"Harry Muscle"

04/07/2005 1:48 PM

Torcan Oil-modified Urethane & Stain (made in Toronto, Ontario) ... any good?

I'm planning on having my floors refinished soon and there's a
contractor I know that seems to do very nice work (I've seen the
finished product at a relative's house that just had their floor redone
a few weeks ago), however, he's also quite cheap which worries me a bit
... am I getting a good deal or is he using cheap stuff. So I asked
which urethane he uses.

The urethane is sold by a company called Torcan. He uses the satin
oil-modifed urethane they make. It's based in Toronto, Ontario,
Canada, which is where I am, so I see why he get's that brand since
it's probably quite convenient for him (and I'm guessing cheap price
wise). Has anyone ever heard of this brand? Any experience with it?
I know it's a long shot, but I though I would try.

I'm guessing he uses the same brand of stain too, so if you have any
feedback about Torcan stain, I'd love to hear about it too.

Btw, here's the website for the company:
