I am looking to buy a smallish bandsaw with around 6-8" depth of cut.
I have seen the Axminster AWESBS here:
And the Jet JWBS-12 here:
I am looking for something that will last and is high quality - I
would happily sacrifice the bigger capacity of the Axminster one if
the Jet was a much better made machine.
Any advice, or other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
[email protected] wrote at Wednesday 01 August 2007 00:44:
> Hi,
> I am looking to buy a smallish bandsaw with around 6-8" depth of cut.
> I have seen the Axminster AWESBS here:
> And the Jet JWBS-12 here:
> http://www.axminster.co.uk/product-Jet-JWBS-12-Bandsaw-365288.htm
By looking at those pictures, I could not find out the mechanism controlling
the height of upper band guide, nor other similar details. You see, about a
year ago I bought a band saw of about respective size and soon noticed an
annoying problem when using it.
The device produces some sawdust, which appears to dig into all possible
locations, specifically places causing lots of problems. In this specific
device, the most annoying place happened to be this handy cogwheel vs.
toothed bar system designed to easily and accurately define the height of
upper band guide. Well, nowadays it works well since I removed both toothed
parts and used simply a bolt with an ear nut instead (the system is still
handy enough, for me at least ;-). The problem was caused by some sawdust
cutting in between those teeth and jamming the whole adjustment.
So please look carefully for all possible places into where produced sawdust
can collect to, and if this can cause problems. If so, it helps if these
places are easily accessible for maintenance.