I build solar heating panels; and the most-used stationary tools
in my shop are RAS, TS, DP, and CNC router. Most of my problems
have centered around accurately cutting boards and panels to
standard sizes (for routing) and positioning/holding workpieces
at the DP and on the CNC router table.
I've built a fair number of increasingly more general-purpose
jigs and fixtures to solve these problems. I finally ran out of
good off-the-shelf solutions and started building my own clamping
and positioning hardware.
At this stage I think I may have some solutions that might make
life easier for other people doing production woodworking; and am
offering some of the t-track solutions for sale on my web site.
Most of the fixtures are available with brass or aluminum bodies
with (where possible) stainless steel. All of the fixtures can be
used with the low-profile "Mini T-Track".
Sales would, of course, be a Good Thing(tm); but the photos are
clear enough that if anyone chooses to make their own, they can.
There're links at http://www.iedu.com/DeSoto/products.html in the
"T-Track Clamping Systems" section.
Morris Dovey
DeSoto, Iowa USA
On Wed, 28 Jul 2004 02:58:00 -0500, Morris Dovey <[email protected]>
>Sales would, of course, be a Good Thing(tm); but the photos are
>clear enough that if anyone chooses to make their own, they can.
>There're links at http://www.iedu.com/DeSoto/products.html in the
>"T-Track Clamping Systems" section.
Thanks for the link Morris. Nice website too - simple and clear.
Good luck.