
25/06/2008 2:24 AM


Hi Folks,
I don't get in here often at all, and maybe this has been hashed over
Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner? I
have a few ideas I'd like to try with a router, but I don't want to sink
too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
taking up space in the garage.
I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap one
that won't hold up and start to fall apart after a little use, like my
Harbor Freight cut out tool did.

Thanks In Advance,

This topic has 53 replies



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 6:45 AM

On Jun 25, 1:24=A0am, Ant...@webtv.net wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> =A0 =A0I don't get in here often at all, and maybe this has been hashed o=
> already.
> =A0 =A0Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner? =
> have a few ideas I'd like to try with a router, but I don't want to sink
> too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
> taking up space in the garage.
> =A0 =A0I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap one
> that won't hold up and start to fall apart after a little use, like my
> Harbor Freight cut out tool did.
> Thanks In Advance,
> Stan

WARNING: It's an Eeevilll plot, a slippery slope. Once you get a
router and find out what it can do, you will invest in a box of bits,
and then find a need for a router table. Then a good clamping
straight edge, and on, and on! But I agree, a single speed, basic,
router will work just fine to get started. Hope this helps.....



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 10:35 PM

On Jun 25, 8:31 pm, "Max" <thesameol...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:


> I think Sears has been trying to improve their Craftsman line.
> It might be in vogue to criticize them but it doesn't hurt to recognize
> effort.

Not just in vogue, absolutely stylish. Sometimes it reminds me of
school kids that make fun of something because everyone else is doing

It is sad to see where that once proud name has fallen, but they seem
to be doing better on many fronts now. Most importantly, I think they
supply the weekend warrior of casual user a good value for the money
these days. I like the fact they stand behind their product without

I still don't rely on them to make my living, but using my tools every
day I have found just about as crappy quality and short useful as the
worst of the group with any major manufacturer that I have used.

The only major tool maker I have never had a problem with is
Milwaukee. But now, they too have joined the Chiawanese connection of
manufacturing for some of their products, so they may wind up hit and
miss as well.

I would like to see Sears take a little pride in their products and
keep on trying to improve them.




in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 8:00 AM

On Jun 25, 9:21 am, Robert Haar <rlh...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On 6/25/08 3:24 AMJun 25, "Ant...@webtv.net" <Ant...@webtv.net> wrote:
> > Hi Folks,
> > I don't get in here often at all, and maybe this has been hashed over
> > already.
> > Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner? I
> > have a few ideas I'd like to try with a router, but I don't want to sink
> > too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
> > taking up space in the garage.
> > I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap one
> > that won't hold up and start to fall apart after a little use, like my
> > Harbor Freight cut out tool did.
> I recommend the Bosch Colt. It is often sold as a "trim" router because it
> is small, but it is very reliable, can be used with most 1/4" shank bits,
> and has enough power to do most tasks if you don't try to do to too much in
> a single pass. It runs about $25 new in most stores.
> Seehttp://www.lowes.com/lowes/lkn?action=productDetail&productId=226729-...
> 0EVSK&lpage=none

you could always stop at a pawn shop and pick up an
older craftsmans for $50.



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

26/06/2008 5:28 PM

Upscale wrote:
> <nailshooter41@aol.com> wrote in message
>>The only major tool maker I have never had a problem with is
>>Milwaukee. But now, they too have joined the Chiawanese connection of
>>manufacturing for some of their products, so they may wind up hit and
>>miss as well.
> Funny you mention that. I was considering newer cordless tools from them
> since my current 12v Milwaukee cordless drill has done so well for me. That
> is, until a dealer I trust told me that Milwaukee was sold overseas. Now I'm
> looking very closely at Dewalt instead.

I'd take a look at the Makita BHP452HW. My neighbor bought one. Lot's
of torque, light weight, and long lasting batteries with a 15 minute


Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 7:51 AM

<Antree@webtv.net> wrote in message
> Hi Folks,
> I don't get in here often at all, and maybe this has been hashed
> over
> already.
> Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner? I
> have a few ideas I'd like to try with a router, but I don't want to
> sink
> too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
> taking up space in the garage.
> I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap one
> that won't hold up and start to fall apart after a little use, like my
> Harbor Freight cut out tool did.
> Thanks In Advance,
> Stan

I have a shameless inventory of routers and I'm surprised how well some
of the newer Craftsman models perform.
For the price they do very well.
I bought this one several months ago and it has worked flawlessly.

I paid 79.99 for it and I see where Sears has it now for $84.99




in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 3:29 PM

Lou <loupark@hotmail.com> wrote in

> you could always stop at a pawn shop and pick up an
> older craftsmans for $50.

Don't older Craftsman routers have the ARHA (Automatic random height
adjustment) feature? I would think one from a borg would be preferable, if
only to avoid this.

If you're quiet, your teeth never touch your ankles.

To email me directly, send a message to puckdropper (at) fastmail.fm



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

26/06/2008 2:01 AM

<nailshooter41@aol.com> wrote in message
> The only major tool maker I have never had a problem with is
> Milwaukee. But now, they too have joined the Chiawanese connection of
> manufacturing for some of their products, so they may wind up hit and
> miss as well.

Funny you mention that. I was considering newer cordless tools from them
since my current 12v Milwaukee cordless drill has done so well for me. That
is, until a dealer I trust told me that Milwaukee was sold overseas. Now I'm
looking very closely at Dewalt instead.


Kevin M. Vernon

in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 3:58 AM

Antree@webtv.net wrote:

>Hi Folks,
> I don't get in here often at all, and maybe this has been hashed over
> Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner? I
>have a few ideas I'd like to try with a router, but I don't want to sink
>too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
>taking up space in the garage.
> I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap one
>that won't hold up and start to fall apart after a little use, like my
>Harbor Freight cut out tool did.
>Thanks In Advance,

Satn -

Try this:

For me, it was less than $110 shipped, and has proven to be a very
good machine.

The URL doesn't seem to want to post correctly - you might have to
copy & paste, because a simple click just takes you to the main page -
it's supposed to take you to the sub-page for this particular item - I
dunno why it won't post properly.

-Kevin in Indy
To reply, remove (+spamproof+) from address........



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

26/06/2008 9:50 PM

"B A R R Y" <beech23pilot@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> We had a bunch of Milwaukee cordless drills at work, and nothing but
> battery problems.

Newer models that are imported from overseas or older models? My 12v
Milwaukee I bought almost 14 years ago and has worked quite well over that
period with one rebuilding of the batteries about five years ago.


"toolman946 via CraftKB.com"

in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

26/06/2008 3:46 AM


Someone previously described themselves as "shamelessly" owning a stable of
routers. I also fall into that category claiming parenthood of 11 units
(Bosch, Makita, Freud, Craftsman and Porter Cable). But the reconditioned
Hitachi at this site (mentioned in a couple of earlier posts) looks like a
great deal... especially as a starter kit.


Click on the "details" tab and you'll see that it offers 1/4" and 1/2"
collets, electronic speed control, seven template guides and a centering
gauge. Template guides are a great accessory that you'd probably want to add
soon after you gain a bit of experience... and they already come with this
kit! And at 79.5 db... it's whisper quiet... uhhh, well for a router anyway
(always wear hearing protection!!)

I prefer 1/2" router bits for most work but every now and again you need a
small bit that works best in the 1/4" configuration. So both collet sizes is
almost a necessity. And you're able to buy bits when they're on sale...
regardless of size.

And since pawnshops have been mentioned a couple of times... let me add my 2
cents worth on that subject. I'm a Detective Sergeant with a fairly large
municipal police service in Canada (700,000 pop.) and I'm in charge of our
Pawn Unit. My experience is that most power tools in a pawnshop have been
stolen from a construction site, a manufacturing plant or from a homeowner. I
say MOST 'cuz there are some items that are pawned legitimately by the owner.
My job is to vet everything in our 40 odd pawnshops and determine if the
items originated as the result of a criminal act. If I can't connect the
goods to a crime then I have to consider them to be legit and to be fair game.
No morality judgments here. If you don't buy it, someone else will. My only
caveat is that a beginner should be cautious about plunking down hard earned
cash for a power tool with an unknown history. Experienced users usually can
figure out if the goods are in useable condition and whether buying them
constitutes a deal or not. If a newbie wants to shop for power tools at a
pawnshop... take along a friend who has experience with the type of product
in mind. As they say in court... caveat emptor! (buyer beware)

K.... nuff out'a me! Time to get back to kicking a** and taking names...


Message posted via http://www.craftkb.com



in reply to "toolman946 via CraftKB.com" on 26/06/2008 3:46 AM

28/06/2008 2:54 PM

u40139@uwe (toolman946=A0via=A0CraftKB.com) wrote:

>" But the reconditioned Hitachi at this site
> (mentioned in a couple of earlier posts) looks
> like a great deal..."

I checked their website and the KM12VC listed $315 new and $102
recondtioned. But I saw it at Lowe's for $179. So now I'm wondering, if
they're wrong about that, what else could they be wrong about? Like
warranty, etc.

Take Care,


"J. Clarke"

in reply to "toolman946 via CraftKB.com" on 26/06/2008 3:46 AM

28/06/2008 4:58 PM

Antree@webtv.net wrote:
> u40139@uwe (toolman946 via CraftKB.com) wrote:
>> " But the reconditioned Hitachi at this site
>> (mentioned in a couple of earlier posts) looks
>> like a great deal..."
> I checked their website and the KM12VC listed $315 new and $102
> recondtioned. But I saw it at Lowe's for $179. So now I'm wondering,
> if they're wrong about that, what else could they be wrong about?
> Like
> warranty, etc.

179 is a discounted price--that's the same as Coastal Tool charges and
Coastal is about as cheap as a reputable supplier gets.

On the other hand, Amazon right now has it for 129--I'd bet that that
was a limited time special though.

to email, dial "usenet" and validate
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)


"toolman946 via CraftKB.com"

in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

01/07/2008 2:30 AM

>J. Clarke wrote:
>On the other hand, Amazon right now has it for 129--I'd bet that that
>was a limited time special though.
Yikes!!! I just checked Amazing.com and they talk about a July shipping date.
So I don't think the sale is over yet. I thinks that's an outstanding deal
for this machine. If I didn't have so many already... I'd jump on it!


Message posted via CraftKB.com


"toolman946 via CraftKB.com"

in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

01/07/2008 2:36 AM


I just had a close-up look with the zoom feature on Amazon's website (pretty
cool, actually) and I see that this is one of the "new generation" of Hitachi
tools with their swoosh styling and jazzy color scheme. I don't think this
current incarnation quite compares to the vintage Hitachi products, but I
still think that for the money... this is a good deal for a 2 base router kit.


Message posted via CraftKB.com



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 8:18 PM

"B A R R Y" <beech23pilot@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> You can make the NEXT router the heavy duty, high HP variable speed,
> plunger, as one router is never enough! <G>

I have four. And I have a luthier friend who has at least 10.




in reply to "Steve" on 25/06/2008 8:18 PM

26/06/2008 6:49 AM

Some notes on the whole megillah at the : http://patwarner.com/selecting_ro=

On Jun 25, 8:47=A0pm, Ant...@webtv.net wrote:
> I'd like to say a big thanks to everyone that responded to my question.
> =A0 =A0But I have one more question. Is a plunger base better than a fixe=
> base, or visa versa, or does it really matter?
> =A0 =A0There's two models from Hitachi =A0( I don't recall the model numb=
> one is $59 =A0and then the other comes with a fixed and plunger base for
> $102. I'd like to save forty dollars, but with two bases it seems like I
> might have more options to work with.
> =A0 =A0Also in regards to buying all the other toys that go with a
> router,table, templates, etc., yea, those are in the future also.
> Take Care,
> Antree



in reply to "Steve" on 25/06/2008 8:18 PM

25/06/2008 10:47 PM

I'd like to say a big thanks to everyone that responded to my question.
But I have one more question. Is a plunger base better than a fixed
base, or visa versa, or does it really matter?
There's two models from Hitachi ( I don't recall the model numbers)
one is $59 and then the other comes with a fixed and plunger base for
$102. I'd like to save forty dollars, but with two bases it seems like I
might have more options to work with.
Also in regards to buying all the other toys that go with a
router,table, templates, etc., yea, those are in the future also.
Take Care,


Pat Barber

in reply to "Steve" on 25/06/2008 8:18 PM

26/06/2008 7:39 PM

The kit with two bases is what I recommended. It is the WAY
to get started. You can't beat that price in my opinion.

Buying the router(s) will be the cheapest part of the entire

You are going to need a few "extra" things to go along with

(1) Table
(2) lift
(3) bits
(4) bits
(5) bits
(6) template guides
(7) bits
(8) "How to" books
(9) bits

You see a trend here ???

Antree@webtv.net wrote:
> Also in regards to buying all the other toys that go with a
> router,table, templates, etc., yea, those are in the future also.
> Take Care,
> Antree



in reply to "Steve" on 25/06/2008 8:18 PM

26/06/2008 2:05 AM

<Antree@webtv.net> wrote in message
> But I have one more question. Is a plunger base better than a fixed
> base, or visa versa, or does it really matter?

It depends where and how you think you'd be using it. But, consider that a
plunge router for the much greater part will do everything that a fixed base
router can do, but the reverse is not always true.



in reply to "Steve" on 25/06/2008 8:18 PM

26/06/2008 7:12 AM

I use a Bosch plunge and large PC in my table. I love my mid 80's
Craftsman router with a light to better see my work. I dont know if
any existing routers have lights or how old one would have to be to
have a light.


Doug Winterburn

in reply to "Steve" on 25/06/2008 8:18 PM

25/06/2008 8:59 PM

Antree@webtv.net wrote:
> I'd like to say a big thanks to everyone that responded to my question.
> But I have one more question. Is a plunger base better than a fixed
> base, or visa versa, or does it really matter?
> There's two models from Hitachi ( I don't recall the model numbers)
> one is $59 and then the other comes with a fixed and plunger base for
> $102. I'd like to save forty dollars, but with two bases it seems like I
> might have more options to work with.
> Also in regards to buying all the other toys that go with a
> router,table, templates, etc., yea, those are in the future also.
> Take Care,
> Antree
You can lock a plunge to make it like a fixed, but you cant make a fixed



in reply to "Steve" on 25/06/2008 8:18 PM

26/06/2008 7:18 PM

On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 22:47:11 -0500, Antree@webtv.net wrote:

>I'd like to say a big thanks to everyone that responded to my question.
> But I have one more question. Is a plunger base better than a fixed
>base, or visa versa, or does it really matter?

Not better, different. Each is used for different operations.

A plunge base is necessary for well... plunging! You can still do
stopped slots if on end of the slot is open, but if you need to stop
at both ends, you'll need to plunge.

Straight bases usually have lower center of gravities and easier to
dial in adjustment mechanisms, making them the first choice when no
plunge is needed.

** http://www.bburke.com/woodworking.html **


Doug Winterburn

in reply to "Steve" on 25/06/2008 8:18 PM

26/06/2008 7:16 AM

henry wrote:
> I use a Bosch plunge and large PC in my table. I love my mid 80's
> Craftsman router with a light to better see my work. I dont know if
> any existing routers have lights or how old one would have to be to
> have a light.

I like the light also. I just don't have any requirement for variable
depth dadoes.



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 12:54 PM

<Antree@webtv.net> wrote in message
> Hi Folks,
> I don't get in here often at all, and maybe this has been hashed over
> already.
> Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner? I
> have a few ideas I'd like to try with a router, but I don't want to sink
> too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
> taking up space in the garage.
> I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap one
> that won't hold up and start to fall apart after a little use, like my
> Harbor Freight cut out tool did.

Try checking your local craigslist for a used one. Also, some major cities
have Porter Cable retail stores where you can often find reconditioned
router bodies/motors for good prices.

Last update: 5/14/08
KarlC@ (the obvious)


Robert Haar

in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 10:21 AM

On 6/25/08 3:24 AMJun 25, "Antree@webtv.net" <Antree@webtv.net> wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I don't get in here often at all, and maybe this has been hashed over
> already.
> Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner? I
> have a few ideas I'd like to try with a router, but I don't want to sink
> too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
> taking up space in the garage.
> I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap one
> that won't hold up and start to fall apart after a little use, like my
> Harbor Freight cut out tool did.

I recommend the Bosch Colt. It is often sold as a "trim" router because it
is small, but it is very reliable, can be used with most 1/4" shank bits,
and has enough power to do most tasks if you don't try to do to too much in
a single pass. It runs about $25 new in most stores.




in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

27/06/2008 7:00 PM

"Nova" <novasys@verizon.net> wrote in message
> nailshooter41@aol.com wrote:

> I think this is the first time I've seen the words Sears, router and nice
> used in the same sentence.
> Sears routers are infamous for their "automatic random depth adjustment"
> feature.

Not all of them, some of them were made by Bosch.


Pat Barber

in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 7:07 PM

Other than the "ugly as hell" factor, that is
a stone cold deal for $59.

Jim Weisgram wrote:

> But here's a 2-1/4 HP Hitachi kit with fixed base and plunger in your
> price range, this looks like a fantastic deal:
> http://www.reconditionedsales.com/Hitachi_KM12VC_2-14_Peak_HP_Variable_Speed_FixedPlunge_Base_Router_Kit_(Reconditioned)___i307.aspx



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 6:22 PM

In article <e971aa10-964d-4f2e-b9db-
21dbe532520f@m73g2000hsh.googlegroups.com>, rwnokes@gmail.com=20
> On Jun 25, 2:24=A0am, Ant...@webtv.net wrote:
> > Hi Folks,
> > =A0 =A0I don't get in here often at all, and maybe this has been hashed=
> > already.
> > =A0 =A0Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner=
? I
> > have a few ideas I'd like to try with a router, but I don't want to sin=
> > too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
> > taking up space in the garage.
> > =A0 =A0I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap on=
> > that won't hold up and start to fall apart after a little use, like my
> > Harbor Freight cut out tool did.
> >
> > Thanks In Advance,
> > Stan
> I have a porter cable 690 that you can find on sale on reconditioned
> for around $100-125
> This a great router.

I agree 100%. I bought a PC691 (D-handle) several years back. I=20
immediately threw the Crapsman router in the trash. What a sweet=20
tool! =20

> Now be prepared to shell out some bucks for all the different router
> bits you will need. If you can but carbide tiped bits.
> If you cant afford them be prepared to take very light cuts or you
> will burn up the bits.
> Have fun and be careful , routers can be dangerous.... also very
> nosiy.. Are you going to get a router table also?

Then you need a router lift, and... ;-)




in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 6:24 PM

In article <bQw8k.13182$PZ6.9505@bignews5.bellsouth.net>,
doobie@attglobal.hamspam.net says...
> Apparently, it's gone up in the past 10-15 minutes - it's $102 now.

Still $59 here.

> Pat Barber wrote:
> > Other than the "ugly as hell" factor, that is
> > a stone cold deal for $59.
> >
> >
> > Jim Weisgram wrote:
> >
> >> But here's a 2-1/4 HP Hitachi kit with fixed base and plunger in your
> >> price range, this looks like a fantastic deal:
> >> http://www.reconditionedsales.com/Hitachi_KM12VC_2-14_Peak_HP_Variable_Speed_FixedPlunge_Base_Router_Kit_(Reconditioned)___i307.aspx
> >>



"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 10:31 PM

"Puckdropper" <puckdropper(at)yahoo(dot)com> wrote in message
> Don't older Craftsman routers have the ARHA (Automatic random height
> adjustment) feature? I would think one from a borg would be preferable,
> if
> only to avoid this.

Same thing, maybe. The ones at HD are the same as some of the Craftsman,
made by Ryobi.

I'd stick with the brand names like Bosch, DeWalt, PorterCable, etc. That
way you only buy one good router.



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 1:19 AM

On Jun 25, 2:24 am, Ant...@webtv.net wrote:

> I don't want to sink
> too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
> taking up space in the garage.
> I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap one

As long as you honestly understand that concept....

Sears has a nice beginning router set that is supposed to be a fair
bargain, especially at your price point. The really good thing about
Sears is you can take it back with no squabbles if you don't like it.

If you want a plunger, there are a lot of nice features and reviews on
this one:


Plunge and standard base kit:


A variable speed soft start router with work lights and two different
collets under a $100 (who knew there was such an animal?):


I talk with a lot of homeowners that have Craftsman tools, probably
because of the features to pricepoint consideration. None of them
seem unhappy, but none of them are really hard (a few hours daily/2-3
days a week) users.

I think the point of consideration in buying one of these is a two
fold: it might last you a long time depending on how much you use it,
and you might be able to affordably get your feet wet with different
machine features and with practical use of a router.

Don't worry... if you like and buy any of these routers you will be
buying others anyway.



Limp Arbor

in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 5:29 AM

On Jun 25, 7:41=A0am, randyswoodshoop <rwno...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jun 25, 2:24=A0am, Ant...@webtv.net wrote:
> > Hi Folks,
> > =A0 =A0I don't get in here often at all, and maybe this has been hashed=
> > already.
> > =A0 =A0Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner=
? I
> > have a few ideas I'd like to try with a router, but I don't want to sin=
> > too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
> > taking up space in the garage.
> > =A0 =A0I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap on=
> > that won't hold up and start to fall apart after a little use, like my
> > Harbor Freight cut out tool did.
> > Thanks In Advance,
> > Stan
> I have a porter cable 690 that you can find on sale on reconditioned
> for around $100-125
> This a great router.
> Now be prepared to shell out some bucks for all the different router
> bits you will need. If you can but carbide tiped bits.
> If you cant afford them be prepared to take very light cuts or you
> will burn up the bits.
> Have fun and be careful , routers can be dangerous.... also very
> nosiy.. Are you going to get a router table also?
> Randyhttp://nokeswoodworks.com

go to www.woodcraft.com and sign up for a free catalog and their
emails. At least once a year they sell router bits for $5 each.
Probably not bits that Marks or Warner would use but they work.
www.holbren.com also has low cost bits.


Pat Barber

in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 8:16 PM

I think we are looking at two different routers:




a better deal would be this one:


Jason wrote:
> Apparently, it's gone up in the past 10-15 minutes - it's $102 now.
> Pat Barber wrote:
>> Other than the "ugly as hell" factor, that is
>> a stone cold deal for $59.
>> Jim Weisgram wrote:
>>> But here's a 2-1/4 HP Hitachi kit with fixed base and plunger in your
>>> price range, this looks like a fantastic deal:
>>> http://www.reconditionedsales.com/Hitachi_KM12VC_2-14_Peak_HP_Variable_Speed_FixedPlunge_Base_Router_Kit_(Reconditioned)___i307.aspx



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

26/06/2008 9:54 PM

"Nova" <novasys@verizon.net> wrote in message
> I'd take a look at the Makita BHP452HW. My neighbor bought one. Lot's
> of torque, light weight, and long lasting batteries with a 15 minute
> recharge.

Makita might work fine, but I recently got soured to them. I ordered a
Makita trim router and it wasn't until two weeks later they told the dealer
I ordered them from that the model I'd ordered had been discontinued. All
the while it's still detailed on their website. Obviously, they knew a long
time ago about discontinuing the model I wanted and they still let me sit
for two weeks before saying anything.



in reply to "Upscale" on 26/06/2008 9:54 PM

26/06/2008 11:25 PM

Well, I read what everyone "said", and have been shopping around. It
looks like the Hatichi routers are the way to go. I like the $59 one
'cause of the price but the KM12VC with two bases is the one.
But, why is it that the cheaper ones at Lowe's
(Fire Brand) and I think Craftsman, have the better features. Like a
work light, and the trigger style power switch. I wish the better one's
had this, but I'll pay more for quality.
This is how new I am to all of this. I went to the library today and
got a book on how to use a router. It gives me visions of router
greatness LOL.
Take Care Ya'll,



in reply to "Upscale" on 26/06/2008 9:54 PM

26/06/2008 9:38 PM

On Jun 26, 11:25 pm, Ant...@webtv.net wrote:

> But, why is it that the cheaper ones at Lowe's
> (Fire Brand) and I think Craftsman, have the better features. Like a
> work light, and the trigger style power switch. I wish the better one's
> had this, but I'll pay more for quality.

Hopefully, that is exactly what you are paying for. Like all the rest
of the machines out there though, there is no "wonder machine" that
has every feature every woodworker wants.

> This is how new I am to all of this. I went to the library today and
> got a book on how to use a router. It gives me visions of router
> greatness LOL.

I think that is a fantastic idea. And with the popularity of the
router in woodworking, there are a lot of really great books out
there. You will find many more people willing to help you when they
find you are making an effort like going to the library.




in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 7:31 PM

"Nova" <novasys@verizon.net> wrote in message
> Max wrote:
>> "Nova" <novasys@verizon.net> wrote in message
>>> I think this is the first time I've seen the words Sears, router and
>>> nice used in the same sentence.
>>> Sears routers are infamous for their "automatic random depth
>>> adjustment" feature.
>> It just might be worth your while to stop by Sears next time you're
>> in the neighborhood. There have been some changes made.
>> I stopped buying Craftsman (except mechanics tools) in the 70s. But
>> for the weekend worker or hobbyist there can be some good buys in the
>> newer merchandise.
> I still stop in at Sears more frequently than I'd like to exchange or
> have ratchets rebuilt. I'll agree that Sears does have a few decent
> tools. The majority of these tools are those made by major tool
> manufacturers and relabled with the "Craftsman" logo. I can usually
> find those tools under the manufactures brand at a better price.
> --
> Jack Novak
> Buffalo, NY - USA
> novasys@verizon.net

I wonder who makes this one.

One of the reasons I like it is the little dust chute that connects
perfectly to my Ridgid shop vac:

The only thing I would change on it would be the switch. I like a switch
on the handle ala DeWalt 621.
I use it more than any other router I own which includes
DeWalt 621, 625 and 618. Milwaukee 5625 and 5615, Bosch Colt., 2 ea.
Hitachi M12Vs and an M8V, Porter Cable laminate trimmer,

I think Sears has been trying to improve their Craftsman line.
It might be in vogue to criticize them but it doesn't hurt to recognize




in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

26/06/2008 5:25 PM

On Jun 26, 7:15=A0pm, B A R R Y <beech23pi...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 20:18:54 -0700, "Steve"
> <stephen....@smcNOSPAMtek.com> wrote:
> >"B A R R Y" <beech23pi...@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> >news:n78464d3ach91ilt3uv4sjrv042u0vcv5u@4ax.com...
> >> You can make the NEXT router the heavy duty, high HP variable speed,
> >> plunger, as one router is never enough! =A0<G>
> >I have four. =A0And I have a luthier friend who has at least 10.
> I'm up to seven.
> ---------------------------------------------
> **http://www.bburke.com/woodworking.html=A0**
> ---------------------------------------------




in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 3:19 PM

Apparently, it's gone up in the past 10-15 minutes - it's $102 now.

Pat Barber wrote:
> Other than the "ugly as hell" factor, that is
> a stone cold deal for $59.
> Jim Weisgram wrote:
>> But here's a 2-1/4 HP Hitachi kit with fixed base and plunger in your
>> price range, this looks like a fantastic deal:
>> http://www.reconditionedsales.com/Hitachi_KM12VC_2-14_Peak_HP_Variable_Speed_FixedPlunge_Base_Router_Kit_(Reconditioned)___i307.aspx



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 4:41 AM

On Jun 25, 2:24=A0am, Ant...@webtv.net wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> =A0 =A0I don't get in here often at all, and maybe this has been hashed o=
> already.
> =A0 =A0Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner? =
> have a few ideas I'd like to try with a router, but I don't want to sink
> too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
> taking up space in the garage.
> =A0 =A0I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap one
> that won't hold up and start to fall apart after a little use, like my
> Harbor Freight cut out tool did.
> Thanks In Advance,
> Stan

I have a porter cable 690 that you can find on sale on reconditioned
for around $100-125
This a great router.
Now be prepared to shell out some bucks for all the different router
bits you will need. If you can but carbide tiped bits.
If you cant afford them be prepared to take very light cuts or you
will burn up the bits.
Have fun and be careful , routers can be dangerous.... also very
nosiy.. Are you going to get a router table also?



Jim Weisgram

in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 11:28 AM

On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 04:41:19 -0700 (PDT), randyswoodshoop
<rwnokes@gmail.com> wrote:

>On Jun 25, 2:24 am, Ant...@webtv.net wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>>    I don't get in here often at all, and maybe this has been hashed over
>> already.
>>    Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner? I
>> have a few ideas I'd like to try with a router, but I don't want to sink
>> too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
>> taking up space in the garage.
>>    I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap one
>> that won't hold up and start to fall apart after a little use, like my
>> Harbor Freight cut out tool did.
>> Thanks In Advance,
>> Stan
>I have a porter cable 690 that you can find on sale on reconditioned
>for around $100-125
>This a great router.
>Now be prepared to shell out some bucks for all the different router
>bits you will need. If you can but carbide tiped bits.
>If you cant afford them be prepared to take very light cuts or you
>will burn up the bits.
>Have fun and be careful , routers can be dangerous.... also very
>nosiy.. Are you going to get a router table also?

It appears Amazon has new Porter-Cable 690's for $115 plus shipping
(if you can wait a couple of weeks, shipping is free).

But here's a 2-1/4 HP Hitachi kit with fixed base and plunger in your
price range, this looks like a fantastic deal:



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 10:56 PM

Yeah, we were. I was going on Jim's original one, but I found the $59
one with your links. Thanks - I wasn't thinking outside the box.

Jason Buckler
Marietta, GA

Pat Barber wrote:
> I think we are looking at two different routers:
> http://www.reconditionedsales.com/Hitachi_M12VC_2-14_Peak_HP_Variable_Speed_Fixed_Base_Router_(Reconditioned)___i310.aspx
> and
> http://www.reconditionedsales.com/Hitachi_M12V2_3-14_Peak_HP_Router_Plunge_Variable_Speed_(Reconditioned)___i309.aspx
> a better deal would be this one:
> http://www.reconditionedsales.com/Hitachi_KM12VC_2-14_Peak_HP_Variable_Speed_FixedPlunge_Base_Router_Kit_(Reconditioned)___i307.aspx
> Jason wrote:
>> Apparently, it's gone up in the past 10-15 minutes - it's $102 now.
>>> Jim Weisgram wrote:
>>>> But here's a 2-1/4 HP Hitachi kit with fixed base and plunger in your
>>>> price range, this looks like a fantastic deal:
>>>> http://www.reconditionedsales.com/Hitachi_KM12VC_2-14_Peak_HP_Variable_Speed_FixedPlunge_Base_Router_Kit_(Reconditioned)___i307.aspx



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

27/06/2008 9:24 PM

randyswoodshoop wrote:
> On Jun 25, 2:24 am, Ant...@webtv.net wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I don't get in here often at all, and maybe this has been hashed over
>> already.
>> Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner? I
>> have a few ideas I'd like to try with a router, but I don't want to sink
>> too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
>> taking up space in the garage.
>> I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap one
>> that won't hold up and start to fall apart after a little use, like my
>> Harbor Freight cut out tool did.
>> Thanks In Advance,
>> Stan
> I have a porter cable 690 that you can find on sale on reconditioned
> for around $100-125
> This a great router.
> Now be prepared to shell out some bucks for all the different router
> bits you will need. If you can but carbide tiped bits.
> If you cant afford them be prepared to take very light cuts or you
> will burn up the bits.
> Have fun and be careful , routers can be dangerous.... also very
> nosiy.. Are you going to get a router table also?
> Randy
> http://nokeswoodworks.com


Following up on Randy's mentioning of a table, I'll offer some of my

I use a router a middling amount; not near as much as some of the guys
who regularly post here, but my routers are well-used tools in my shop.
One is used freehand and the other is more or less impermanently mounted
in the table. Before I got my second router, the table mounted machine
came out occasionally for freehand work.

I found that it was rare that I unmounted the router from the table,
however. Most of the cuts I wanted to make could be done easily on the
table. And now, my handheld machine isn't used much. Yes, you can use
jigs attached to the edge guides that come with the routers, and some
guys use them all the time. But I really appreciate the hassle free
workings of the table I have.

A table needn't be much more than a 3/4" chunk of plywood, a straight
edge and a couple of clamps for proof-of-concept. It's worth the time
and trouble to see how much easier the router is to use with one.





in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 8:16 PM

It looks like the one I got FREE last summer with a Craftsman router table I
bought. Actually I had a choice: 1) The router table for $100, or the
router table and router as a package deal (regular price $130) sale price
$100. So the router was essentially free. It IS a very nice router with
plenty of power for what I do - rout pickup cavities in solid guitar bodies.
It replaced my 25-year-old POS Craftsman router that had a plastic motor
housing - the new one is all machined aluminum, and is much more stable.
The old one had big-time vibration problems. And I agree that dust
collection chute is really nice.

I also have a Craftsman Professional router that came as a combo kit with
fixed and plunge bases. This one is identical except for logos to one made
by Bosch. Excellent router too, a little more power than the free one.

BTW, everything Sears sells in the way of Craftsman power tools is built by
someone else, usually to Sears specifications. If you know the codes, you
can tell who made 'em: the three digits before the decimal point in the
model number indicate who the manufacturer is.


"Max" <thesameoldme@sbcglobal.net> wrote in message
> "Nova" <novasys@verizon.net> wrote in message
> news:l6B8k.23$WJ.13@trnddc04...
>> Max wrote:
>>> "Nova" <novasys@verizon.net> wrote in message
>>>> I think this is the first time I've seen the words Sears, router and
>>>> nice used in the same sentence.
>>>> Sears routers are infamous for their "automatic random depth
>>>> adjustment" feature.
>>> It just might be worth your while to stop by Sears next time you're in
>>> the neighborhood. There have been some changes made.
>>> I stopped buying Craftsman (except mechanics tools) in the 70s. But for
>>> the weekend worker or hobbyist there can be some good buys in the newer
>>> merchandise.
>> I still stop in at Sears more frequently than I'd like to exchange or
>> have ratchets rebuilt. I'll agree that Sears does have a few decent
>> tools. The majority of these tools are those made by major tool
>> manufacturers and relabled with the "Craftsman" logo. I can usually find
>> those tools under the manufactures brand at a better price.
>> --
>> Jack Novak
>> Buffalo, NY - USA
>> novasys@verizon.net
> I wonder who makes this one.
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/mdinep/2524912197/
> One of the reasons I like it is the little dust chute that connects
> perfectly to my Ridgid shop vac:
> http://tinyurl.com/5mqu54
> The only thing I would change on it would be the switch. I like a switch
> on the handle ala DeWalt 621.
> I use it more than any other router I own which includes
> DeWalt 621, 625 and 618. Milwaukee 5625 and 5615, Bosch Colt., 2 ea.
> Hitachi M12Vs and an M8V, Porter Cable laminate trimmer,
> I think Sears has been trying to improve their Craftsman line.
> It might be in vogue to criticize them but it doesn't hurt to recognize
> effort.
> Max



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 9:35 PM

> I paid 79.99 for it and I see where Sears has it now for $84.99
> http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00917542000P
> Max

I think this is the one that came with my router table:





in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 11:14 PM

Nova wrote:
> I think this is the first time I've seen the words Sears, router and
> nice used in the same sentence.
> Sears routers are infamous for their "automatic random depth adjustment"
> feature.

Dunno if I got lucky years ago (7 or 8), but I've been using my
craftsman router a lot over the past week. I was afraid of the ARDA,
but so far - knocking on wood) - after about 70 feet of dados (dog gates
with trellis inserts, slots for T-bar in my router table that I never
finished, etc) I've had zero variance on depth.

Then again, it's only 70 feet, and I've been haunting my local
craigslist for a good deal on a PC combo kit.

If this craftsman holds its depth though, I'm just gonna leave it in the
router table. The one thing I don't care for on it is *setting* the
depth - the swirly/spinning guide is... not accurate. Find myself using
a rule instead.

Jason Buckler
Marietta, GA



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 3:15 PM

"Nova" <novasys@verizon.net> wrote in message
> nailshooter41@aol.com wrote:
>> As long as you honestly understand that concept....
>> Sears has a nice beginning router set that is supposed to be a fair
>> bargain, especially at your price point. The really good thing about
>> Sears is you can take it back with no squabbles if you don't like it.
>> If you want a plunger, there are a lot of nice features and reviews
>> on
>> this one:
> I think this is the first time I've seen the words Sears, router and
> nice used in the same sentence.
> Sears routers are infamous for their "automatic random depth
> adjustment" feature.
> --
> Jack Novak
> Buffalo, NY - USA
> novasys@verizon.net

It just might be worth your while to stop by Sears next time you're in
the neighborhood. There have been some changes made.
I stopped buying Craftsman (except mechanics tools) in the 70s. But for
the weekend worker or hobbyist there can be some good buys in the newer




in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

26/06/2008 12:08 AM

Max wrote:
> "Nova" <novasys@verizon.net> wrote in message
>> I think this is the first time I've seen the words Sears, router and
>> nice used in the same sentence.
>> Sears routers are infamous for their "automatic random depth
>> adjustment" feature.
> It just might be worth your while to stop by Sears next time you're in
> the neighborhood. There have been some changes made.
> I stopped buying Craftsman (except mechanics tools) in the 70s. But for
> the weekend worker or hobbyist there can be some good buys in the newer
> merchandise.

I still stop in at Sears more frequently than I'd like to exchange or
have ratchets rebuilt. I'll agree that Sears does have a few decent
tools. The majority of these tools are those made by major tool
manufacturers and relabled with the "Craftsman" logo. I can usually
find those tools under the manufactures brand at a better price.

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 6:47 AM

On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 02:24:53 -0500, Antree@webtv.net wrote:

> Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner?


Look for a Porter Cable 690 or Bosch 1617 reconditioned. I paid $90
for my last single speed 690 and $95 for the 1617.

Lookee here:

A single speed 1617, with both bases, for $139.

You can also look for a plunge base on eBay or Craigslist for the
units I mentioned in the second line. You can do LOTS with a single
speed basic router.

You can make the NEXT router the heavy duty, high HP variable speed,
plunger, as one router is never enough! <G>

** http://www.bburke.com/woodworking.html **



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

26/06/2008 7:14 PM

On Thu, 26 Jun 2008 02:01:43 -0500, "Upscale" <upscale@teksavvy.com>
>Funny you mention that. I was considering newer cordless tools from them
>since my current 12v Milwaukee cordless drill has done so well for me. That
>is, until a dealer I trust told me that Milwaukee was sold overseas. Now I'm
>looking very closely at Dewalt instead.

We had a bunch of Milwaukee cordless drills at work, and nothing but
battery problems.

** http://www.bburke.com/woodworking.html **



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

26/06/2008 7:15 PM

On Wed, 25 Jun 2008 20:18:54 -0700, "Steve"
<stephen.cyr@smcNOSPAMtek.com> wrote:

>"B A R R Y" <beech23pilot@yahoo.com> wrote in message
>> You can make the NEXT router the heavy duty, high HP variable speed,
>> plunger, as one router is never enough! <G>
>I have four. And I have a luthier friend who has at least 10.

I'm up to seven.

** http://www.bburke.com/woodworking.html **



in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 6:44 PM

nailshooter41@aol.com wrote:

> As long as you honestly understand that concept....
> Sears has a nice beginning router set that is supposed to be a fair
> bargain, especially at your price point. The really good thing about
> Sears is you can take it back with no squabbles if you don't like it.
> If you want a plunger, there are a lot of nice features and reviews on
> this one:

I think this is the first time I've seen the words Sears, router and
nice used in the same sentence.

Sears routers are infamous for their "automatic random depth adjustment"

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA


Pat Barber

in reply to Antree@webtv.net on 25/06/2008 2:24 AM

25/06/2008 5:27 PM

With the building industry in the dumps(in most areas),
I would start touring the pawn shops.

I would look for almost any Porter Cable router,
with the 690 series being a very nice choice.

You might also run across Dewalt or Hitachi
but steer away from Ryobi or any brand not
ever heard of.

You want a router with the ability to change
collets(all Porter Cable) and you want a 1/2"
collet for the best service.

I would think a decent router can be found
for well under $100 these days.

I would mention Ebay, but that is pot luck
and too many thieves and crooks like that venue.

Antree@webtv.net wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I don't get in here often at all, and maybe this has been hashed over
> already.
> Is there a decent router in the $100 - $125 range for a beginner? I
> have a few ideas I'd like to try with a router, but I don't want to sink
> too much money for something that might not get used much and wind up
> taking up space in the garage.
> I know you get what ya pay for so I don't want to buy a cheap one
> that won't hold up and start to fall apart after a little use, like my
> Harbor Freight cut out tool did.
> Thanks In Advance,
> Stan

You’ve reached the end of replies