. I
> simply presented my story and provided factual proof.
> I hope most Internet marketers will follow my lead and start
> writing what I like to call "honest copy" and treat people
> as people rather than as another sale.
> Will that happen? I doubt it and that is why you need to
> guard your purse or wallet.
> If you haven't purchased Pay Per Click Formula, I still want
> you to get started in this business.
> I honestly believe that this is the fastest way to make
> money on the Internet.
> But it isn't easy to build a massive fortune online. It
> takes a lot of work and dedication.
> It you want to exceed at anything in life, you need to take
> a few minutes to watch the following video that shows you
> how:
> Thanks to my buddy drmani for pointing this out to me from
> John Delavera's blog post.
> So where does that leave you and me?
> I will still send you complimentary issues of my Cool Cash
> Multimedia Ezine in which I cover the latest Internet
> marketing tactics.
> If you do not wish to receive communication from me anymore,
> it is real simple to get off this list. Simply click on the
> link at the bottom of this email to unsubscribe.
> Whatever you decide, I sincerely wish you the best of luck
> in your future and hope you achieve your dreams.
> Think big and don't let anybody tell you that you can not
> achieve the impossible. You just need to start taking action
> although it may involve some risks.
> But remember...
> "To conquer without risk, is to triumph without glory..."
> To your online success
> Gauher Chaudhry
> iPromote Media Inc., 15 Timberwolf Road, Brampton, Ontario L6P 2B4,
> To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit: