Visiting my mother today, I saw that her neighbor across the street had
felled a large black cherry tree. The trunk was clear, straight, and
limb-free for 15 feet. The largest diameter was probably 32", and
perhaps 26-28 inches at the upper end. No evidence of rot or damage.
It had been down a couple of days, so the ends were a beautiful deep
russet color. Not just "both" ends, but all 20 of them.
Yep, 20 ends -- several hundred dollars' worth of fine lumber had been
cut into neat 18" firewood lengths. As we sat in my mother's living
room for a visit, I heard the clank of a maul repeatedly hitting a
splitting wedge. I cringed at each blow, and I think I have developed a
tic in my eye.
I kinda like the smell of it burning myself:)
"Kevin Craig" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:180920042036250047%[email protected]...
> Visiting my mother today, I saw that her neighbor across the street had
> felled a large black cherry tree. The trunk was clear, straight, and
> limb-free for 15 feet. The largest diameter was probably 32", and
> perhaps 26-28 inches at the upper end. No evidence of rot or damage.
> It had been down a couple of days, so the ends were a beautiful deep
> russet color. Not just "both" ends, but all 20 of them.
> Yep, 20 ends -- several hundred dollars' worth of fine lumber had been
> cut into neat 18" firewood lengths. As we sat in my mother's living
> room for a visit, I heard the clank of a maul repeatedly hitting a
> splitting wedge. I cringed at each blow, and I think I have developed a
> tic in my eye.
> *sigh*
> Kevin
>"Kevin Craig" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:180920042036250047%[email protected]...
>> Visiting my mother today, I saw that her neighbor across the street had
>> felled a large black cherry tree. The trunk was clear, straight, and
>> limb-free for 15 feet. The largest diameter was probably 32", and
>> perhaps 26-28 inches at the upper end. No evidence of rot or damage.
>> It had been down a couple of days, so the ends were a beautiful deep
>> russet color. Not just "both" ends, but all 20 of them.
>> Yep, 20 ends -- several hundred dollars' worth of fine lumber had been
>> cut into neat 18" firewood lengths. As we sat in my mother's living
>> room for a visit, I heard the clank of a maul repeatedly hitting a
>> splitting wedge. I cringed at each blow, and I think I have developed a
>> tic in my eye.
>> *sigh*
>> Kevin
Maybe you can console yourself by repeating, "it probably had lots of
hidden nails and other metal all through it".
> $60 bucks for a cord of wood! Where is Fairfax? I'm gonna rent uHaul
> fill it up! We pay $200 in NH.
> --
> -Jim
> ©¿©¬
Where abouts are in in NH. I'm only paying $100 a cord for it and that's if
I get lazy and don't cut my own. Then figuring in labor it's around four
hundred a cord. More if I do something stupid. Emergenicy room is
On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 01:36:08 GMT, Kevin Craig <[email protected]> wrote:
> Yep, 20 ends -- several hundred dollars' worth of fine lumber had been
> cut into neat 18" firewood lengths. As we sat in my mother's living
> room for a visit, I heard the clank of a maul repeatedly hitting a
> splitting wedge. I cringed at each blow, and I think I have developed a
> tic in my eye.
So share the misery - saunter over to the neighbor, sigh, and say
"Shame that you're getting 100 dollars worth of heat out of a tree
that would have got you 500 bucks for lumber wood..." and walk away.
No reason for you to be the only miserable one.
On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 20:29:38 GMT, dave in Fairfax <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dave Hinz wrote:
>> So share the misery - saunter over to the neighbor, sigh, and say
>> "Shame that you're getting 100 dollars worth of heat out of a tree
>> that would have got you 500 bucks for lumber wood..." and walk away.
>> No reason for you to be the only miserable one.
> I think you're letting him off to easy. You could say, "Ya know,
> cherry sells for between 6 and 10 dollars a board foot.
> The math doesn't have to be exact, just high enough to give him
> that sick feeling.
There you go, that's the way to do it. Might not educate him, but at
least by sharing your pain it'll make yours easier to take.
Dave Hinz
If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam
"dave in Fairfax" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Dave Hinz wrote:
> > So share the misery - saunter over to the neighbor, sigh, and say
> > "Shame that you're getting 100 dollars worth of heat out of a tree
> > that would have got you 500 bucks for lumber wood..." and walk away.
> > No reason for you to be the only miserable one.
> I think you're letting him off to easy. You could say, "Ya know,
> cherry sells for between 6 and 10 dollars a board foot. That
> makes each of those wedges worth about $5-7. Let's see, you got
> 20 chunks times 6 splits, that's 180 wedges or so, times 5-7,
> that's about $900-1260. Then there's the large branches and the
> part after it starts to branch, Yup, you've prolly got $2000 worth
> of cherry there. Ya know, a cord of wood goes for about $60,
> seasoned, which this isn't. Too bad ya went and wasted all that
> expensive wood. At least it'll make the grill cook tastier.
> 'Less you were just gonna throw it in the fireplace.
> The math doesn't have to be exact, just high enough to give him
> that sick feeling.
> Dave in Fairfax
> --
> Dave Leader
> reply-to doesn't work
> use:
> daveldr at att dot net
> American Association of Woodturners
> Capital Area Woodturners
$60 bucks for a cord of wood! Where is Fairfax? I'm gonna rent uHaul and
fill it up! We pay $200 in NH.
Nah, I did that one year as I'm surrounded by woods. Most of a weekend,
rent a splitter for $50 and maybe get killed by a tree or chainsaw. Not
worth the $150.00 savings. I can go spend a couple of hours fixing
somebody's computer and get that. It was one of those things that was
fun... once.
If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam
"dave in Fairfax" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> jtpr wrote:
> > $60 bucks for a cord of wood! Where is Fairfax? I'm gonna rent uHaul
> > fill it up! We pay $200 in NH.
> VA. The guys run around with F-450s full every Fall and deliver
> it. The Korean guy down the street bought a splitter and paid it
> off by selling 3'X3' solid stacked piles for $15. Sorry it's so
> expensive up wher eyou are, do you own a chainsaw? A maul? A tree
> stump? I think we have a solution!
> Dave in Fairfax
> --
> Dave Leader
> reply-to doesn't work
> use:
> daveldr at att dot net
> American Association of Woodturners
> Capital Area Woodturners
I'm in Milford. Best price I ever got was $160, $200 'cause I need 12" logs
for my itty bitty wood stove. I'm looking to upgrade that. Where are you?
If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam
"D. Mo" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> >
> > $60 bucks for a cord of wood! Where is Fairfax? I'm gonna rent uHaul
> and
> > fill it up! We pay $200 in NH.
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > -Jim
> > ©¿©¬
> >
> Where abouts are in in NH. I'm only paying $100 a cord for it and that's
> I get lazy and don't cut my own. Then figuring in labor it's around four
> hundred a cord. More if I do something stupid. Emergenicy room is
> exspensive:-)
> D.Mo
Yep, I haven't seen it go below $150 for a lot of years...
If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam
"Mike Marlow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> >
> >
> > If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
> > Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam
> > "dave in Fairfax" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> > > Dave Hinz wrote:
> > > > So share the misery - saunter over to the neighbor, sigh, and say
> > > > "Shame that you're getting 100 dollars worth of heat out of a tree
> > > > that would have got you 500 bucks for lumber wood..." and walk away.
> > > > No reason for you to be the only miserable one.
> > >
> > > I think you're letting him off to easy. You could say, "Ya know,
> > > cherry sells for between 6 and 10 dollars a board foot. That
> > > makes each of those wedges worth about $5-7. Let's see, you got
> > > 20 chunks times 6 splits, that's 180 wedges or so, times 5-7,
> > > that's about $900-1260. Then there's the large branches and the
> > > part after it starts to branch, Yup, you've prolly got $2000 worth
> > > of cherry there. Ya know, a cord of wood goes for about $60,
> > > seasoned, which this isn't. Too bad ya went and wasted all that
> > > expensive wood. At least it'll make the grill cook tastier.
> > > 'Less you were just gonna throw it in the fireplace.
> > >
> > > The math doesn't have to be exact, just high enough to give him
> > > that sick feeling.
> > >
> > > Dave in Fairfax
> > > --
> > > Dave Leader
> > > reply-to doesn't work
> > > use:
> > > daveldr at att dot net
> > > American Association of Woodturners
> > >
> > > Capital Area Woodturners
> > >
> >
> > $60 bucks for a cord of wood! Where is Fairfax? I'm gonna rent uHaul
> and
> > fill it up! We pay $200 in NH.
> >
> Holy crap! I'm sure he had to have meant a face cord, but still... 200
> smackers even for a full cord is crazy. In the dead of winter our local
> prices are only around $35 for a face cord, delivered. I may just load up
> trailer and take a drive to NH. I've got some really nice soft maple
> been down for a year now - perfect for splitting up into this year's
> firewood.
> --
> -Mike-
> [email protected]
In article <[email protected]>, Unnh
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Cherry can be hard to split. Burning it puts off a lot more chemicals
> than many other woods. Trees in suburbs often have concrete, steel and
> other embedded items. I'm sure that that particular tree was riddled
> with termites, fungi and mold.... HTH, /ts
Thanks for trying, but this is a town of 400, more than a hundred miles
from anything that can even remotely be called a "suburb".
Being a tree on a 120 year old homeplace, it probably had seen a nail,
bullet, or BB on occasion.
The chemicals it might put out will be vented out the flue, and (given
the prevailing winds), right towards my mother's house. Thanks again!
Dave Hinz wrote:
> So share the misery - saunter over to the neighbor, sigh, and say
> "Shame that you're getting 100 dollars worth of heat out of a tree
> that would have got you 500 bucks for lumber wood..." and walk away.
> No reason for you to be the only miserable one.
I think you're letting him off to easy. You could say, "Ya know,
cherry sells for between 6 and 10 dollars a board foot. That
makes each of those wedges worth about $5-7. Let's see, you got
20 chunks times 6 splits, that's 180 wedges or so, times 5-7,
that's about $900-1260. Then there's the large branches and the
part after it starts to branch, Yup, you've prolly got $2000 worth
of cherry there. Ya know, a cord of wood goes for about $60,
seasoned, which this isn't. Too bad ya went and wasted all that
expensive wood. At least it'll make the grill cook tastier.
'Less you were just gonna throw it in the fireplace.
The math doesn't have to be exact, just high enough to give him
that sick feeling.
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners
jtpr wrote:
> $60 bucks for a cord of wood! Where is Fairfax? I'm gonna rent uHaul and
> fill it up! We pay $200 in NH.
VA. The guys run around with F-450s full every Fall and deliver
it. The Korean guy down the street bought a splitter and paid it
off by selling 3'X3' solid stacked piles for $15. Sorry it's so
expensive up wher eyou are, do you own a chainsaw? A maul? A tree
stump? I think we have a solution!
Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners
Go get the pieces and make turnings, or gift/trade your turner friends.
The pieces with the wildest figure can be saved, even in short lengths, for
resawing into boxmaking veneer.
I watched a guy in Missouri feeding chunks of walnut of enviable size into
his boiler, and I burn cherry when I have too much on the deck, so perhaps
it's that location,location, location bit.
"Kevin Craig" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:300920040038194605%[email protected]...
> In article <[email protected]>, Unnh
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> > Cherry can be hard to split. Burning it puts off a lot more chemicals
> > than many other woods. Trees in suburbs often have concrete, steel and
> > other embedded items. I'm sure that that particular tree was riddled
> > with termites, fungi and mold.... HTH, /ts
> Thanks for trying, but this is a town of 400, more than a hundred miles
> from anything that can even remotely be called a "suburb".
> Being a tree on a 120 year old homeplace, it probably had seen a nail,
> bullet, or BB on occasion.
> The chemicals it might put out will be vented out the flue, and (given
> the prevailing winds), right towards my mother's house. Thanks again!
> :-/
> Kevin
"jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
> Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam
> "dave in Fairfax" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Dave Hinz wrote:
> > > So share the misery - saunter over to the neighbor, sigh, and say
> > > "Shame that you're getting 100 dollars worth of heat out of a tree
> > > that would have got you 500 bucks for lumber wood..." and walk away.
> > > No reason for you to be the only miserable one.
> >
> > I think you're letting him off to easy. You could say, "Ya know,
> > cherry sells for between 6 and 10 dollars a board foot. That
> > makes each of those wedges worth about $5-7. Let's see, you got
> > 20 chunks times 6 splits, that's 180 wedges or so, times 5-7,
> > that's about $900-1260. Then there's the large branches and the
> > part after it starts to branch, Yup, you've prolly got $2000 worth
> > of cherry there. Ya know, a cord of wood goes for about $60,
> > seasoned, which this isn't. Too bad ya went and wasted all that
> > expensive wood. At least it'll make the grill cook tastier.
> > 'Less you were just gonna throw it in the fireplace.
> >
> > The math doesn't have to be exact, just high enough to give him
> > that sick feeling.
> >
> > Dave in Fairfax
> > --
> > Dave Leader
> > reply-to doesn't work
> > use:
> > daveldr at att dot net
> > American Association of Woodturners
> >
> > Capital Area Woodturners
> >
> $60 bucks for a cord of wood! Where is Fairfax? I'm gonna rent uHaul
> fill it up! We pay $200 in NH.
Holy crap! I'm sure he had to have meant a face cord, but still... 200
smackers even for a full cord is crazy. In the dead of winter our local
prices are only around $35 for a face cord, delivered. I may just load up a
trailer and take a drive to NH. I've got some really nice soft maple that's
been down for a year now - perfect for splitting up into this year's
[email protected]
"Dan Cullimore" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Mike Marlow" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> > "jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> > news:[email protected]...
> > > $60 bucks for a cord of wood! Where is Fairfax? I'm gonna rent
> > and
> > > fill it up! We pay $200 in NH.
> > >
> >
> > Holy crap! I'm sure he had to have meant a face cord, but still... 200
> > smackers even for a full cord is crazy. In the dead of winter our local
> > prices are only around $35 for a face cord, delivered. I may just load
up a
> > trailer and take a drive to NH. I've got some really nice soft maple
> > been down for a year now - perfect for splitting up into this year's
> > firewood.
> Hell, I gotta live one I'd cut down for that kinda doh--big ol' silver
> been droppin' branches for a few years, kinda twisty on accounta
> growin' up with a 'talpa crowdin' it.
> That 'talpa's seen better days, too. It'll die 'for too long.
> Anybody out there made any thing outta 'talpa (Catalpa)?
> BTW, Kevin--I feel your pain.
> Dan
At Bauhaus Chicago Academy, they have a bed on display that was made from
I think there are valid reasons for violence and this comes really close.
Too bad you didn't visit a few days earlier maybe could have traded some
junk firewood for what he had. Even a few of the 18" lengths would have
been good for small boxes etc.
"Kevin Craig" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:180920042036250047%[email protected]...
> Visiting my mother today, I saw that her neighbor across the street had
> felled a large black cherry tree. The trunk was clear, straight, and
> limb-free for 15 feet. The largest diameter was probably 32", and
> perhaps 26-28 inches at the upper end. No evidence of rot or damage.
> It had been down a couple of days, so the ends were a beautiful deep
> russet color. Not just "both" ends, but all 20 of them.
> Yep, 20 ends -- several hundred dollars' worth of fine lumber had been
> cut into neat 18" firewood lengths. As we sat in my mother's living
> room for a visit, I heard the clank of a maul repeatedly hitting a
> splitting wedge. I cringed at each blow, and I think I have developed a
> tic in my eye.
> *sigh*
> Kevin
It's amazing what non-woodworkers will do to such fine material!
"Kevin Craig" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:180920042036250047%[email protected]...
> Visiting my mother today, I saw that her neighbor across the street had
> felled a large black cherry tree. The trunk was clear, straight, and
> limb-free for 15 feet. The largest diameter was probably 32", and
> perhaps 26-28 inches at the upper end. No evidence of rot or damage.
> It had been down a couple of days, so the ends were a beautiful deep
> russet color. Not just "both" ends, but all 20 of them.
> Yep, 20 ends -- several hundred dollars' worth of fine lumber had been
> cut into neat 18" firewood lengths. As we sat in my mother's living
> room for a visit, I heard the clank of a maul repeatedly hitting a
> splitting wedge. I cringed at each blow, and I think I have developed a
> tic in my eye.
> *sigh*
> Kevin
"Mike Marlow" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> "jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > $60 bucks for a cord of wood! Where is Fairfax? I'm gonna rent uHaul
> and
> > fill it up! We pay $200 in NH.
> >
> Holy crap! I'm sure he had to have meant a face cord, but still... 200
> smackers even for a full cord is crazy. In the dead of winter our local
> prices are only around $35 for a face cord, delivered. I may just load up a
> trailer and take a drive to NH. I've got some really nice soft maple that's
> been down for a year now - perfect for splitting up into this year's
> firewood.
Hell, I gotta live one I'd cut down for that kinda doh--big ol' silver
been droppin' branches for a few years, kinda twisty on accounta
growin' up with a 'talpa crowdin' it.
That 'talpa's seen better days, too. It'll die 'for too long.
Anybody out there made any thing outta 'talpa (Catalpa)?
BTW, Kevin--I feel your pain.
"Eric Ryder" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> I kinda like the smell of it burning myself:)
As long as it's burning under chicken and ribs I don't see it as a
waste. Expensive bbq yes, but definitely not going to waste.
On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 01:36:08 GMT, Kevin Craig <[email protected]>
>Visiting my mother today, I saw that her neighbor across the street
>felled a large black cherry tree. The trunk was clear, straight, and
>limb-free for 15 feet. The largest diameter was probably 32", and
>perhaps 26-28 inches at the upper end. No evidence of rot or damage.
>It had been down a couple of days, so the ends were a beautiful deep
>russet color. Not just "both" ends, but all 20 of them.
>Yep, 20 ends -- several hundred dollars' worth of fine lumber had
>cut into neat 18" firewood lengths. As we sat in my mother's living
>room for a visit, I heard the clank of a maul repeatedly hitting a
>splitting wedge. I cringed at each blow, and I think I have
developed a
>tic in my eye.
Cherry can be hard to split. Burning it puts off a lot more chemicals
than many other woods. Trees in suburbs often have concrete, steel and
other embedded items. I'm sure that that particular tree was riddled
with termites, fungi and mold.... HTH, /ts