Facts About Seas & Oceans
We present to you Dr. William W. Hay, Professor of Geological Sciences
at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A. he was
formerly Dean of the Rosentiel School of Marine and Atmospheric
Science at the University of Miami, Miami, Florida, U.S.A. We went
with him on a marine expedition, to show us some of the phenomena
connected to our study of the scientific miracles in the Qur'aan and
Sunnah. We asked him many questions about the marine surface, the
divider between the upper and the lower sea, and about ocean floor and
marine geology. We also asked Professor Hay about the mixed-water
partitions between the different seas and fresh water rivers. He was
kind enough to answer all of our questions in great detail.
With regard to the partitions between the different seas, he explained
that these bodies of water are not one homogeneous sea as it appears
to us. Rather they are different seas, distinguished by varying
degrees of salinity, temperature and density. In this slide, here the
white lines represent partitions between two different seas (not shown
- WWW Ed.) Each partition divides two seas that differ in temperature,
salinity, density, marine biology and oxygen dissolubility. Scientists
first had this picture in 1942 after hundreds of marine research
stations were set up. In it we can see the divider between the
Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean.
Fig. 13.1
(Click Here To Enlarge)
In the middle of this photo (not shown - Ed.), we see a colored
triangle. This is the base of the Rock of Gibraltar. We can observe a
colored partition between the two bodies of water, although the naked
human eye cannot perceive it in nature. This has become possible by
means of satellite photography and remote-sensing techniques. This
photograph here was taken by a satellite utilizing the special thermal
characteristics of the various water bodies, and it is for this reason
that the seas show up with different colors (exact photos not shown -
Ed. See Figure 13.1). For example, we here see light blue, dark blue
and black. Other bodies of water show a greenish color. The different
colors represent the difference in temperatures of the sea surface.
However, as well all know, these oceans and seas will simply appear as
blue in color to our eyes. These are partitions that can only be seen
and perceived by scientific research and modern technology. Allah has
informed us in the Qur'aan that: He has let free (maraja) the two seas
meeting together: Between them is a barrier which they do not
transgress. (Qur'aan 55:19-20).
Traditionally, there have been two major interpretations of this
verse. One opinion states that according to the literal meaning of the
term maraja, seas do meet and mix with each other. But the fact the
Qur'aan goes on to state that there is barrier between them, means
that this barrier will simply prevent the seas from encroaching upon
each other or flooding over each other.
Proponents of the second opinion ask how can there be a barrier
between the seas so that they do not encroach upon each other, while
the verse indicates that the seas meet together? They concluded that
the seas do not meet and sought another meaning for the term maraja,
but now modern science provides us with enough information to settle
this issue. The seas do meet together, as we have seen, for example,
in the picture of the Mediterranean and Atlantic Ocean (not shown -
WWW Ed.). Even though there is a slanted water barrier between them,
we now know that through this barrier the water from each sea passes
to the other. But when see the water from one sea enters the other
sea, it loses its distinctive characteristics and becomes homogenized
with the other water. In a way, this barrier serves as a transitional
homogenizing area for the two waters.
This is an excellent example of Islamic modern scientific research.
Modern techniques can thus be used to prove the inimitability of the
Qur'aan. We discussed this verse and several other verses at great
length with Professor Hay, and then we asked him the following
question: "What is your opinion of this phenomenon, namely, that you
have in your possession now texts which have been revealed 1400 years
ago, and which described in minute detail secrets of the universe
which no man at that time could ever have known, simply because the
techniques and the equipment were not available?"
Professor Hay replied: "I find it very interesting that this sort of
information is in the ancient scripture of the Holy Qur'aan, and I
have no way of knowing where they would come from, but I think it is
extremely interesting that they are there and that this work is going
on to discover it, the meaning of some of the passages."
He was asked: Then you have flatly denied it to be just from a human
source. Whom do you think is the original source of such information?
Professor Hay: "Well, I would think it must be the Divine Being!"
Truly this is divine knowledge which Allah sent in order to support
the Message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who said:
Each Prophet has been given something to make his people believe in
him. But I have been given a Revelation from Allah, and I hope that I
will have the greatest number of followers on the Day of Judgement.
This Revelation contains its own miracle and stands as a proof for
humanity until the Last Hour.
^ Top
Deep Seas & Oceans
The miracle of the Qur'aan is an everlasting one, which is renewed
until the Last Hour, and which may be known to all people in spite of
their different cultural levels and historical times. The Bedouin in
the desert as well as the university Professor will find in the
Qur'aan that which will suffice him.
We present to you Professor Dorja Rao, he is a specialist in Marine
Geology and he is currently teaching at King Abdul-Aziz University in
Jeddah. We met him and presented a number of Qur'aanic verses
containing scientific signs in the Qur'aan. He was astonished with
what he saw and heard. He has read the interpretations of the Qur'aan
and its verses in some specialized books. Among these verses, he
discussed what Allah said in the Qur'aan.
Or (the unbelievers state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast
deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark)
clouds: Depths of darkness, one above another: If a man stretches out
his hand, he can hardly see it! For any to whom Allah does not give
light, there is no light. (Qur'aan 24:40).
Professor Rao confirmed that scientists now know darkness by means of
submarines that have enabled them to dive into the depths of the
ocean, where human beings are not able to dive unaided for more than
twenty to thirty meters. Those who dive for pearls do so in shallow
waters and can not dive any deeper than this. Human beings can not
survive in the deep dark part of the oceans, such as at a depth of 200
meters. But this verse speaks about a phenomenon found in very deep
Hence, the statement of Allah about the darkness in a vast deep sea
does not refer to just any sea, because not every sea can be described
as having accumulated darkness layered one over another. This sort of
layered darkness in deep seas has two causes out of which is the
result of the successive disappearances of color, one layer after the
other. The light ray is composed of seven colors, and when the light
ray hits water, it is scattered into these seven colors.
In this picture (See Figure 14.1) we see a ray of light going through
the depth of the ocean. The upper layer has absorbed the red color in
the first 10 meters. If a diver would dive to a depth of 30 meters and
gets wounded there, he would not be able to see his blood, because the
red color does not reach this depth. In the same way, as we see in
this picture, orange rays are absorbed next. Then at the depth of 50
meters yellow rays are absorbed. At the depth of 100 meters green rays
are absorbed. At depths beyond 200 meters, blue rays are absorbed, and
so on. From this, we can see that the ocean becomes progressively
darker, that is darkness takes place in layers of light. As for the
second reason, darkness originates as a result of barriers which
conceal light.
Fig. 14.1
The light rays, which we see here, originate from the sun and absorbed
by clouds, which in turn scatter some of the light rays, thus
resulting in a layer of darkness under the clouds. This is the first
layer of darkness. Then when light rays reach the surface of the
ocean, they are reflected by the wave surface, thus giving it a shiny
appearance. It is for this reason that when there are waves, the
intensity of this reflection depends on the angle of the waves.
Therefore, it is the waves that reflect light and therefore cause
darkness. The un-reflected light rays penetrate into the depth of the
ocean, and thus we divide the ocean into two main layers, the surface
and the deep part. The surface of the ocean is characterized by the
light and warmth, whereas the deep is characterized by darkness.
These two parts of the ocean differ with respect to their properties
and characteristics, and the surface is further separated from the
deep part by waves. These internal waves were only discovered in the
year 1900. Scientists have recently discovered that there are internal
waves which "occur on dense interfaces between layers of different
densities. The internal waves cover the deep waters of seas and oceans
because the deep waters have a higher density than the waters above
them. Internal waves act like surface waves. They can also break just
like surface waves. Internal waves cannot be seen by the human eye,
but they can be detected by studying temperature or salinity changes
at a given location.
Underneath these waves which separate the two parts of the ocean, the
darkness begins. Fish at these depths cannot see. Their only source of
light is from their bodies. This darkness which is layered or tiered
one over the other is what is referred to in the Qur'aan: Darkness in
a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed by billow topped by billow. (Qur'aan
In other words, above those waves there are still more tiers of
waves. The latter being found on the surface of the ocean. The Qur'aan
then informs us that darkness is: Topped by clouds: Depths of
darkness, one above another. (Qur'aan 24:40)
This darkness is caused by the barriers explained, in addition to the
darkness caused by the absorption of colors at the different levels
that are layered one over the other.
The Qur'aan goes on to say: When a man stretches out his hand, he can
hardly see it! For any to whom Allah gives not light, there is no
light. (Qur'aan 24:40)
Here is total darkness, submarines must bring their source of light
with them, so who could have informed Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon
him) of this?
We presented to Professor Rao many verses dealing with his area of
specialization and we said: "What do you think of the existence of
scientific information in the Qur'aan? How could Prophet Muhammad have
known about these facts 14 centuries ago?"
Professor Rao replied: "It is difficult to imagine that this type of
knowledge was existing at the time around 1400 years back. Maybe some
of the things they have simple ideas about such, but to describe those
things in great detail is very difficult. So, this is definitely not a
simple human knowledge. A normal human being cannot explain this
phenomenon in that much detail. So I thought the information must have
come from a supernatural source."
Yes, the source of such knowledge must be from a level beyond that of
man. It cannot be from nature, as Professor Rao said, but this is far
beyond nature, and far beyond human capability. What Professor Rao was
trying to say is that this is something which cannot be attributed to
a natural being, for it is truly the speech of the one who knows
nature, the universe and its secrets, as the Qur'aan tells us:
Say: The (Qur'aan) was sent down by Him who knows the secrets (that
is) in the heavens and the earth... (Qur'aan 25:6).
It is from Allah. In this way, the testimonies of the scientists are
concentrated one after the other in order to prove that this guidance
and light contains in it the indisputable evidence of its truth, for
the Qur'aan is the source of guidance until the Last Hour.
^ Top
Marine Phenomenon Between Scientific Discoveries & The Qur'aanic
We present to you Professor Shroeder, a marine scientist from West
Germany. We met him at the Seminar of Marine Scientists held at King
Abdul-Aziz University in Jeddah. I was asked to deliver a talk on
Marine Phenomenon between scientific discoveries and the Qur'aanic
verses. The next day, Professor Shroeder stood up and commented on
what I had said. He started saying:
"I would like to comment on the lecture which Shaykh Az-Zindani gave
us yesterday, and would like to say how much I appreciate this lecture
in the framework of such a scientific meeting. One doesnt need to be a
Muslim, but even for me as a Christian, it is important to not only
see science as it is, but also see it in a broader sense and picture
and when compared with religion, see it in the framework of religion."
After that, Professor Shroeder proceeded to discuss the relationship
between science and religion. He referred to the wide gap between the
various religions and science, for there is a mutual repulsion between
the leaders of religious thoughts and the masters of natural sciences.
Professor Shroeder, however, was astonished when he was informed of
the truth contained in various Qur'aanic verses revealed 1400 years
ago. He commented:
"In many religions, we find that the leaders think science can take
something from the religion. If science is making progress, the
religion has to move back, it is being encroached on. Here, we see a
completely different approach. Shaykh Az-Zindani showed us that the
scientist is actually confirming what the Qur'aan is saying, what has
been said already many, many years ago in the Qur'aan. Actually, that
scientists are now discovering what has been said before, I think this
is important. It is important for a symposium or a workshop to be
participated, discussed, and agreed upon by scientists from all
nations, and I am sure that all of us are going home and are now
thinking more about the relationship between religion and marine
It becomes clear that what scientists are discovering only today, the
Qur'aan revealed 1400 years ago. It remains for us to ask: Who
informed Prophet Muhammad about this? Who revealed this knowledge to
him? Because these are the truths that contemporary scientists know,
whether they be astronomers, marine scientists, geologists, or
specialists in any of the other fields of science and knowledge, but
which the Qur'aan and Sunnah have mentioned. After having listened to
us, Professor Shroeder, with utmost confidence stated the following
"There is not science on the one side, religion on the other side.
People are not talking to each other, but they are all going into one
direction. They are saying the same thing in a different language, the
scientific language (the abstract language) and the language of the
scriptures, as expressed by the Shaykh."
He is demanding clearly that these facts be presented to everyone in
the entire world, but specially to scientists in their centers of
learning, in all languages, so that they may understand them clearly
and so that the true relationship between religion and science may be
clarified. We are talking about the religion that has been free from
any distortion or falsification. True knowledge must be in conformity
with true religion. As in the case of Islam, the Qur'aan says:
Are those equal, those who know and those who do not know? (Qur'aan
Know, therefore, that there is no god but Allah. (Qur'aan 47:19)
Say: Behold all that is in the heavens and on earth. (Qur'aan
Verily in the heavens and the earth, are signs for those who believe.
And in the creation of yourselves and the fact that animals are
scattered (through the earth), are signs for those of assured faith.
And in the alteration of night and day, and the fact that Allah sends
down sustenance from the sky, and revives therewith the earth after
its death, and in the change of the winds, - are signs for those that
are wise. Such are the signs of Allah, which we rehearse to thee in
truth: then in what exposition will they believe after Allah and his
signs? (Qur'aan 45:3-6).
Religion urges us to acquire knowledge and commands us to contemplate
the universe in a language that contemporaries understand.