"David Stempien"

06/08/2004 6:25 AM

Unidentifiable jigsaw manufacturer: Sentry?

Hello. I have become the lucky owner of some circa 1950-1960's era power
tools, including one metal-bodied jigsaw with the only identifiable marking
on it as "Sentry". As far as I can tell, there was no manufacturer by this
name, nor can I find any other identifiable markings; however, I'm hoping
someone may remember which hardware or department store may have
manufactured tools under this name?

I'm looking for a replacement guide bearing for the jigsaw which is in
otherwise good condition. I suppose I could have my favorite metalworker
tap a guide hole in a stainless steel ball bearing, but I was hoping I might
be able to buy one off the shelf if I could identify the saw's maker.

Any ideas?

-- Dave Stempien

This topic has 3 replies



in reply to "David Stempien" on 06/08/2004 6:25 AM

06/08/2004 6:44 AM

Believe there is a Sentry Hardware chain, don't know how long. Perhaps a
house brand?

"David Stempien" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Hello. I have become the lucky owner of some circa 1950-1960's era power
> tools, including one metal-bodied jigsaw with the only identifiable
> on it as "Sentry". As far as I can tell, there was no manufacturer by
> name, nor can I find any other identifiable markings; however, I'm hoping
> someone may remember which hardware or department store may have
> manufactured tools under this name?
> I'm looking for a replacement guide bearing for the jigsaw which is in
> otherwise good condition. I suppose I could have my favorite metalworker
> tap a guide hole in a stainless steel ball bearing, but I was hoping I
> be able to buy one off the shelf if I could identify the saw's maker.
> Any ideas?
> -- Dave Stempien


in reply to "David Stempien" on 06/08/2004 6:25 AM

06/08/2004 9:18 PM

On Fri, 6 Aug 2004 06:25:08 -0400, "David Stempien"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Hello. I have become the lucky owner of some circa 1950-1960's era power
>tools, including one metal-bodied jigsaw with the only identifiable marking
>on it as "Sentry". As far as I can tell, there was no manufacturer by this
>name, nor can I find any other identifiable markings; however, I'm hoping
>someone may remember which hardware or department store may have
>manufactured tools under this name?
>I'm looking for a replacement guide bearing for the jigsaw which is in
>otherwise good condition. I suppose I could have my favorite metalworker
>tap a guide hole in a stainless steel ball bearing, but I was hoping I might
>be able to buy one off the shelf if I could identify the saw's maker.
>Any ideas?
>-- Dave Stempien

I had a sentry hardware circular saw at one time. same thing, all
polished metal case. it was a decent thing, for what it was. I
remember seeing an identical one with a different label on it. my
memory says it was stanley, but it was a long time ago....


"J. Clarke"

in reply to "David Stempien" on 06/08/2004 6:25 AM

06/08/2004 11:35 AM

George wrote:

> Believe there is a Sentry Hardware chain, don't know how long. Perhaps a
> house brand?

Western Auto maybe? I have that vague recollection.

> "David Stempien" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Hello. I have become the lucky owner of some circa 1950-1960's era power
>> tools, including one metal-bodied jigsaw with the only identifiable
> marking
>> on it as "Sentry". As far as I can tell, there was no manufacturer by
> this
>> name, nor can I find any other identifiable markings; however, I'm hoping
>> someone may remember which hardware or department store may have
>> manufactured tools under this name?
>> I'm looking for a replacement guide bearing for the jigsaw which is in
>> otherwise good condition. I suppose I could have my favorite metalworker
>> tap a guide hole in a stainless steel ball bearing, but I was hoping I
> might
>> be able to buy one off the shelf if I could identify the saw's maker.
>> Any ideas?
>> -- Dave Stempien

Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)

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