"Robert W. Schaff"

02/11/2004 9:26 AM

Cold weather- Drying oil paint, exterior

My next door neighbor put down oil paint on his porch floor. It was below 50
degrees and still is. The paint won't dry.
Any ideas? I thought, maybe a salamander(Large construction heater)

This topic has 2 replies


Larry Jaques

in reply to "Robert W. Schaff" on 02/11/2004 9:26 AM

02/11/2004 7:43 AM

On Tue, 02 Nov 2004 09:26:59 GMT, "Robert W. Schaff"
<[email protected]> calmly ranted:

>My next door neighbor put down oil paint on his porch floor. It was below 50
>degrees and still is. The paint won't dry.
>Any ideas? I thought, maybe a salamander(Large construction heater)

Right, tarp it in and use heaters, but not propane. They
put out way too much condensate moisture. An electric heater
with a blower to circulate the air should work great.

"Given the low level of competence among politicians,
every American should become a Libertarian."
-- Charley Reese, Alameda Times-Star (California), June 17, 2003


[email protected] (Doug Miller)

in reply to "Robert W. Schaff" on 02/11/2004 9:26 AM

02/11/2004 1:16 PM

In article <[email protected]>, "Robert W. Schaff" <[email protected]> wrote:
>My next door neighbor put down oil paint on his porch floor. It was below 50
>degrees and still is. The paint won't dry.
>Any ideas? I thought, maybe a salamander(Large construction heater)

Enclosing the porch in visqueen or tyvek, and bringing in a heater of some
sort, might do the trick.

It's always better to prevent problems, than to be faced with trying to fix
them. Prevention in this case means not painting when it's cold outside.

Some years ago, a house that I passed daily on the way to work was painted in
late November or early December. The work took several days, and the high
temperature a couple of those days was in the low 40s. It looked horrible when
it was finished, blotchy all over. He had to do it all over in the spring.

Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)

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