As soon as I discovered that they sell aftermarket shelix cutterheads
for my Delta, and once I found a website where a guy showed the steps
he took to put his in (convincing me that I wouldn't destroy my own
jointer if *I* tried it)... well.... I just couldn't hold my wallet in
my pocket anymore. I swear... it just sprang right out of my pocket
when my guard was down.
Anyway, here's the page detailing the purchase and installation. I had
it all installed in less than 2 hours. I'll post more about it as I
get some quality time in with the thing.
- Joe
Joe Emenaker <[email protected]> wrote:
> Anyway, here's the page detailing the purchase and installation. I had
> it all installed in less than 2 hours. I'll post more about it as I
> get some quality time in with the thing.
Cool! I've got a similar jointer, that page will come in handy if I
ever decide to take a similar plunge. Thanks!
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