I am looking at building a small rotating table like a lazy susan. It
will be 12 in. in diameter constructed of a single thickness of 3/4"
sheetgoods covered with veneer or formica. I intend to cover the
outer edge with a 1 inch wide strip, trim flush with the top and
bottom, then glue on the top trimming with a laminate trimmer with a
flush trimming bit. A couple of question though;
Is the glue thickness a concern on the OD? A layer of contact cement
.020 (twenty thousandths) thick will change the circumfrence nearly
1/16 in. A wood veneer could be scarfed and sanded to compensate, but
what about laminate?
How do you trim the covering on the outer diameter flush with the top
of the substrate? A router or laminate trimmer with a flush trimming
bit won't sit on the 3/4 in. wide surface the way it does on a 1-1/2
in. wide countertop edge. Hey, how do they trim the formica edge band
on a outside curve of an island? Or on an inside curve where a router
base won't sit flush? I suppose a belt sander might do... But isn't
there a better way?