"Russell H. Martin, Jr"

08/11/2004 12:23 AM

Raised Panel Using a Router/Straight Bit

Had downloaded a plan for making a jig for my router table and naturally
when I need to build it, I can't find it. Anyone have anything on .pdf form
that you can send me?


This topic has 1 replies



in reply to "Russell H. Martin, Jr" on 08/11/2004 12:23 AM

07/11/2004 8:21 PM

If you have a TS, this is the way to go unless (of course) you want to
invest in a raised panel bit.

I think it was a recent Wood magazine that had an article about raising
panels on the TS. Actually it's just a matter of scoring a perimeter
line, then tilting the blade to about 15 degrees to intersect the score
line.The article has the jig angle incorporated.

Either way works.

I guess you could accomplish the same with a long straight router bit
but that's a lot of sawdust.


In article <Y%[email protected]>, Russell
H. Martin, Jr <[email protected]> wrote:

> Had downloaded a plan for making a jig for my router table and naturally
> when I need to build it, I can't find it. Anyone have anything on .pdf form
> that you can send me?
> -R

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