08/08/2004 5:13 AM


http://www.torchmate.com/sandingdisc.htm Just scroll down a bit.

Jesus was a Ford man, that's why he walked everywhere.


This topic has 10 replies


[email protected] (Mike at American Sycamore)

in reply to [email protected] (J T) on 08/08/2004 5:13 AM

08/08/2004 9:47 AM

[email protected] (J T) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> http://www.torchmate.com/sandingdisc.htm Just scroll down a bit.
> Jesus was a Ford man, that's why he walked everywhere.
> http://www.bluesbrotherscentral.com/download.php?d_id=12/green.mid

nice tip...thank-you for sharing
Mike from American Sycamore


in reply to [email protected] (Mike at American Sycamore) on 08/08/2004 9:47 AM

08/08/2004 1:15 PM

Sun, Aug 8, 2004, 9:47am (EDT-3) [email protected]
(Mike=A0at=A0American=A0Sycamore) says:
nice tip...thank-you for sharing

No prob. I've always been told you're supposed to share.

Now send me a board.

Jesus was a Ford man, that's why he walked everywhere.



Larry Jaques

in reply to [email protected] (Mike at American Sycamore) on 08/08/2004 9:47 AM

08/08/2004 8:54 PM

On Sun, 08 Aug 2004 14:33:03 -0400, Tom Watson <[email protected]>
calmly ranted:

>On Sun, 8 Aug 2004 13:15:35 -0400, [email protected] (J T)
>>Jesus was a Ford man, that's why he walked everywhere.
>Where I grew up, people were not divided into Republican and Democrat
>(maybe because everybody was a Republican and the term "Democrat" was
>a derogatory neologism for ethnicity).
>Neither were they divided according to religious affiliation - as even
>the dummies knew this was a can of worms.
>They were not separated into Conservative and Liberal, because most
>people thought that had something to do with British politics and
>ignored the distinction, as they would have ignored anything that went
>on more than one county over from them.
>They were divided, loudly, uncompromisingly, and endlessly, into Ford
>Men and Chevy Men.

You misspelled "Chebby Wimps", sir. My first auto was a '57 chebby.
Most of the rest of my vehicles were Fords, and I've been happy
since I dumped the POS GM product.

>I know, some of you are sitting there shaking your heads and saying to
>yourselves, "Damn Tom, you brought out all the old slights against
>FORD, what about some of that good old fashioned Fair and Balanced
>stuff we're so used to from watching Fox?"
>Well, the answer to that one is easy, ain't it?

Yer a GM bigot?

>(damned ford men - i never could stand 'em)


BTW, in that last rootarota post, you should have said "fewer
women" instead of "less". And the 1/4" routahs are just fine
for smaller bits and the standard laminate cutters.

Gently-used Firestone tires for sale at discount!
http://diversify.com Website Application Programming


Tom Watson

in reply to [email protected] (Mike at American Sycamore) on 08/08/2004 9:47 AM

09/08/2004 5:46 AM

On Sun, 08 Aug 2004 20:54:46 -0700, Larry Jaques
<novalidaddress@di\/ersify.com> wrote:

>You misspelled "Chebby Wimps", sir. My first auto was a '57 chebby.
>Most of the rest of my vehicles were Fords, and I've been happy
>since I dumped the POS GM product.

As you know, I've been driving an F-150 since 1987.
It's just easier to make fun of Fords via acronyms.

>BTW, in that last rootarota post, you should have said "fewer
>women" instead of "less".

If you saw some of the women around here, you would demand both.

>And the 1/4" routahs are just fine
>for smaller bits and the standard laminate cutters.

The only things I allow in the shop that can't take a half inch cutter
are a couple of itty bitty laminate trimmers.

Full sized routers that only take 1/4" shanks are for girlymen.



Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)


[email protected] (Mike Reed)

in reply to [email protected] (Mike at American Sycamore) on 08/08/2004 9:47 AM

09/08/2004 6:38 AM

Meanwhile, back in the world of reliable, fun-to-drive cars...

My 1997 4Runner is at 85,000 miles, and behaves as new. I drive it
like I hate it, and it just asks for more.

A good friend of mine has a 230,000 mile 1986 Camry. He hasn't changed
the oil in it since 1992 at about 80,000 miles. No smoke, good
mileage, drives great. I change my oil every 3K, but still...

My sister-in-law's 30,000 mile 2002 Suburban has just had it's
transmission replaced after chunks of the old one were found in the
pan and it wouldn't go any more. This is one week after a $1000
computer was replaced so the thing could start again. Of course, this
hunk of crap has seen some pretty tough use, hauling around a
stay-at-home-mom and her three young kids.

They want to get rid of it to get a Sienna, but after a large
down-payment and two years of payments, they're still upside-down, and
can't afford to unload the massively depreciating piece of American

Like the Suburban ads here in Texas say, "It's not every day you get a
chance to drive a legend." ...into the ground.

My dad has a Ford truck, and has to replace the engine or transmission
more frequently than the tires.

My wife had a Dodge company car (bleh), and I could always find her by
following the trail of parts or listening for the rattles and squeaks
in the 1-year-old car.

Ford vs. Chevy vs. Dodge. Give me a break, it's like fighting over the
last brussel sprout:



Tom Watson <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> On Sun, 8 Aug 2004 13:15:35 -0400, [email protected] (J T)
> wrote:
> >Jesus was a Ford man, that's why he walked everywhere.
> Where I grew up, people were not divided into Republican and Democrat
> (maybe because everybody was a Republican and the term "Democrat" was
> a derogatory neologism for ethnicity).
> Neither were they divided according to religious affiliation - as even
> the dummies knew this was a can of worms.
> They were not separated into Conservative and Liberal, because most
> people thought that had something to do with British politics and
> ignored the distinction, as they would have ignored anything that went
> on more than one county over from them.
> They were divided, loudly, uncompromisingly, and endlessly, into Ford
> Men and Chevy Men.
> You can have your Sharks and your Jets. You can have your Crips and
> Bloods. You can have your Capulets and Montagues. These are mere
> picayune squabbles compared to the knockdown dragouts between the
> Chevy Men and the Ford Men.
> Your Chevy Man would holler stuff at a Ford Man like this bit of
> doggeral, supposed to come from a Ford mechanic:
> Ashes to ashes,
> Dust to dust,
> If is wasn't for Ford
> our tools would be rust.
> Then they might yell out these sorta things when driving by a Ford
> Man:
> Q: How do you double the value of a Ford?
> A: Put gas in it.
> Q: How is a golf ball different from a Ford?
> A: You can drive a golf ball 200 yards.
> But their meat and drink was the epithetical acronymics, like these'ns
> here:
> Found On Rubbish Dumps
> Fix Or Repair Daily
> Fails On Rainy Days
> Fails On Race Day
> Found On Roadside Dead
> Flip Over Read Directions
> Four Old Rusted Doors
> Ford Owner Really Dumb
> (French) - Fabrication Ordinare Reparation Dispendieuse
> Ford Owners Recommend Dodge
> Flipped Over Russian Dunebuggy
> For Off Road Death
> Fords Only Run Downhill
> Fat Old Rusted Dog
> Forget Out Running Dodges
> Then too, there were the Jeff Foxworthy kinda comments, ala - "You
> Might Be A Ford Man If..."
> You look in your rear-view mirror to see two people with their hands
> on your tailgate. YMBAFM
> You constantly receive sympathy cards from the Department of
> Transportation. YMBAFM
> While stopped at traffic lights, other motorists offer to help push to
> get you started again. YMBAFM
> You have preferred customer status at Appco Auto Parts. YMBAFD
> You leave your keys in the ignition and a $20 bill on the dash for gas
> money in hopes that someone will steal your car. YMBAFM
> When you drive though town, people stop what they are doing and just
> start laughing. YMBAFM
> People try to hire you to bring your truck to their house to fog for
> mosquitos. YMBAFM
> In place of a spare tire, you find a pair of running shoes. YMBAFM
> Endless Fun.
> Hell, where I grew up - if anybody had even thought up the term
> Cultural Diversity back then - fellas would a knowed right away that
> you was talking about Ford Men and Chevy Men (we had little truck with
> them Mopar sucking perverts, nor them GMC types, which was as near to
> a foreign car as you could get around there back then).
> I know, some of you are sitting there shaking your heads and saying to
> yourselves, "Damn Tom, you brought out all the old slights against
> FORD, what about some of that good old fashioned Fair and Balanced
> stuff we're so used to from watching Fox?"
> Well, the answer to that one is easy, ain't it?
> (damned ford men - i never could stand 'em)
> Regards,
> Tom.
> Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
> tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)
> http://home.comcast.net/~tjwatson1


Larry Jaques

in reply to [email protected] (Mike at American Sycamore) on 08/08/2004 9:47 AM

09/08/2004 9:38 AM

On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 05:46:50 -0400, Tom Watson <[email protected]>
calmly ranted:

>On Sun, 08 Aug 2004 20:54:46 -0700, Larry Jaques
><novalidaddress@di\/ersify.com> wrote:
>>You misspelled "Chebby Wimps", sir. My first auto was a '57 chebby.
>>Most of the rest of my vehicles were Fords, and I've been happy
>>since I dumped the POS GM product.
>As you know, I've been driving an F-150 since 1987.
>It's just easier to make fun of Fords via acronyms.

Ayup, but I never heard if you tossed a newer engine in
it or not. So?

>>BTW, in that last rootarota post, you should have said "fewer
>>women" instead of "less".
>If you saw some of the women around here, you would demand both.

Grok that.

>>And the 1/4" routahs are just fine
>>for smaller bits and the standard laminate cutters.
>The only things I allow in the shop that can't take a half inch cutter
>are a couple of itty bitty laminate trimmers.
>Full sized routers that only take 1/4" shanks are for girlymen.

Yabbut, what if it's the only routah in there at the time?
The first one, back when only 1/4" shanks were available to
mere mortals. I just happen to have a micrometer-feed B&D
1.5hp routah from said time and dimension.


Gays Against the Governator, etc. would have you state that
a wee bit differently, sir.

- Woodworkers of the world, Repent! Repeat after me:
"Forgive Me Father, For I Have Stained and Polyed."
http://diversify.com Comprehensive Website Design


Tom Watson

in reply to [email protected] (Mike at American Sycamore) on 08/08/2004 9:47 AM

08/08/2004 2:33 PM

On Sun, 8 Aug 2004 13:15:35 -0400, [email protected] (J T)

>Jesus was a Ford man, that's why he walked everywhere.


Where I grew up, people were not divided into Republican and Democrat
(maybe because everybody was a Republican and the term "Democrat" was
a derogatory neologism for ethnicity).

Neither were they divided according to religious affiliation - as even
the dummies knew this was a can of worms.

They were not separated into Conservative and Liberal, because most
people thought that had something to do with British politics and
ignored the distinction, as they would have ignored anything that went
on more than one county over from them.

They were divided, loudly, uncompromisingly, and endlessly, into Ford
Men and Chevy Men.

You can have your Sharks and your Jets. You can have your Crips and
Bloods. You can have your Capulets and Montagues. These are mere
picayune squabbles compared to the knockdown dragouts between the
Chevy Men and the Ford Men.

Your Chevy Man would holler stuff at a Ford Man like this bit of
doggeral, supposed to come from a Ford mechanic:

Ashes to ashes,
Dust to dust,
If is wasn't for Ford
our tools would be rust.

Then they might yell out these sorta things when driving by a Ford

Q: How do you double the value of a Ford?
A: Put gas in it.

Q: How is a golf ball different from a Ford?
A: You can drive a golf ball 200 yards.

But their meat and drink was the epithetical acronymics, like these'ns

Found On Rubbish Dumps
Fix Or Repair Daily
Fails On Rainy Days
Fails On Race Day
Found On Roadside Dead
Flip Over Read Directions
Four Old Rusted Doors
Ford Owner Really Dumb
(French) - Fabrication Ordinare Reparation Dispendieuse
Ford Owners Recommend Dodge
Flipped Over Russian Dunebuggy
For Off Road Death
Fords Only Run Downhill
Fat Old Rusted Dog
Forget Out Running Dodges

Then too, there were the Jeff Foxworthy kinda comments, ala - "You
Might Be A Ford Man If..."

You look in your rear-view mirror to see two people with their hands
on your tailgate. YMBAFM
You constantly receive sympathy cards from the Department of
Transportation. YMBAFM
While stopped at traffic lights, other motorists offer to help push to
get you started again. YMBAFM
You have preferred customer status at Appco Auto Parts. YMBAFD
You leave your keys in the ignition and a $20 bill on the dash for gas
money in hopes that someone will steal your car. YMBAFM
When you drive though town, people stop what they are doing and just
start laughing. YMBAFM
People try to hire you to bring your truck to their house to fog for
mosquitos. YMBAFM
In place of a spare tire, you find a pair of running shoes. YMBAFM

Endless Fun.

Hell, where I grew up - if anybody had even thought up the term
Cultural Diversity back then - fellas would a knowed right away that
you was talking about Ford Men and Chevy Men (we had little truck with
them Mopar sucking perverts, nor them GMC types, which was as near to
a foreign car as you could get around there back then).

I know, some of you are sitting there shaking your heads and saying to
yourselves, "Damn Tom, you brought out all the old slights against
FORD, what about some of that good old fashioned Fair and Balanced
stuff we're so used to from watching Fox?"

Well, the answer to that one is easy, ain't it?

(damned ford men - i never could stand 'em)


Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)


in reply to Tom Watson on 08/08/2004 2:33 PM

08/08/2004 4:51 PM

Sun, Aug 8, 2004, 2:33pm [email protected] (Tom=A0Watson) <snip>
<snip> They were divided, loudly, uncompromisingly, and endlessly, into
Ford Men and Chevy Men. <snip>

As they say, "If God had intended man to fly, man would be born
with wings; and, if God had intended man to walk, He would never have
invented Chevies".

Jesus was a Ford man, that's why he walked everywhere.



Jay Pique

in reply to [email protected] (Mike at American Sycamore) on 08/08/2004 9:47 AM

09/08/2004 12:55 PM

On Sun, 08 Aug 2004 20:54:46 -0700, Larry Jaques
<novalidaddress@di\/ersify.com> wrote:

>>(damned ford men - i never could stand 'em)

It's not that Chevys are inferior vehicles (although they are), it's
that Chevy_drivers_are so inferior. I've seen more Tahoes of the side
of I-70 than you could hurl a dead and decomposing cat at.



Tom Watson

in reply to [email protected] (Mike at American Sycamore) on 08/08/2004 9:47 AM

09/08/2004 12:47 PM

On Mon, 09 Aug 2004 09:38:11 -0700, Larry Jaques
<novalidaddress@di\/ersify.com> wrote:

>Gays Against the Governator, etc. would have you state that
>a wee bit differently, sir.

I think that GAG is an absolutely fabulous acronym for a gay political



Thomas J.Watson - Cabinetmaker (ret.)
tjwatson1ATcomcastDOTnet (real email)

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