Having read some harsh comments on the JET/HTC mobile base for the JTAS-10XL
50" table saw, I have been looking for an alternative. Delta makes a base
(Amazon $144) for the 52" Unisaw that some folks seem to have adapted with
some jiggering. The simplest solution appears to have been to attach a 2" x
2" x 24" L-angle to provide support for the extension legs. Shop Fox also
has Heavy Duty Adjustable Mobile BAse and Mobile Base Extension that
Woodcraft sells for $130. Does anyone have experience with either of these
solutions? Any recommendations?
I really like the Shop Fox bases. However, if you intend to move your saw
frequently, to put your car away each night for example, you won't like the
Shop Fox. It lacks the foot operated lever that the Delta has. With the
Shop Fox, you must screw two legs to raise and lower the unit. I think the
Shop Fox might be more stable when set. I only move my saw once in a while
so it works for me.
Bill Pounds
"Ted Franklin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:Bvo_c.7434$w%[email protected]...
> Having read some harsh comments on the JET/HTC mobile base for the
> 50" table saw, I have been looking for an alternative. Delta makes a
> (Amazon $144) for the 52" Unisaw that some folks seem to have adapted with
> some jiggering. The simplest solution appears to have been to attach a 2"
> 2" x 24" L-angle to provide support for the extension legs. Shop Fox also
> has Heavy Duty Adjustable Mobile BAse and Mobile Base Extension that
> Woodcraft sells for $130. Does anyone have experience with either of
> solutions? Any recommendations?
"Ted Franklin" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:Bvo_c.7434$w%[email protected]...
> Having read some harsh comments on the JET/HTC mobile base for the
> 50" table saw, I have been looking for an alternative. Delta makes a
> (Amazon $144) for the 52" Unisaw that some folks seem to have adapted with
> some jiggering. The simplest solution appears to have been to attach a 2"
> 2" x 24" L-angle to provide support for the extension legs. Shop Fox also
> has Heavy Duty Adjustable Mobile BAse and Mobile Base Extension that
> Woodcraft sells for $130. Does anyone have experience with either of
> solutions? Any recommendations?
I went with the Delta base for my Jet cabinet saw. After trying the HTC/JET
base with a Jet cabinet saw on it in a store there was no way I'd buy one...
the Delta base works great with the 2x2 spacer added.