While News Proxy is your best bet, if you don't want to go to that trouble,
see if the following doesn't help to some extent:
In Outlook 6 go to the Menu bar and click on:
Tools|Message Rules|News|News Rules|New
In Window "1" check: "where the Subject line contains specific words"
In Window "2" check: "Delete it" or "Mark it as read" (the latter works
well if you have VIEW setup to "Hide Read or Ignored Posts")
In Window "3" click on "contains specific words" ... a window will pop up.
In Window "Type Specific Words", enter the offensive word without "", and
click Add.
Repeat for each word/phrase you find offensive in the subject line of the
hipcrime posts.
Click "OK"
Click "Apply Now"
Click "OK"
Proceed about your business ... no guartanees, but if done properly it will
offer you some protection against messges with Subjects that contain words
you find offensive.
Last update: 5/6/06