
[email protected] (Cameron)

04/08/2004 2:53 PM

Looking for Peter Maly Style Platform bed plans


I have been looking online for Peter Maly Style platform bed plans but
haven't had any luck. Can anyone help me? I have found many bed
designs and plans online but I am looking for a more contemporary
designer look.

If anyone knows of a website that sells these plans or where I can
find them for free I'd be very grateful.

Thank you very much.

This topic has 2 replies


in reply to [email protected] (Cameron) on 04/08/2004 2:53 PM

04/08/2004 9:56 PM

Wed, Aug 4, 2004, 2:53pm (EDT-3) [email protected] (Cameron) says:
I have been looking online for Peter Maly Style platform bed plans

Well, if what you want is the wood one, like here, doesn't look terribly
hard to make something along those lines. Looks pretty much like any
other platform bed I've seen. I'd think if you got a set of plans you
liked, you could modify them a bit. Or, leave them as is. Or, come up
with your own plans. Check your local library.

The highway of fear is the road to defeat.
- Bazooka Joe



in reply to [email protected] (Cameron) on 04/08/2004 2:53 PM

05/08/2004 2:25 AM

"Cameron" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> I have found many bed designs and plans online but I am
> looking for a more contemporary designer look.

How about posting a few links to those plans you've found online?

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