I purchased 20 feet of 2 X 2 inch square tubing with a T-slot in each
face on ebay and attached it to the front edge of my work bench with
deck screws. My bench is also 2 inches thick oak. Works really great. I
think I will run it along the back side also. Only problem is the front
vise is not so handy. I guess I'll have to move it out so the back jaw
is even with the front of the tubing.
Anybody try installing in the top of the bench?
Get some of the heavy duty T-track, route a slot, glue and screw it
in. Other than waiting for the epoxy to set should take less than
30minutes to route and install.
On 9 Dec 2004 05:11:54 -0800, "dialface" <[email protected]> wrote:
>I purchased 20 feet of 2 X 2 inch square tubing with a T-slot in each
>face on ebay and attached it to the front edge of my work bench with
>deck screws. My bench is also 2 inches thick oak. Works really great. I
>think I will run it along the back side also. Only problem is the front
>vise is not so handy. I guess I'll have to move it out so the back jaw
>is even with the front of the tubing.
>Anybody try installing in the top of the bench?