Hello All!
I haven't been posting updates on the construction project here or reading
anything here for a couple of weeks. The wif and I have been working like
mad to get the new shop framed and sheathed. We've been pretty lucky - only
one rainstorm and some water leaking through the common wall to the garage,
but other than that it has been clear and cool. We, with my father in law's
help, got the walls attached to the garage on Saturday and the second top
plated attached to true things up *just* ( and I DO mean JUST) in time for
the delivery of the trusses on Saturday late afternoon.
Today we are going to start to get the trusses in place and then onto the
sheathing for the roof. The forecast calls for good weather for the next
week or so, so it's zoom zoom zoom here!
Thanks to all for the earlier remarks and kind wishes! Pics or a
slideshow of the progress will be posted when I catch my breath!
John Moorhead
PS: One more thing, regardless of the divergent political views here on the
rec, set them all aside and VOTE, for crying out loud... - for those of you
in Chicago, make it early and often!