I have been looking online for Peter Maly Style platform bed plans but
haven't had any luck. Can anyone help me? I have found many bed
designs and plans online but I am looking for a more contemporary
designer look.
If anyone knows of a website that sells these plans or where I can
find them for free I'd be very grateful.
Thank you very much.
Wed, Aug 4, 2004, 2:53pm (EDT-3) [email protected] (Cameron) says:
I have been looking online for Peter Maly Style platform bed plans
Well, if what you want is the wood one, like here,
http://ligne-roset-usa.com/products/beds/maly1.htm doesn't look terribly
hard to make something along those lines. Looks pretty much like any
other platform bed I've seen. I'd think if you got a set of plans you
liked, you could modify them a bit. Or, leave them as is. Or, come up
with your own plans. Check your local library.
The highway of fear is the road to defeat.
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"Cameron" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> I have found many bed designs and plans online but I am
> looking for a more contemporary designer look.
How about posting a few links to those plans you've found online?