I have both of these tools and can see some advantages and disadvantages to
each tool - I would just like some other input into the uses of these
tools -- i.e.
would you use belt sander to 'rough out' sanding and use the orbital to do
the final 'fine' sanding -- and so forth
any suggestions welcome
Sydney Australia
Hi Boc,
IMHO most woodworkers/ cabinetmakers seldom if ever use a belt sander unless
it's placed upside down in some kind of jig where you bring the wood to the
sander and not the sander to the wood. Unless I am using it as a sculpting tool
it sits on the shelf. It is just too aggressive for fine woodworking.
To go from rough to fine sanding use different grits of paper on your RO
sander. Cheers, JG
Ozboc wrote:
> I have both of these tools and can see some advantages and disadvantages to
> each tool - I would just like some other input into the uses of these
> tools -- i.e.
> would you use belt sander to 'rough out' sanding and use the orbital to do
> the final 'fine' sanding -- and so forth
> any suggestions welcome
> Boc
> Sydney Australia
> Hi Boc,
> IMHO most woodworkers/ cabinetmakers seldom if ever use a belt sander
> it's placed upside down in some kind of jig where you bring the wood to
> sander and not the sander to the wood. Unless I am using it as a sculpting
> it sits on the shelf. It is just too aggressive for fine woodworking.
> To go from rough to fine sanding use different grits of paper on your RO
> sander. Cheers, JG
Sometimes its handy in the first stage of levelling out panel glue-ups in
the absence of a bigger drum sanding machine.
Ok to round sharp edges roughly for outdoor projects as well.
It has its uses, but I find I use my ROS more.
Dean Bielanowski
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"JGS" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hi Boc,
> IMHO most woodworkers/ cabinetmakers seldom if ever use a belt sander
> it's placed upside down in some kind of jig where you bring the wood to
> sander and not the sander to the wood. Unless I am using it as a sculpting
> it sits on the shelf. It is just too aggressive for fine woodworking.
> To go from rough to fine sanding use different grits of paper on your RO
> sander. Cheers, JG
Thanks Jg - My only real problem with an Orbital sander is swirl marks ----
( only when using rough paper )