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ok i got that 18 ga brad nailer fom hf
now what want toknow is do i have to use the brads that are listed for
this mailer or can i use others that are 18 ga
please let e know couse theres place that are coler to me then going to
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Recommend you stick with the 18ga regardless of who makes them. Your
limitation is in the length so look closely at the minimum and maximum
lengths for your particular nailer and don't exceed. Thats it. BTW,
Lowes and HD carry them too and oftimes at better prices.
jerry anstett wrote:
> ok i got that 18 ga brad nailer fom hf
> now what want toknow is do i have to use the brads that are listed for
> this mailer or can i use others that are 18 ga
> please let e know couse theres place that are coler to me then going to
> hf
other brands will work fine.
don't try to put too long a brad in the gun (duh) and make sure you
get 18 not 16 guage- they look a lot alike.
On Fri, 26 Dec 2003 09:26:37 -0500 (EST), [email protected] (jerry
anstett) wrote:
>ok i got that 18 ga brad nailer fom hf
>now what want toknow is do i have to use the brads that are listed for
>this mailer or can i use others that are 18 ga
>please let e know couse theres place that are coler to me then going to
> ty
> jero
On Fri, 26 Dec 2003 09:26:37 -0500 (EST), [email protected] (jerry
anstett) wrote:
>ok i got that 18 ga brad nailer fom hf
>now what want toknow is do i have to use the brads that are listed for
>this mailer or can i use others that are 18 ga
>please let e know couse theres place that are coler to me then going to
> ty
> jero
If cheap 19 ga brads work, all the better. Senco nails work in most
nail guns, but they are much more expensive. I use PC brads.