On Dec 23, 2:02 pm, "todd" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Jay Pique" <[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:[email protected]...
> > Sister's house is on a hill, very exposed, and the vent bangs in the
> > wind. Any way to fix this?
> > googling now...
> > JPI had the same issue with an exterior blower I installed for my range hood.
> I shortened the spring that held the door closed. It still opens when the
> fan is on, but doesn't bang in the wind.
Thanks all.
"Jay Pique" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Sister's house is on a hill, very exposed, and the vent bangs in the
> wind. Any way to fix this?
> googling now...
> JP
I had the same issue with an exterior blower I installed for my range hood.
I shortened the spring that held the door closed. It still opens when the
fan is on, but doesn't bang in the wind.