
"patrick conroy"

16/08/2004 6:15 AM

Tinting Shellac or Varnish?

Is it possible? To add a little alcohol soluble dye to either?

This topic has 4 replies



in reply to "patrick conroy" on 16/08/2004 6:15 AM

16/08/2004 6:26 AM

Certainly, done all the time.

"patrick conroy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Is it possible? To add a little alcohol soluble dye to either?


"Lowell Holmes"

in reply to "patrick conroy" on 16/08/2004 6:15 AM

16/08/2004 6:01 AM

According to the guys from Zinser, you can tint shellac with universal
colorants or aniline dyes. I saw it demonstrated Saturday.

"patrick conroy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Is it possible? To add a little alcohol soluble dye to either?



in reply to "patrick conroy" on 16/08/2004 6:15 AM

16/08/2004 9:20 AM

In article <[email protected]>, patrick@conroy-
family.net says...
> Is it possible? To add a little alcohol soluble dye to either?

Heirloom Woods
[email protected]


in reply to "patrick conroy" on 16/08/2004 6:15 AM

16/08/2004 9:52 AM

I use www.homesteadfinishing.com TransTint liquid dyes that can be
used in WB, oil based and laquer and maybe more. Jeff has several
forums there that are very helpful. I haven't been able to get to
Russ's www.woodfinishingsupplies.com site for several days.

On Mon, 16 Aug 2004 06:26:48 -0400, "George" <george@least> wrote:

>Certainly, done all the time.
>"patrick conroy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> Is it possible? To add a little alcohol soluble dye to either?

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