Surfing Craigslist yesterday, and found three planes listed. No
less than $25. So checked them today, and got 'em. Two different size
blench planes, Dunlop and Craftsman, both in excellent condition; and
one mystery block plane, no markings visible, in good condition.. I
only collet tools I'll use, and they're all suitable, even if they do
probably need sharpening and tuning. The two bench planes are old,
belonged to the guy's father aparently, and look little used. The block
plane is anyone's guess, but looked a stap or three above HF. I figure
I got more than my money's worth. The big seller was the fact they guy
lives in town, not 5 minutes away. Not a gloat in my book, but
definitely a nice warm fuzzy.
10 Out Of 10 Terrorists Prefer Hillary For President - Bumper Sticker
I do not have a problem with a woman president - except for Hillary.