

08/12/2014 10:48 PM

Re: SawStop Jobsite Table Saw

To: [email protected]
On 12/8/2014 1:14 AM, [email protected] wrote:
> On Sunday, December 7, 2014 5:47:04 PM UTC-6, John Grossbohlin wrote:
>> Here is another take on things: Because the Job Site Saw has the flesh
>> sensing technology guys like Osorio will feel that is perfectly safe to
>> freehand wood through the saw without a fence, miter gauge, sled, etc. The
>> Saw Stop technology could thus be viewed as facilitating the unsafe use of
>> the table saw.
> Or just possibly, maybe, there is an outside chance that the flesh sensing
technology will seen as an additional safety feature. I think there are a
great deal of folks that welcome any advantage they can get against tool
> These arguments are left over from the teeth gnashing, brittle screaming
about civil right violations from a nanny state, and all the other attendant
bullshit that went with the initial 1000 post thread(s) over the original
SawStop table saw. The
outrage, the indignation, the defiant attitudes, the chest pounding
proclamations... I remember them well.
> I hear the same argument of safety features making folks lose their minds on
the knife forum website where I participate. This happens when folding knives
with locking blades come up compared to non locking blades. The reasoning
there is that others
are not nearly as smart as the person posting and will certainly use the knife
with a lock blade incorrectly (as a fixed blade) and will wind up with a
missing finger or worse simply because having a locking knife will be roughly
the equivalent of
dropping acid.
> Some of the most profound cynics feel that safety features encourage profound
stupidity over there, too. Maybe in their world. In my world of workers that
use tools to make a living, most welcome a safety feature that actually works.
Our only
problem is affording the technology.
> Robert

Very well said Robert. When you actually use these tools you know
better. When you sit back and look for problems you see nothing but
problems and get nothing done.

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