Greg G.

13/05/2006 6:37 AM

OT: Low Life Georgia School Board Attorney Richard H. Still and Crony Judges Destroy Ordinary Man's Life

Be wary of powerful people. They will fuck you in a heartbeat and
leave you for dead after stealing all you have worked for your entire
life. This is what you can expect from modern day Republicans.

You probably aren't going to believe a word of this - it's pretty
wild. All I can say is, it's all true as presented to me by the legal
system of the state of Georgia. And if you think that it's strange,
hey, you should try LIVING it. The works of Shakespeare are rivaled
by life itself - nothing which can be imagined by one man is quite as
strange as the way life itself unfolds. So... please set aside a few
moments of time and look this over.

Here it is, with links to a few court documents and all.

I am currently finishing a book about and plan to publish this story,
although I will most likely have to move again to avoid further
recompense. I have copies and originals of all documents, briefs, and
rulings tendered in this matter - which is outrageous, to say the
least. I also have copies stashed from Texas to New Jersey.
Paranoia seems to be a survival trait.

In Sept of 1987, I was arrested for several crimes of arson which, in
reality, were perpetrated by a local school board attorney's son.
It turns out that he was also suspected of numerous other fires,
including those at a school, an apartment, a Kroger grocery store,
several cars, etc.

I was arrested without warrant, although one was subsequently
issued an hour later. I was not Mirandized nor informed of the
arrest until I was thrown into a cell - at that point believing that
I was going to the investigator's office to be questioned.

I appeared before Judge Richard Faber for arraignment later that day,
and succeeded in reducing the bond from $10,000 to $8,000.
The arresting agent later that day determined that I was innocent
but due to the attorney Still's ex-parte communications with the Cobb
County Superior Court Judge James Bodiford, my bond was revoked and
I was stripped of clothing, thrown into the pad, subjected to
unwarranted psychological exams, polygraphs, and held for several
weeks without bail. Attorney Still, Jr. then attempted to use his
familiarity with the players involved to his advantage in letters
written and circulated to the fire department personnel, the District
Attorneys office, and the Judges involved. (See below.)
[ex-parte conversations discussed in hearings - Transcripts Available]

The fire investigator claims to have almost come to physical blows
with the attorney Still concerning the investigation of his son. He
then wrote inflammatory letters and distributed them to Judges, the
DA's office, and fire investigators. Outrageous claims were made, and
my reputation was generally soiled beyond repair.

Still, III was whisked off to the local Navy recruiting office,
several days after the fires I was arrested for were set, and while I
was still imprisoned.

I made so much noise that I was eventually released and told to leave
Cobb County. I had to report to probation officers for months after
the incident, even though the investigation ceased to center around
me, and in fact, Still, III was facing an arson indictment of his own.

After months of waiting, I filed my own pro-se motion to dismiss,
which was granted almost immediately. Subsequent inquiries
to the DA were met with threats that "if I didn't leave this alone,
I would get to see the inside of their new jail complex."

Wrong answer.

No one would tell me who these people were, why I had been treated
in such a fashion, or why I had to report to a probation officer for 6
months even though it was widely known that I had not been the actual
perpetrator of the crimes I was arrested for. I lost family, friends,
and self-respect. Attorney Still managed to convince people I had
known for 6 years appear before the _fire investigator_ to swear out
unfounded complaints against me. Of course, it didn't hurt that he was
the landowner of his business. Women were hired to pry into my
private affairs and photographs were taken of me unexpectedly in
public places of their choosing. (Now I know how Marian Berry feels.)

I hired local attorney Roger Rosen to file a suit against the
criminals responsible, and he waited until mere days before the
statute of limitations tolled before informing me that he wouldn't be
able to handle my case. When leaving his office, I discovered that
someone had set a fire 2 feet from my vehicle, but the fire department
was already at the sight extinguishing it. (Subsequent conversations
with, and depositions of, the Fire Department and Sheriff's Personnel
revealed that they were vigorously in support of my cause.)

I filed a Civil suit against the lawyer and son, et al, pro se which
became known as Cobb County Superior Court Case Number 88-105718-07.

I had no idea who these people were, only that they had unjustly
caused me to be arrested for arson - by setting the fires in the first
place, and then by claiming that I had done so, and would return to
place bombs in their vehicles at a later date. (above letters and...)

I was contracting at IBM when I filed this suit, and the day after it
was filed, I was shown the door and told to, and I quote, "Eat shit
and bark at the moon." I am relatively convinced that this job was
contrived to keep me busy until the statute of limitations expired.
As if some crappy $7.50 an hour job was to replace stolen tools, loss
of thousands in equity, and the sexual harrassment I had suffered.

I then tried to find another attorney to pursue this case, but no one
would touch it. Not one lawyer claimed that I had no case, only that
they would have no career if they took it. Several became red-faced
angry and threatened me while ordering me to leave their offices.

Judge Bodiford, who presided over my bond hearings and revoked bond
based on Still, Jr. accusations, turned red-faced and threatened that
"I had better have my I's dotted and my T's crossed" before slamming
into his chambers - visibly shocking several other attorneys who were
present at the time.

The Judge that was "assigned" this case, P. Harris Hines, turned out
to be the same Judge that had, only months before, dismissed a Grand
Jury Indictment against the attorney's son for yet ANOTHER case of
arson in a Kroger Grocery store. He was assigned felony status due to
his father hiding him away. He is now a Supreme Court Judge for the
State of Georgia - although not for long.

Further research revealed that attorney Still was an ex-partner of the
Chief Superior Court Judge Robert Flournoy, had run for DA as a
Republican, but failed to be elected in the 1970's. The man who signed
Still, III's bond was Republican State Senator John Carl Harrison.

I was threatened, harassed, and told by an individual at Emory Law
School that "If I didn't leave this alone they would burn me a new
asshole." This was said in earshot of a more than willing witness.
The good-old-boy network is alive and well in Georgia.
And, they were being quite literal, as it turns out.

I subpoenaed the wife and daughter of Still, Jr. I never got their
depositions, and they were sent out of the state. The Judge never
ruled on any of my motions. Instead of recusing himself, Hines
brought in another Judge from Rome, GA who was to hear my case.
Apparently, he was going rule unfavorably towards Still, et al, and
made comments in open court about having read the defendant's criminal
history. The Chief Superior Court Judge Flournoy's attorney son and
several of his office workers and a local actor staged a mock divorce
trial that pushed my case off the visiting Judge's calendar.

Even though good law was argued, and the defendants never denied
having set the fires, or that they, in fact, were aware of the
plaintiff's innocence at the time of his arrest, I never received a
hearing and was summarily dismissed.

Among the many other cases, Seidel vs.. Greenberg 108 NJ Super 248
stood out as a leading cite supporting my tort claim.

I was working at a local computer shop at the time, owned by a man
I had known since childhood. The building that the business was
located in was originally owned by the proprietor of the computer
shop, but had been recently sold to yet another local attorney, Laurie
Davis. The city of Smyrna wanted the land and was going to take it
through eminent domain. Davis moved one of his clients, Gordon Gerson
(a surgeon who had reputedly lost his license to practice) into the
building. Gerson and his business were in bankruptcy and they had
moved the business assets from the control of the Bankruptcy trustee,
into the aforementioned building and took out insurance with State
Farm - the Still's insurer as well.ll.

Hines then dismissed my civil case, and after several suspicious
inquiries as to what I would do next, I informed them that I would
appeal the decision. The building I worked at was burned to the
ground several days later - taking with it everything I owned, my
source of income, and a lifetime accumulation of electronic equipment
and personal items. This happened 20 feet from the local Smyrna fire

I appealed the case to the State Appellate court, and then to the
State Supreme Court. I was declined any justice in this case. I had
an attorney from another part of the country look over the briefs and
such I had filed, and he claimed I should have won, and that the
various briefs and filings were as good as anything he could have

Even though I was never allowed to obtain depositions from several
parties involved, and even though I was an eyewitness that could have
put Still, III in jail for Arson, I was bullied out of the system and
denied just compensation, or even an explanation or apology. I was
told to be a good little boy and go away. These people are thieves,
liars, and con men.

The players involved were later rewarded for their cooperation, Judge
Hines and Carley were both appointed to the State Supreme Court.
Public pressure, however, removed Still as the school board attorney,
and from the practice of law in general. The Georgia Bar Association,
however, refused to discipline him for his outrageous actions.
He kept the millions he was paid by Cobb County - and his Bar card.

You see, I saw the truck that was burned shortly before it was set on
fire, and it had a camper top. This was the second fire of this
nature I had witnessed. I also personally inspected a BMW automobile
which was intentionally burned at their home several months before
this incident occurred I was in California at the time, but inspected
it upon my arrival home. I worked as a mechanic, and the car had been
towed to that location. It struck me as quite odd at the time, but I
dismissed it being irrelevant to my survival at the time.

After 2 years of waiting, and in response to a subpoena issued to the
fire department, I learned that the idiot son had removed the camper
top before burning it. The law firm that represented the County and
fire investigator was subsequently dismissed without cause. (Unless
you consider a semi-good faith response to a valid Subpoena as due

The man knew I wasn't guilty from day one.
And played the role of the victim throughout this ordeal.

When Still, III was eventually found and arrested, another fire was
set at his home, this time accompanied by a scrawled note on the door.

I was unable to obtain adequate representation, was denied civil
rights, was harassed, threatened, and later, several attempts were
made on my life. I have had to essentially live underground for 18
years in fear that they will continue to try and protect their filthy
little secrets.

And although the rulings tendered by these 'Courts' appear to be
Coram Non Judice, try finding an attorney in this part of the country
who would take them on without tossing his career out the window.
Void rulings without signature, rulings by judges who should have been
recused - continuing cover-ups, threats and arson. This incident
apparently transcended mere county lines, and has threads that run
into high levels of state government - and to Indianapolis and beyond.

When I moved to Florida in 1994, a crazed semi-truck driver attempted
to run me down on I-95A-N in St. Johns County at 3:00AM. Replete with
lane dodging, smoking tires and a subsequent pursuit that topped
120mph for nearly 30 miles. The Semi's Tag Number was 89156E.
I've had a concrete truck dump a load on my car while traveling 65 MPH
down J. Turner Butler Blvd in Jacksonville, FL. I truly thought I was
a dead man as the rocks and mortar crashed into the windshield.
Fortunately, the old Supra stood up to the task, and the EFI 6
cylinder had adequate power to outrun a semi.

In 2000 I went into Mooresville Public Library in Indianapolis and
mentioned to library director Diane H. that I was writing a book about
suing an attorney in GA. She knew of the incident, implored that I
not continue with the book, and that I would never get "anything out
of that". She admitted knowing DA's in the South and of the parties
involved. I saw her at a Subway sandwich shop later that day, and she
ran out the door, leaving her order behind. The two cops sitting
beside me burst out laughing. Later that day, I was besieged by
complete strangers who took it upon themselves to inform me that I
should "Get a Life" and "Up Yours". Then another suspicious fire,
and the police informed me that an individual was shot in a library
parking lot. They escorted me out of town and I fled to New Jersey
and lived with, of all things, a female attorney I had been writing to
over the Internet. Some of this could have been a really strange
coincidence, but never before, and never since has anything like this
happened to me. I don't know who to trust anymore.

Is this an example of the Justice a citizen may expect from the
Kangaroo Courts of the U.S.?

I have lost any faith I had in this country and the powers that rule.
It seems that these people were all a tightly knit clan of Republican
good 'ol boys. I also now observe that this behavior is ubiquitous

They turned a quiet 28 year old who played with the neighborhood kids,
programmed computers, fixed electronics, staged exotic Halloween
displays, maintained bird feeders and gardens into an angry, fearful,
resentful, untrusting individual who cannot now maintain a decent
relationship with another human. It has been implied that I was
insane, a drug dealer, and an arsonist. I have gone so far as to
question my own sanity due to events which surrounded this ordeal. My
hands still shake when I see a police car or fire truck.

I have wasted years and moved to three different states to avoid
reminders of this, only to have it re-appear over and over again.

I've had a nurse from the Navy's John F. Kennedy move into my home in
Florida, disappear, then move out - with the parting comment that they
will someday make a movie about my life. Did the kid do something
stupid in the Navy and kill or injure someone?

I've had old couples sit next to me in a beachside Holiday Inn and
plead with me not to change Social Security. What?!

Cripes, enough already. Will anyone _ever_ tell me what the hell is
going on?

Apparently, until I either bow down to their will and die or expose it
all to public scrutiny, it will never truly end...

There is _much_ more to this contorted story, but I'll give you leave
to consider...

Does all this seem right to you?
It clearly doesn't seem like Justice to me.

And here is the kicker to it all - like most twisted tales, it begins
with and involves women. The attorney's wife who insisted on
pestering me at work about her daughter, an alcoholic, physically
abused 20 year old. She then convinced the shop owner to hire this
bizarre femme fatale as a secretary. (Turns out they owned the
building I worked in.)

I then endured months of "Why don't you take her out and f#$k her, her
boyfriend is weird." I quit the job to escape the harrassment. She
was then thrown into the street in front of me as I rode a motorcycle
through the park they apparently lived near. I had been riding this
route for over 8 years. I took her back home and offered to talk to
her dad. He met us in the drive, grabbed her by the hair, yanked her
off the bike and growled, "Get in the house, you damned slut". I told
him that he should not talk that way to his obviously disturbed child,
and he threatened to "beat the hell out of me" and struck my bike with
a tire-iron. I left. Little did I know that I had just met a pillar
of the local community, the Cream of Cobb Society, the
Cobb County School Board attorney, Richard (the Dick) H. Still, Jr.

I had done volunteer work for the United Way's Battered Women's
shelter years previous, and distictly recognized the signs of abuse in
the women. I also suspect that there was something 'odd' about the
relationship between these people. Cobb county has a long history of
covering up incest and sexual abuse issues, especially when dealing
with well-oiled fathers. The fire department had responded to a
disturbance on Mt. Calvary Road a year earlier, and found the daughter
running down the street naked. Why?
Her subsequent behaviour is just as bizzare, and involves DUIs, Felony
Assault, repeated domestic violence complaints, etc.

Search for "Barnes A" in the Cobb County, GA records here:

Search for "Barnes A" in the Charlotte County, FL records here:

Both women were subsequently served with a subpoena but neither were
ever produced in Court or for the taking of their depositions. They
were instead sent out of the state, along with several other witnesses
who mysteriously and suddenly disappeared.

Another woman was apparently hired to spy on me, and her parting words
were, "You're not crazy are you?" When I asked who had implied that
I was, I was left a business card belonging to Attorney Herbert A.
Rivers. The photographs later received from the fire department
revealed that Still had a sign belonging to Rivers in the outbuilding
that was burned on his property. Go figure...

So - Screw Georgia and all involved.
I've heard enough crap and want answers - 18 years is too long to
wait. I lost $25,000 in equity due to these people meddling with my
private affairs, and much more over the years due to the constant
relocation and from living underground in a sort of self-imposed
witness protection program. These people have completely destroyed my
life and my mental health.

I left Florida in 1998 after living there for 6 years because of more
wierd incidences, more intimidation, and traveled through New Orleans,
Austin, Houston, Brownsville, and Mexico. What did I see? Floods,
hurricane Earl, border problems, and a SRK for a Governor.

Went to New Jersey and New York in 2000. Then traveled back to
Atlanta to hide in fear and obscurity while watching the country
dissolve into absolute madness over the next 6 years. Sometimes I
feel like the pied piper of National Disasters.

I would like to ask what you think of this absolutely demented story?
I know no one else I can trust - and this has been bugging me for 18

This country is absolutely out of control - and if you guys re-elect
incumbent ANYTHING you are doing this country and yourselves a severe
disservice. It's time for new blood - these cronies are stealing your
and your children's futures.

Absolute Power Corrupts - Absolutely. Judicial overview and
should be ammended to each State's Constitution - especially in this
dixie mafia state.

Sorry about the lengthy rant - but this all stinks to high heaven -

D. G. Gillilan

Greg G.

This topic has 1 replies


"R. Pierce Butler"

in reply to Greg G. on 13/05/2006 6:37 AM

13/05/2006 12:30 PM

Greg G.<[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> Be wary of powerful people. They will fuck you in a heartbeat and
> leave you for dead after stealing all you have worked for your entire
> life. This is what you can expect from modern day Republicans.
> You probably aren't going to believe a word of this - it's pretty
> wild. All I can say is, it's all true as presented to me by the legal
> system of the state of Georgia. And if you think that it's strange,
> hey, you should try LIVING it. The works of Shakespeare are rivaled
> by life itself - nothing which can be imagined by one man is quite as
> strange as the way life itself unfolds. So... please set aside a few
> moments of time and look this over.
> Here it is, with links to a few court documents and all.
> I am currently finishing a book about and plan to publish this story,
> although I will most likely have to move again to avoid further
> recompense. I have copies and originals of all documents, briefs, and
> rulings tendered in this matter - which is outrageous, to say the
> least. I also have copies stashed from Texas to New Jersey.
> Paranoia seems to be a survival trait.
> In Sept of 1987, I was arrested for several crimes of arson which, in
> reality, were perpetrated by a local school board attorney's son.
> It turns out that he was also suspected of numerous other fires,
> including those at a school, an apartment, a Kroger grocery store,
> several cars, etc.
> 1.gif
> 2.gif
> I was arrested without warrant, although one was subsequently
> issued an hour later. I was not Mirandized nor informed of the
> arrest until I was thrown into a cell - at that point believing that
> I was going to the investigator's office to be questioned.
> I appeared before Judge Richard Faber for arraignment later that day,
> and succeeded in reducing the bond from $10,000 to $8,000.
> The arresting agent later that day determined that I was innocent
> but due to the attorney Still's ex-parte communications with the Cobb
> County Superior Court Judge James Bodiford, my bond was revoked and
> I was stripped of clothing, thrown into the pad, subjected to
> unwarranted psychological exams, polygraphs, and held for several
> weeks without bail. Attorney Still, Jr. then attempted to use his
> familiarity with the players involved to his advantage in letters
> written and circulated to the fire department personnel, the District
> Attorneys office, and the Judges involved. (See below.)
> [ex-parte conversations discussed in hearings - Transcripts Available]
> The fire investigator claims to have almost come to physical blows
> with the attorney Still concerning the investigation of his son. He
> then wrote inflammatory letters and distributed them to Judges, the
> DA's office, and fire investigators. Outrageous claims were made, and
> my reputation was generally soiled beyond repair.
> Still, III was whisked off to the local Navy recruiting office,
> several days after the fires I was arrested for were set, and while I
> was still imprisoned.
> I made so much noise that I was eventually released and told to leave
> Cobb County. I had to report to probation officers for months after
> the incident, even though the investigation ceased to center around
> me, and in fact, Still, III was facing an arson indictment of his own.
> After months of waiting, I filed my own pro-se motion to dismiss,
> which was granted almost immediately. Subsequent inquiries
> to the DA were met with threats that "if I didn't leave this alone,
> I would get to see the inside of their new jail complex."
> Wrong answer.
> No one would tell me who these people were, why I had been treated
> in such a fashion, or why I had to report to a probation officer for 6
> months even though it was widely known that I had not been the actual
> perpetrator of the crimes I was arrested for. I lost family, friends,
> and self-respect. Attorney Still managed to convince people I had
> known for 6 years appear before the _fire investigator_ to swear out
> unfounded complaints against me. Of course, it didn't hurt that he was
> the landowner of his business. Women were hired to pry into my
> private affairs and photographs were taken of me unexpectedly in
> public places of their choosing. (Now I know how Marian Berry feels.)
> I hired local attorney Roger Rosen to file a suit against the
> criminals responsible, and he waited until mere days before the
> statute of limitations tolled before informing me that he wouldn't be
> able to handle my case. When leaving his office, I discovered that
> someone had set a fire 2 feet from my vehicle, but the fire department
> was already at the sight extinguishing it. (Subsequent conversations
> with, and depositions of, the Fire Department and Sheriff's Personnel
> revealed that they were vigorously in support of my cause.)
> I filed a Civil suit against the lawyer and son, et al, pro se which
> became known as Cobb County Superior Court Case Number 88-105718-07.
> 05718
> I had no idea who these people were, only that they had unjustly
> caused me to be arrested for arson - by setting the fires in the first
> place, and then by claiming that I had done so, and would return to
> place bombs in their vehicles at a later date. (above letters and...)
> I was contracting at IBM when I filed this suit, and the day after it
> was filed, I was shown the door and told to, and I quote, "Eat shit
> and bark at the moon." I am relatively convinced that this job was
> contrived to keep me busy until the statute of limitations expired.
> As if some crappy $7.50 an hour job was to replace stolen tools, loss
> of thousands in equity, and the sexual harrassment I had suffered.
> I then tried to find another attorney to pursue this case, but no one
> would touch it. Not one lawyer claimed that I had no case, only that
> they would have no career if they took it. Several became red-faced
> angry and threatened me while ordering me to leave their offices.
> Judge Bodiford, who presided over my bond hearings and revoked bond
> based on Still, Jr. accusations, turned red-faced and threatened that
> "I had better have my I's dotted and my T's crossed" before slamming
> into his chambers - visibly shocking several other attorneys who were
> present at the time.
> The Judge that was "assigned" this case, P. Harris Hines, turned out
> to be the same Judge that had, only months before, dismissed a Grand
> Jury Indictment against the attorney's son for yet ANOTHER case of
> arson in a Kroger Grocery store. He was assigned felony status due to
> his father hiding him away. He is now a Supreme Court Judge for the
> State of Georgia - although not for long.
> Further research revealed that attorney Still was an ex-partner of the
> Chief Superior Court Judge Robert Flournoy, had run for DA as a
> Republican, but failed to be elected in the 1970's. The man who signed
> Still, III's bond was Republican State Senator John Carl Harrison.
> I was threatened, harassed, and told by an individual at Emory Law
> School that "If I didn't leave this alone they would burn me a new
> asshole." This was said in earshot of a more than willing witness.
> The good-old-boy network is alive and well in Georgia.
> And, they were being quite literal, as it turns out.
> I subpoenaed the wife and daughter of Still, Jr. I never got their
> depositions, and they were sent out of the state. The Judge never
> ruled on any of my motions. Instead of recusing himself, Hines
> brought in another Judge from Rome, GA who was to hear my case.
> Apparently, he was going rule unfavorably towards Still, et al, and
> made comments in open court about having read the defendant's criminal
> history. The Chief Superior Court Judge Flournoy's attorney son and
> several of his office workers and a local actor staged a mock divorce
> trial that pushed my case off the visiting Judge's calendar.
> Even though good law was argued, and the defendants never denied
> having set the fires, or that they, in fact, were aware of the
> plaintiff's innocence at the time of his arrest, I never received a
> hearing and was summarily dismissed.
> Among the many other cases, Seidel vs.. Greenberg 108 NJ Super 248
> stood out as a leading cite supporting my tort claim.
> I was working at a local computer shop at the time, owned by a man
> I had known since childhood. The building that the business was
> located in was originally owned by the proprietor of the computer
> shop, but had been recently sold to yet another local attorney, Laurie
> Davis. The city of Smyrna wanted the land and was going to take it
> through eminent domain. Davis moved one of his clients, Gordon Gerson
> (a surgeon who had reputedly lost his license to practice) into the
> building. Gerson and his business were in bankruptcy and they had
> moved the business assets from the control of the Bankruptcy trustee,
> into the aforementioned building and took out insurance with State
> Farm - the Still's insurer as well.ll.
> Hines then dismissed my civil case, and after several suspicious
> inquiries as to what I would do next, I informed them that I would
> appeal the decision. The building I worked at was burned to the
> ground several days later - taking with it everything I owned, my
> source of income, and a lifetime accumulation of electronic equipment
> and personal items. This happened 20 feet from the local Smyrna fire
> department.
> I appealed the case to the State Appellate court, and then to the
> State Supreme Court. I was declined any justice in this case. I had
> an attorney from another part of the country look over the briefs and
> such I had filed, and he claimed I should have won, and that the
> various briefs and filings were as good as anything he could have
> proffered.
> Even though I was never allowed to obtain depositions from several
> parties involved, and even though I was an eyewitness that could have
> put Still, III in jail for Arson, I was bullied out of the system and
> denied just compensation, or even an explanation or apology. I was
> told to be a good little boy and go away. These people are thieves,
> liars, and con men.
> The players involved were later rewarded for their cooperation, Judge
> Hines and Carley were both appointed to the State Supreme Court.
> Public pressure, however, removed Still as the school board attorney,
> and from the practice of law in general. The Georgia Bar Association,
> however, refused to discipline him for his outrageous actions.
> He kept the millions he was paid by Cobb County - and his Bar card.
> You see, I saw the truck that was burned shortly before it was set on
> fire, and it had a camper top. This was the second fire of this
> nature I had witnessed. I also personally inspected a BMW automobile
> which was intentionally burned at their home several months before
> this incident occurred I was in California at the time, but inspected
> it upon my arrival home. I worked as a mechanic, and the car had been
> towed to that location. It struck me as quite odd at the time, but I
> dismissed it being irrelevant to my survival at the time.
> After 2 years of waiting, and in response to a subpoena issued to the
> fire department, I learned that the idiot son had removed the camper
> top before burning it. The law firm that represented the County and
> fire investigator was subsequently dismissed without cause. (Unless
> you consider a semi-good faith response to a valid Subpoena as due
> cause.)
> The man knew I wasn't guilty from day one.
> And played the role of the victim throughout this ordeal.
> When Still, III was eventually found and arrested, another fire was
> set at his home, this time accompanied by a scrawled note on the door.
> f1.gif
> I was unable to obtain adequate representation, was denied civil
> rights, was harassed, threatened, and later, several attempts were
> made on my life. I have had to essentially live underground for 18
> years in fear that they will continue to try and protect their filthy
> little secrets.
> And although the rulings tendered by these 'Courts' appear to be
> Coram Non Judice, try finding an attorney in this part of the country
> who would take them on without tossing his career out the window.
> Void rulings without signature, rulings by judges who should have been
> recused - continuing cover-ups, threats and arson. This incident
> apparently transcended mere county lines, and has threads that run
> into high levels of state government - and to Indianapolis and beyond.
> When I moved to Florida in 1994, a crazed semi-truck driver attempted
> to run me down on I-95A-N in St. Johns County at 3:00AM. Replete with
> lane dodging, smoking tires and a subsequent pursuit that topped
> 120mph for nearly 30 miles. The Semi's Tag Number was 89156E.
> I've had a concrete truck dump a load on my car while traveling 65 MPH
> down J. Turner Butler Blvd in Jacksonville, FL. I truly thought I was
> a dead man as the rocks and mortar crashed into the windshield.
> Fortunately, the old Supra stood up to the task, and the EFI 6
> cylinder had adequate power to outrun a semi.
> In 2000 I went into Mooresville Public Library in Indianapolis and
> mentioned to library director Diane H. that I was writing a book about
> suing an attorney in GA. She knew of the incident, implored that I
> not continue with the book, and that I would never get "anything out
> of that". She admitted knowing DA's in the South and of the parties
> involved. I saw her at a Subway sandwich shop later that day, and she
> ran out the door, leaving her order behind. The two cops sitting
> beside me burst out laughing. Later that day, I was besieged by
> complete strangers who took it upon themselves to inform me that I
> should "Get a Life" and "Up Yours". Then another suspicious fire,
> and the police informed me that an individual was shot in a library
> parking lot. They escorted me out of town and I fled to New Jersey
> and lived with, of all things, a female attorney I had been writing to
> over the Internet. Some of this could have been a really strange
> coincidence, but never before, and never since has anything like this
> happened to me. I don't know who to trust anymore.
> Is this an example of the Justice a citizen may expect from the
> Kangaroo Courts of the U.S.?
> I have lost any faith I had in this country and the powers that rule.
> It seems that these people were all a tightly knit clan of Republican
> good 'ol boys. I also now observe that this behavior is ubiquitous
> Nationwide.
> They turned a quiet 28 year old who played with the neighborhood kids,
> programmed computers, fixed electronics, staged exotic Halloween
> displays, maintained bird feeders and gardens into an angry, fearful,
> resentful, untrusting individual who cannot now maintain a decent
> relationship with another human. It has been implied that I was
> insane, a drug dealer, and an arsonist. I have gone so far as to
> question my own sanity due to events which surrounded this ordeal. My
> hands still shake when I see a police car or fire truck.
> I have wasted years and moved to three different states to avoid
> reminders of this, only to have it re-appear over and over again.
> I've had a nurse from the Navy's John F. Kennedy move into my home in
> Florida, disappear, then move out - with the parting comment that they
> will someday make a movie about my life. Did the kid do something
> stupid in the Navy and kill or injure someone?
> I've had old couples sit next to me in a beachside Holiday Inn and
> plead with me not to change Social Security. What?!
> Cripes, enough already. Will anyone _ever_ tell me what the hell is
> going on?
> Apparently, until I either bow down to their will and die or expose it
> all to public scrutiny, it will never truly end...
> There is _much_ more to this contorted story, but I'll give you leave
> to consider...
> Does all this seem right to you?
> It clearly doesn't seem like Justice to me.
> And here is the kicker to it all - like most twisted tales, it begins
> with and involves women. The attorney's wife who insisted on
> pestering me at work about her daughter, an alcoholic, physically
> abused 20 year old. She then convinced the shop owner to hire this
> bizarre femme fatale as a secretary. (Turns out they owned the
> building I worked in.)
> I then endured months of "Why don't you take her out and f#$k her, her
> boyfriend is weird." I quit the job to escape the harrassment. She
> was then thrown into the street in front of me as I rode a motorcycle
> through the park they apparently lived near. I had been riding this
> route for over 8 years. I took her back home and offered to talk to
> her dad. He met us in the drive, grabbed her by the hair, yanked her
> off the bike and growled, "Get in the house, you damned slut". I told
> him that he should not talk that way to his obviously disturbed child,
> and he threatened to "beat the hell out of me" and struck my bike with
> a tire-iron. I left. Little did I know that I had just met a pillar
> of the local community, the Cream of Cobb Society, the
> Cobb County School Board attorney, Richard (the Dick) H. Still, Jr.
> I had done volunteer work for the United Way's Battered Women's
> shelter years previous, and distictly recognized the signs of abuse in
> the women. I also suspect that there was something 'odd' about the
> relationship between these people. Cobb county has a long history of
> covering up incest and sexual abuse issues, especially when dealing
> with well-oiled fathers. The fire department had responded to a
> disturbance on Mt. Calvary Road a year earlier, and found the daughter
> running down the street naked. Why?
> Her subsequent behaviour is just as bizzare, and involves DUIs, Felony
> Assault, repeated domestic violence complaints, etc.
> Search for "Barnes A" in the Cobb County, GA records here:
> Search for "Barnes A" in the Charlotte County, FL records here:
> Both women were subsequently served with a subpoena but neither were
> ever produced in Court or for the taking of their depositions. They
> were instead sent out of the state, along with several other witnesses
> who mysteriously and suddenly disappeared.
> Another woman was apparently hired to spy on me, and her parting words
> were, "You're not crazy are you?" When I asked who had implied that
> I was, I was left a business card belonging to Attorney Herbert A.
> Rivers. The photographs later received from the fire department
> revealed that Still had a sign belonging to Rivers in the outbuilding
> that was burned on his property. Go figure...
> So - Screw Georgia and all involved.
> I've heard enough crap and want answers - 18 years is too long to
> wait. I lost $25,000 in equity due to these people meddling with my
> private affairs, and much more over the years due to the constant
> relocation and from living underground in a sort of self-imposed
> witness protection program. These people have completely destroyed my
> life and my mental health.
> I left Florida in 1998 after living there for 6 years because of more
> wierd incidences, more intimidation, and traveled through New Orleans,
> Austin, Houston, Brownsville, and Mexico. What did I see? Floods,
> hurricane Earl, border problems, and a SRK for a Governor.
> Went to New Jersey and New York in 2000. Then traveled back to
> Atlanta to hide in fear and obscurity while watching the country
> dissolve into absolute madness over the next 6 years. Sometimes I
> feel like the pied piper of National Disasters.
> I would like to ask what you think of this absolutely demented story?
> I know no one else I can trust - and this has been bugging me for 18
> years.
> This country is absolutely out of control - and if you guys re-elect
> another
> incumbent ANYTHING you are doing this country and yourselves a severe
> disservice. It's time for new blood - these cronies are stealing your
> lives
> and your children's futures.
> Absolute Power Corrupts - Absolutely. Judicial overview and
> accountability
> should be ammended to each State's Constitution - especially in this
> cracker
> dixie mafia state.
> Sorry about the lengthy rant - but this all stinks to high heaven -
> even
> now.
> Thanks,
> D. G. Gillilan
> Greg G.

As far as I am concerned, you have ruined any chance of a real case against
the state or local authorities. Let me give you some advice. Rirst of
all, shut up! Do not talk about the case to anyone.

Secondly get a good attorney. The name Sheldon Zenner comes to mind. If
any man can salvage this mess, he can.

Thirdly, if anyone asks you anything, the only words out of your mouth
should be "I want my attorney". Identify yourself, but the only words you
should say to any question is "I want my attorney".

Follo those 3 simple rules and you will have the best protection.

Since you have violated rule #1, you have seriously screwed yourself and
now you are going to need an exceptional attorney if you want to get this

Good luck.

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