

25/08/2009 4:45 PM

Mini gloat or hosed?

On a whim, on eBay, I bid on a new Jet Micro Glide Fence with 52"
rails and won it for $43 + $31 shipping.

It says it is for a contractor or hybrid saw. I am "hoping" I get
lucky and I can somehow fit on my old model 65 Powermatic TS. I saw
one of these in a guys garage briefly last week and it seemed it only
had an attachment at the front and no back side rail, so maybe this
will work out.

I'll let ya know once it shows up but maybe someone here can tell me
to go ahead and post it on craigs list now to see if I can get some of
my dough back.

I felt like it was kind of a freebie because I paid for it with my
paypal slush fund. I always leave a few bucks behind in my paypal
account when I sell something and had plenty in there to buy this.