Greetings All,
I just finished installing an outfeed table on my Uni and have a question.
In the process of installing, the motor cover comes off for access. After I
pulled it off, I looked inside at the mechanicals. Not unexpectedly, it
everything was covered in sawdust (gasp!!!). Is there any routine
maintenance I should do from time to time? The only thing I can think of is
some sort of lube on the moving parts. Dry lube I would guess.... Thanks,
mark wrote:
> Greetings All,
> I just finished installing an outfeed table on my Uni and have a
> question. In the process of installing, the motor cover comes off
> for
> access. After I pulled it off, I looked inside at the mechanicals.
> Not unexpectedly, it everything was covered in sawdust (gasp!!!).
> Is
> there any routine maintenance I should do from time to time? The
> only thing I can think of is some sort of lube on the moving parts.
> Dry lube I would guess.... Thanks, Mark
If you've got broadband you might want to take a look at the podcast
Goes through a complete tuneup, cleaning, lubing, the whole nine
to email, dial "usenet" and validate
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)