Mon, Aug 30, 2004, 6:14am (EDT-1) [email protected] (Tom=A0M)
Why not build your own?
Why should I worry about it?. Anyway, I'm talking about other
people not me. I don't plan on making something nice, that people can't
look at.
Besides, I'm covered. I've already told everyone concerned I want
cremation. A couple cardboard boxes, duct tape - good to go. No prob.
Intellectual brilliance is no guarantee against being dead wrong.
- David Fasold
[email protected] (J T) wrote in news:2012-4133C115-4@storefull-
> Mon, Aug 30, 2004, 6:14am (EDT-1) [email protected] (Tom M)
> wonders:
> Why not build your own?
> Why should I worry about it?. Anyway, I'm talking about other
> people not me. I don't plan on making something nice, that people can't
> look at.
> Besides, I'm covered. I've already told everyone concerned I want
> cremation. A couple cardboard boxes, duct tape - good to go. No prob.
When my mother passed away a year or so ago, I built a cremation container
of maple ply, because I couldn't bear to think about the 'cardboard box'
thing - my problem, not hers.
I took it up to my parents' place, and pulled it out of the back of the
truck, so we could take a picture or three of the way it came out.
Several weeks later, we were looking at the pictures, and saw the sign
behind the box, clearly in the middle distance, from the neighbor's lot:
"For Sale by Owner".
Laughter is indeed theraputic! So was the woodworking.
In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (J T) wrote:
> Sounds like a money saver to me.
Naaah. No repeat business.
Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)
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Hard to build the one you want when your family needs it the most.
"Tom M" <[email protected]> wrote in message =
news:[email protected]...
> Why not build your own?=20