On Jul 13, 5:00 pm, "Jay R" <jrgiuli...@verizon.net> wrote:
> I agree on the dogs, problem in asian cultures is they don't have that
> specialized relationship we Westerners do.
> You and I see a part of the family, asians think in terms of food on the
> table.
> One of the things you notice over there is the lack of dogs on the hoof.
> "Edwin Pawlowski" <e...@snet.net> wrote in message
> news:khrek.15240$89.3974@nlpi069.nbdc.sbc.com...
> > "Andrew Barss" <ba...@basil.u.arizona.edu> wrote in message
> >news:g5d8nv$8qf$1@onion.ccit.arizona.edu...
> >> Edwin Pawlowski <e...@snet.net> wrote:
> >> : "Jon" <jonkun...@comcast.net> wrote in message ..
> >> :> They also banned dog meat in restaurants for the Olympians! That is a
> >> :> sight I will never forget when they had dogs in cages waiting to be
> >> killed
> >> :> and served to eat. Very disgusting.
> >> :>
> >> :> Jon
> >> : What makes dogs disgusting that is so different from cows, pigs, and
> >> Mary's
> >> : little lamb?
> >> Dogs have a specialized relationship to humans as companions, which has
> >> existed apparently since the beginning of biologically modern humans
> >> 100,000 years ago.
> >> -- Andy Barss
> > That doesn't make them any less edible. Horses do work around the
> > farm/ranch and still end up on the table.
Dogs and children are both regulated.
On Jul 9, 2:06 am, Lobby Dosser <lobby.dos...@verizon.net> wrote:
> mjmwall...@gmail.com wrote:
> > Geez, I happened to be in HF twice in the last couple of weeks and
> > boy I pity those folks. The smell is just so bad. And the tools I
> > bought
> > there (simple measuring tapes) continue to stink up my desk. Any
> > thought as to what is going on? And/or any ideas on how to
> > dissipate the smell?
> > MJM
> Cat Pee in the glue!
*Entire* cat in the glue.
>I have been harping about that stink in many previous posts. Many of us
>Wreckers have agreed that Chinese rubber/plastic STINKS!
>I know I can buy a tool for cheap, for limited use at Princess Auto (A
>Canuckistani version of HF) but I absolutely dread walking in there.
>I had a rubber-coated flashlight in a metal toolbox. It was in one of my
>trucks for a week or so and MAN.. I opened the toolbox and bloody-near
>got floored by the fumes.
>To the best of my knowledge, the Chinese rubber stink is as hard to get
>rid of as is Hillary.
Got to get rid of that benzene, lead tainted paint and the rendered
bodies of those organ farmed prisoners somehow.
On Jul 14, 9:56=A0am, "Dave - Parkville, MD" <very_dirty_d...@yahoo.com>
> On Jul 13, 4:37=A0pm, Andrew Barss <ba...@mint.u.arizona.edu> wrote:
> > Edwin Pawlowski <e...@snet.net> wrote:
> > : That doesn't make them any less edible. =A0
> > Well, humans are perfectly edible, for that matter. So what?
> > =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 -- Andy Barss
> Once there were two canibals hiding in the bushes. =A0A guy walks by.
> The jump him and kill him. =A0One starts eating at the head, the other
> the feet. =A0The one at the head says, "how are you doing down there?".
> The other says, "I'm having a ball". =A0The first canibal says, "You're
> eating too fast!!!"
Two canibals overpower a clown and cook him up. One says: "Does this
taste funny to you?"
"Edwin Pawlowski" <esp@snet.net> wrote in message
> "Andrew Barss" <barss@mint.u.arizona.edu> wrote in message
> news:g5dp1i$ndp$1@onion.ccit.arizona.edu...
>> Edwin Pawlowski <esp@snet.net> wrote:
>> : That doesn't make them any less edible.
>> Well, humans are perfectly edible, for that matter. So what?
>> -- Andy Barss
> They've been eaten too. If it comes down to starving to death or eating
> what happens to be available, I'm eating.
Reminds me of an old Soldier of Fortune magazine. It had an article on
"people harvesting" in case of national emergency. It advocated wino's
because not only would they be not missed, the wine consumption over the
years would have marinated the meat.
Of course, it was written in fun to rile up the liberal media. They would
rant on and on about the terible SOF magazine. And SOF subscriptions sales
went up everytime the regular media responded to another over the top
article. It was generally believed by most that the liberal reporters never
figured out they were being played with.
On Jul 8, 5:56=A0pm, "mjmwall...@gmail.com" <mjmwall...@gmail.com>
> Geez, I happened to be in HF twice in the last couple of weeks and
> boy I pity those folks. The smell is just so bad. And the tools I
> bought
> there (simple measuring tapes) continue to stink up my desk. Any
> thought as to what is going on? And/or any ideas on how to
> dissipate the smell?
That is the smell of money....
Years ago, my cousin was a cop in NY. There was an alarm, after hours, at a
Chinese restaurant. He was sent to investigate. The back door was open and
when he entered to look for the perp he saw a trash can filled with cat
heads and skins. He called in what he saw. When the owner showed up a bit
later he was arrested. The results and publicity of the arrest were
catastrophic for the restaurant's business. (pun intended)
"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant: It's
just that they know so much that isn't so."
- Ronald Reagan
"Lobby Dosser" <lobby.dosser@verizon.net> wrote in message
> On Jul 11, 7:56 pm, Mark & Juanita <nos...@hadenough.com> wrote:
>> Lobby Dosser wrote:
>> > On Jul 10, 10:29 pm, Father Haskell <fatherhask...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> >> On Jul 9, 2:06 am, Lobby Dosser <lobby.dos...@verizon.net> wrote:
> Chinese restaurant in the town near where I was stationed in England
> got shut down for a while for serving cat Food. Many of us suspected
> it was the "on the hoof" variety of cat food. In a word, Rodents.
> "mjmwallace@gmail.com" <mjmwallace@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Geez, I happened to be in HF twice in the last couple of weeks and
>> boy I pity those folks. The smell is just so bad. And the tools I
>> bought
>> there (simple measuring tapes) continue to stink up my desk. Any
>> thought as to what is going on? And/or any ideas on how to
>> dissipate the smell?
I never had the smell. I've never been to a HF store and have no incentive
to go either. Thanks for confirming my reasons.
Doug Miller wrote:
> In article <qsCdnYBH3qASnBvVnZ2dnUVZ_tLinZ2d@giganews.com>, "Swingman"
> <kac@nospam.com> wrote:
>>"Lobby Dosser" wrote
>>> Chinese restaurant in the town near where I was stationed in England
>>> got shut down for a while for serving cat Food. Many of us suspected
>>> it was the "on the hoof" variety of cat food. In a word, Rodents.
>>Told this one years ago, but here it is again:
>>Left Hong Kong on a Greek ocean liner back in the 60's and about three
>>days out the menu read "Rabbit with rice pilaf" ... however, it was damn
>>hard to fool a country boy who's family raised rabbits to eat, and who
>>dissected a cat or two in a comparative anatomy class in college.
> Ever hear the Weird Al Yankovic song "The Cat's in the Kettle" ?
> (sung to the Harry Chapin tune of similar name)
Posted upthread. There seems to be some question of whether it is Weird
Al or Bob Rivers.
If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough
Andrew Barss wrote:
> Edwin Pawlowski <esp@snet.net> wrote:
> : That doesn't make them any less edible.
> Well, humans are perfectly edible, for that matter. So what?
A Chinese coworker once told me that they think caucasians are strange -
when caucasians see an animal, they're thinking something like "Oh, how
cute.". When a Chinese sees an animal they're wondering how best to
prepare it.
"Mike" <mjmiii56@gnospammail.com> wrote in message
>> I used to go to the Italian markets on 9th street in Philly. You could
>> pick out your chicken or rabbit and have it killed and dressed.
>> Horsemeat is readily available in many places in Europe.
> I still go, although we now call it The Asian Market.
> --
Not surprising. It was starting to change in the early 80's before I moved
to CT. The cheese shop, spice shop and bakeries were my favorites.
Lobby Dosser wrote:
> mjmwallace@gmail.com wrote:
>> Geez, I happened to be in HF twice in the last couple of weeks and
>> boy I pity those folks. The smell is just so bad. And the tools I
>> bought
>> there (simple measuring tapes) continue to stink up my desk. Any
>> thought as to what is going on? And/or any ideas on how to
>> dissipate the smell?
>> MJM
> Cat Pee in the glue!
And all this time I was blaming my cats for using the unswept sawdust
instead of the kitty box...... personally I don't really think HF Chinese
tools smell much different than anybody else's Chinese tools..... Rod
I agree on the dogs, problem in asian cultures is they don't have that
specialized relationship we Westerners do.
You and I see a part of the family, asians think in terms of food on the
One of the things you notice over there is the lack of dogs on the hoof.
"Edwin Pawlowski" <esp@snet.net> wrote in message
> "Andrew Barss" <barss@basil.u.arizona.edu> wrote in message
> news:g5d8nv$8qf$1@onion.ccit.arizona.edu...
>> Edwin Pawlowski <esp@snet.net> wrote:
>> : "Jon" <jonkunkel@comcast.net> wrote in message ..
>> :> They also banned dog meat in restaurants for the Olympians! That is a
>> :> sight I will never forget when they had dogs in cages waiting to be
>> killed
>> :> and served to eat. Very disgusting.
>> :>
>> :> Jon
>> : What makes dogs disgusting that is so different from cows, pigs, and
>> Mary's
>> : little lamb?
>> Dogs have a specialized relationship to humans as companions, which has
>> existed apparently since the beginning of biologically modern humans
>> 100,000 years ago.
>> -- Andy Barss
> That doesn't make them any less edible. Horses do work around the
> farm/ranch and still end up on the table.
"Edwin Pawlowski" <esp@snet.net> wrote in message
> "Jon" <jonkunkel@comcast.net> wrote in message ..
>> They also banned dog meat in restaurants for the Olympians! That is a
>> sight I will never forget when they had dogs in cages waiting to be
>> killed and served to eat. Very disgusting.
>> Jon
> What makes dogs disgusting that is so different from cows, pigs, and
> Mary's little lamb?
> I used to go to the Italian markets on 9th street in Philly. You could
> pick out your chicken or rabbit and have it killed and dressed. Horsemeat
> is readily available in many places in Europe.
I still go, although we now call it The Asian Market.
"Anybody can have more birthdays; but it takes
balls to get old!"
"Jon" <jonkunkel@comcast.net> wrote in message ..
> They also banned dog meat in restaurants for the Olympians! That is a
> sight I will never forget when they had dogs in cages waiting to be killed
> and served to eat. Very disgusting.
> Jon
What makes dogs disgusting that is so different from cows, pigs, and Mary's
little lamb?
I used to go to the Italian markets on 9th street in Philly. You could pick
out your chicken or rabbit and have it killed and dressed. Horsemeat is
readily available in many places in Europe.
"Jay R" <jrgiuliani@verizon.net> wrote in
> I agree on the dogs, problem in asian cultures is they don't have that
> specialized relationship we Westerners do.
In a very real sense, this has to do with food as well. Up until about the
Victorian age, people looked at dogs primarily as working animals, and less
so as pets. During the Victorian era it became a status symbol to have a
non-working dog as a pet. This was a form of conspicuous consumption -
showing off the fact that you had enough wealth (and food) to support an
animal just for the pleasure its company gave you. During this time there
was a great movement towards breeding smaller and smaller dogs as
companions, giving us many of the breeds we have in our homes today.
sm@ug dot ichorfang
at gmail dot com
"Andrew Barss" <barss@mint.u.arizona.edu> wrote in message
> Edwin Pawlowski <esp@snet.net> wrote:
> : That doesn't make them any less edible.
> Well, humans are perfectly edible, for that matter. So what?
> -- Andy Barss
They've been eaten too. If it comes down to starving to death or eating
what happens to be available, I'm eating.
On Jul 13, 4:37=A0pm, Andrew Barss <ba...@mint.u.arizona.edu> wrote:
> Edwin Pawlowski <e...@snet.net> wrote:
> : That doesn't make them any less edible. =A0
> Well, humans are perfectly edible, for that matter. So what?
> =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 -- Andy Barss
Once there were two canibals hiding in the bushes. A guy walks by.
The jump him and kill him. One starts eating at the head, the other
the feet. The one at the head says, "how are you doing down there?".
The other says, "I'm having a ball". The first canibal says, "You're
eating too fast!!!"
On Jul 11, 7:56 pm, Mark & Juanita <nos...@hadenough.com> wrote:
> Lobby Dosser wrote:
> > On Jul 10, 10:29 pm, Father Haskell <fatherhask...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> >> On Jul 9, 2:06 am, Lobby Dosser <lobby.dos...@verizon.net> wrote:
> >> > mjmwall...@gmail.com wrote:
> >> > > Geez, I happened to be in HF twice in the last couple of weeks and
> >> > > boy I pity those folks. The smell is just so bad. And the tools I
> >> > > bought
> >> > > there (simple measuring tapes) continue to stink up my desk. Any
> >> > > thought as to what is going on? And/or any ideas on how to
> >> > > dissipate the smell?
> >> > > MJM
> >> > Cat Pee in the glue!
> >> *Entire* cat in the glue.
> > Nope. The rest of the cat is in your tuna salad!
> <http://www.funnypart.com/funny_flash/peking_moon.shtml>
> --
> If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough
Chinese restaurant in the town near where I was stationed in England
got shut down for a while for serving cat Food. Many of us suspected
it was the "on the hoof" variety of cat food. In a word, Rodents.
<mjmwallace@gmail.com> wrote in message
> Geez, I happened to be in HF twice in the last couple of weeks and
> boy I pity those folks. The smell is just so bad. And the tools I
> bought
> there (simple measuring tapes) continue to stink up my desk. Any
> thought as to what is going on? And/or any ideas on how to
> dissipate the smell?
Good luck. I've been storing a dolley, with "rubber" tires from HF, in a
store room for two years and the stink from the "rubber" is still enough to
run you out of the place.
Last update: 5/14/08
KarlC@ (the obvious)
On Jul 10, 10:29 pm, Father Haskell <fatherhask...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Jul 9, 2:06 am, Lobby Dosser <lobby.dos...@verizon.net> wrote:
> > mjmwall...@gmail.com wrote:
> > > Geez, I happened to be in HF twice in the last couple of weeks and
> > > boy I pity those folks. The smell is just so bad. And the tools I
> > > bought
> > > there (simple measuring tapes) continue to stink up my desk. Any
> > > thought as to what is going on? And/or any ideas on how to
> > > dissipate the smell?
> > > MJM
> > Cat Pee in the glue!
> *Entire* cat in the glue.
Nope. The rest of the cat is in your tuna salad!
On Jul 14, 2:45=A0am, Lobby Dosser <lobby.dos...@verizon.net> wrote:
> On Jul 13, 5:00 pm, "Jay R" <jrgiuli...@verizon.net> wrote:
> > I agree on the dogs, problem in asian cultures is they don't have that
> > specialized relationship we Westerners do.
> > You and I see a part of the family, asians think in terms of food on th=
> > table.
> > One of the things you notice over there is the lack of dogs on the hoof=
> > "Edwin Pawlowski" <e...@snet.net> wrote in message
> >news:khrek.15240$89.3974@nlpi069.nbdc.sbc.com...
> > > "Andrew Barss" <ba...@basil.u.arizona.edu> wrote in message
> > >news:g5d8nv$8qf$1@onion.ccit.arizona.edu...
> > >> Edwin Pawlowski <e...@snet.net> wrote:
> > >> : "Jon" <jonkun...@comcast.net> wrote in message ..
> > >> :> They also banned dog meat in restaurants for the Olympians! =A0Th=
at is a
> > >> :> sight I will never forget when they had dogs in cages waiting to =
> > >> killed
> > >> :> and served to eat. Very disgusting.
> > >> :>
> > >> :> Jon
> > >> : What makes dogs disgusting that is so different from cows, pigs, a=
> > >> Mary's
> > >> : little lamb?
> > >> Dogs have a specialized relationship to humans as companions, which =
> > >> existed apparently since the beginning of biologically modern humans
> > >> 100,000 years ago.
> > >> -- Andy Barss
> > > That doesn't make them any less edible. =A0Horses do work around the
> > > farm/ranch and still end up on the table.
> Dogs and children are both regulated.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
There is nothing wrong or controversial about eating dogs that are
raised for the meat. This is just like eating cows that people raised
for the meat.
This is controversial if someone eats a dog that is raised in the
family as a pet or as a hunting dog or a guard dog. That would be
like eating a family member or like hurting someone who has helped
you. This also means that we should be very upset if we heard someone
who ate a pig that was raised in that person's family as a pet. On
the other hand, I don't see any reason why I would be upset if someone
eats a dog that is raised for meat.
Dogs being eaten in China are raised for meat. They are not pets.
Jay Chan
On Jul 13, 8:39=A0am, "Jon" <jonkun...@comcast.net> wrote:
> Their rubber and plastic parts are made from recycled junk from here mixe=
> with a bunch of US banned chemicals. =A0Why do you think they want all of=
> recyclable rubber and plastics? =A0They remelt or alter the formulation a=
> then sell it to us! =A0Remember all the kids toys which were recalled due=
> numerous problems like lead and other banned chemicals. =A0Now imagine go=
> to their country and having to smell that same smell everywhere. =A0I pit=
y it
> may make a few of the foreign athletes a little nauseous. =A0They also ba=
> dog meat in restaurants for the Olympians! =A0That is a sight I will neve=
> forget when they had dogs in cages waiting to be killed and served to eat=
> Very disgusting.
> Jon
> "B A R R Y" <beech23pi...@yahoo.com> wrote in messagenews:LQydk.12062$cW3=
> > mjmwall...@gmail.com wrote:
> >> Geez, I happened to be in HF twice in the last couple of weeks and
> >> boy I pity those folks. The smell is just so bad.
> > At the bicycle shop, we call that the "Chinese Factory Smell".
> > It has no equal.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
On Jul 14, 10:43=A0am, Robatoy <Counterfit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Jul 14, 9:56=A0am, "Dave - Parkville, MD" <very_dirty_d...@yahoo.com>
> wrote:
> > On Jul 13, 4:37=A0pm, Andrew Barss <ba...@mint.u.arizona.edu> wrote:
> > > Edwin Pawlowski <e...@snet.net> wrote:
> > > : That doesn't make them any less edible. =A0
> > > Well, humans are perfectly edible, for that matter. So what?
> > > =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 -- Andy Barss
> > Once there were two canibals hiding in the bushes. =A0A guy walks by.
> > The jump him and kill him. =A0One starts eating at the head, the other
> > the feet. =A0The one at the head says, "how are you doing down there?".
> > The other says, "I'm having a ball". =A0The first canibal says, "You're
> > eating too fast!!!"
> Two canibals overpower a clown and cook him up. One says: "Does this
> taste funny to you?"
WHICH reminds of: Jeffry Dahmer to Loreena Bobbitt: "Are you going to
eat that?"
mjmwallace@gmail.com wrote:
> Geez, I happened to be in HF twice in the last couple of weeks and
> boy I pity those folks. The smell is just so bad. And the tools I
> bought
> there (simple measuring tapes) continue to stink up my desk. Any
> thought as to what is going on? And/or any ideas on how to
> dissipate the smell?
Cat Pee in the glue!
Rod & Betty Jo wrote:
> Lobby Dosser wrote:
>> mjmwallace@gmail.com wrote:
>>> Geez, I happened to be in HF twice in the last couple of weeks and
>>> boy I pity those folks. The smell is just so bad. And the tools I
>>> bought
>>> there (simple measuring tapes) continue to stink up my desk. Any
>>> thought as to what is going on? And/or any ideas on how to
>>> dissipate the smell?
>>> MJM
>> Cat Pee in the glue!
> And all this time I was blaming my cats for using the unswept sawdust
> instead of the kitty box...... personally I don't really think HF Chinese
> tools smell much different than anybody else's Chinese tools..... Rod
They do. The HF cat pee glue is aged at least 90 days in quarter sawn
oak shavings.
Edwin Pawlowski <esp@snet.net> wrote:
: "Jon" <jonkunkel@comcast.net> wrote in message ..
:> They also banned dog meat in restaurants for the Olympians! That is a
:> sight I will never forget when they had dogs in cages waiting to be killed
:> and served to eat. Very disgusting.
:> Jon
: What makes dogs disgusting that is so different from cows, pigs, and Mary's
: little lamb?
Dogs have a specialized relationship to humans as companions, which has
existed apparently since the beginning of biologically modern humans
100,000 years ago.
-- Andy Barss
Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> "Andrew Barss" <barss@basil.u.arizona.edu> wrote in message
> news:g5d8nv$8qf$1@onion.ccit.arizona.edu...
>> Edwin Pawlowski <esp@snet.net> wrote:
>> : "Jon" <jonkunkel@comcast.net> wrote in message ..
>> :> They also banned dog meat in restaurants for the Olympians! That is a
>> :> sight I will never forget when they had dogs in cages waiting to be
>> killed
>> :> and served to eat. Very disgusting.
>> :>
>> :> Jon
>> : What makes dogs disgusting that is so different from cows, pigs, and
>> Mary's
>> : little lamb?
>> Dogs have a specialized relationship to humans as companions, which has
>> existed apparently since the beginning of biologically modern humans
>> 100,000 years ago.
>> -- Andy Barss
> That doesn't make them any less edible. Horses do work around the
> farm/ranch and still end up on the table.
And in some cultures I suspect they've been on the menu for about as
long as they have been domesticated or longer. Certainly it's nothing
new in locale mentioned; simply not what the poster is accustomed to.
Jay Chan <jaykchan@hotmail.com> wrote:
: There is nothing wrong or controversial about eating dogs that are
: raised for the meat. This is just like eating cows that people raised
: for the meat.
Nooo, it's really not. Cows were *bread*, as a species, for meat. And to be docile,
not develop binds with people, etc.
Dogs evolved as companions for people, with great emotional attachments to them
(and vice versa).
(And try taking your comment and replacing "cows" with "humans". See how the argument
doesn't hold?)
-- Andy Barss
"Andrew Barss" <barss@basil.u.arizona.edu> wrote in message
> Jay Chan <jaykchan@hotmail.com> wrote:
> : There is nothing wrong or controversial about eating dogs that are
> : raised for the meat. This is just like eating cows that people raised
> : for the meat.
> Nooo, it's really not. Cows were *bread*, as a species, for meat. And to
> be docile,
> not develop binds with people, etc.
> Dogs evolved as companions for people, with great emotional attachments to
> them
> (and vice versa).
> (And try taking your comment and replacing "cows" with "humans". See how
> the argument
> doesn't hold?)
> -- Andy Barss
they might have been bred for it, but certainly aren't bread.
"Edwin Pawlowski" wrote
> That doesn't make them any less edible. Horses do work around the
> farm/ranch and still end up on the table.
... and, on a long march, dogs will follow right along until it's time for
your dinner, with no need for refrigeration.
Last update: 5/14/08
KarlC@ (the obvious)
"Andrew Barss" <barss@basil.u.arizona.edu> wrote in message
> Edwin Pawlowski <esp@snet.net> wrote:
> : "Jon" <jonkunkel@comcast.net> wrote in message ..
> :> They also banned dog meat in restaurants for the Olympians! That is a
> :> sight I will never forget when they had dogs in cages waiting to be
> killed
> :> and served to eat. Very disgusting.
> :>
> :> Jon
> : What makes dogs disgusting that is so different from cows, pigs, and
> Mary's
> : little lamb?
> Dogs have a specialized relationship to humans as companions, which has
> existed apparently since the beginning of biologically modern humans
> 100,000 years ago.
> -- Andy Barss
That doesn't make them any less edible. Horses do work around the
farm/ranch and still end up on the table.
Their rubber and plastic parts are made from recycled junk from here mixed
with a bunch of US banned chemicals. Why do you think they want all of our
recyclable rubber and plastics? They remelt or alter the formulation and
then sell it to us! Remember all the kids toys which were recalled due to
numerous problems like lead and other banned chemicals. Now imagine going
to their country and having to smell that same smell everywhere. I pity it
may make a few of the foreign athletes a little nauseous. They also banned
dog meat in restaurants for the Olympians! That is a sight I will never
forget when they had dogs in cages waiting to be killed and served to eat.
Very disgusting.
"B A R R Y" <beech23pilot@yahoo.com> wrote in message
> mjmwallace@gmail.com wrote:
>> Geez, I happened to be in HF twice in the last couple of weeks and
>> boy I pity those folks. The smell is just so bad.
> At the bicycle shop, we call that the "Chinese Factory Smell".
> It has no equal.
"Lobby Dosser" wrote
> Chinese restaurant in the town near where I was stationed in England
> got shut down for a while for serving cat Food. Many of us suspected
> it was the "on the hoof" variety of cat food. In a word, Rodents.
Told this one years ago, but here it is again:
Left Hong Kong on a Greek ocean liner back in the 60's and about three days
out the menu read "Rabbit with rice pilaf" ... however, it was damn hard to
fool a country boy who's family raised rabbits to eat, and who dissected a
cat or two in a comparative anatomy class in college.
Of course, I wasted no time in setting the record straight to the warm and
fuzzies at my table who, seeing all those cats in cages in some of the
markets, had been gushing about how much the Chinese were pet lovers.
I passed on the "rabbit" that day ... but had to swallow dog, out of
courtesy, on more than one occasion .. another story entirely.
Some things never change ...
Last update: 5/14/08
KarlC@ (the obvious)
In article
"mjmwallace@gmail.com" <mjmwallace@gmail.com> wrote:
> Geez, I happened to be in HF twice in the last couple of weeks and
> boy I pity those folks. The smell is just so bad. And the tools I
> bought
> there (simple measuring tapes) continue to stink up my desk. Any
> thought as to what is going on? And/or any ideas on how to
> dissipate the smell?
I have been harping about that stink in many previous posts. Many of us
Wreckers have agreed that Chinese rubber/plastic STINKS!
I know I can buy a tool for cheap, for limited use at Princess Auto (A
Canuckistani version of HF) but I absolutely dread walking in there.
I had a rubber-coated flashlight in a metal toolbox. It was in one of my
trucks for a week or so and MAN.. I opened the toolbox and bloody-near
got floored by the fumes.
To the best of my knowledge, the Chinese rubber stink is as hard to get
rid of as is Hillary.
In article <qsCdnYBH3qASnBvVnZ2dnUVZ_tLinZ2d@giganews.com>, "Swingman" <kac@nospam.com> wrote:
>"Lobby Dosser" wrote
>> Chinese restaurant in the town near where I was stationed in England
>> got shut down for a while for serving cat Food. Many of us suspected
>> it was the "on the hoof" variety of cat food. In a word, Rodents.
>Told this one years ago, but here it is again:
>Left Hong Kong on a Greek ocean liner back in the 60's and about three days
>out the menu read "Rabbit with rice pilaf" ... however, it was damn hard to
>fool a country boy who's family raised rabbits to eat, and who dissected a
>cat or two in a comparative anatomy class in college.
Ever hear the Weird Al Yankovic song "The Cat's in the Kettle" ?
(sung to the Harry Chapin tune of similar name)
Doug Miller (alphageek-at-milmac-dot-com)
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Lobby Dosser wrote:
> On Jul 10, 10:29 pm, Father Haskell <fatherhask...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> On Jul 9, 2:06 am, Lobby Dosser <lobby.dos...@verizon.net> wrote:
>> > mjmwall...@gmail.com wrote:
>> > > Geez, I happened to be in HF twice in the last couple of weeks and
>> > > boy I pity those folks. The smell is just so bad. And the tools I
>> > > bought
>> > > there (simple measuring tapes) continue to stink up my desk. Any
>> > > thought as to what is going on? And/or any ideas on how to
>> > > dissipate the smell?
>> > > MJM
>> > Cat Pee in the glue!
>> *Entire* cat in the glue.
> Nope. The rest of the cat is in your tuna salad!
If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough