Schmitage wrote:
> Anyone know where I can find a bit, 18" in length X 6mm? 6.03mm would
> be perfect, but the kid will live w/ 6mm. He's trying to make his own
> air bb gun out of wood from some spare parts of an airsoft gun. Cool
> eh?
Hm - as much as this makes me sound old, it sounds dangerous. Oh,
well. It does sound like a fun experiment - just suggest protective
eyewear if you think he'll listen. You can get 3/16" or 1/4" extended
drill bits or roundnose router bits at - if you
wanted to try routing two sides and glueing them together.
Has he thought about getting some 6mm inside diameter pipe or tubing,
and somehow inserting that into wood?
By the way, if you're "shooting" for .177 caliber standard bbs, 6mm is
a ways off - try 4.5mm instead.
Good luck,