"Vic Baron"

11/12/2003 3:04 AM

Gluing fabric to wood

I want to line some walnut boxes with green or red felt. What's the best way
to do this? Would regular titebond glue work ok or should I look for
something else?


Vic Baron

Of course, I may be wrong, I thought I was wrong once but I was mistaken.

This topic has 12 replies



in reply to "Vic Baron" on 11/12/2003 3:04 AM

11/12/2003 11:22 PM

In news:[email protected],
Vic Baron <[email protected]> spewed forth and said:
> Thanx for all the info. I'll check out the self adhesive for future
> projects but I already have the felt purchased for this one. I'll
> test a few methods and see what works best. Main concern is bleed
> through and setup time. I ain't as quick as I used to be <G>.
> Vic

You can also try some wallpaper paste


"Gene T"

in reply to "Vic Baron" on 11/12/2003 3:04 AM

11/12/2003 10:38 AM

Take a thin piece of carboard slightly smaller than the inside of the box..
Apply glue to the top of the cardboard and on the edges of the underside of
the cardboard. After the glue dries just pop it in . This allows for easy
removal should you have to refinish or repair the box.
"Vic Baron" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I want to line some walnut boxes with green or red felt. What's the best
> to do this? Would regular titebond glue work ok or should I look for
> something else?
> Thanx,
> Vic Baron
> --
> Of course, I may be wrong, I thought I was wrong once but I was mistaken.


Andy Dingley

in reply to "Vic Baron" on 11/12/2003 3:04 AM

11/12/2003 12:27 PM

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 03:04:36 GMT, "Vic Baron" <[email protected]>

>I want to line some walnut boxes with green or red felt.

Whatever you use, make a test first. Most glues will stick the felt
down, but some may have problems with visible soak-through.

I use a contact adhesive (Evostick 528), applied to the box only and
allowed to go tacky. For high-quality work, or most leather, I might
use rabbit skin glue, used hot.
Die Gotterspammerung - Junkmail of the Gods


"Jerry Gilreath"

in reply to "Vic Baron" on 11/12/2003 3:04 AM

11/12/2003 1:55 PM

Well, last year I made a few jewelry boxes for family members and lined the
drawers with felt. I went to HD and got some Elmer's in a spray can. No
bleed through and it's still stuck to the drawers. Only bad thing, it sets
up pretty quick.

This space for rent.
Jerry© The Phoneman®
"Vic Baron" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I want to line some walnut boxes with green or red felt. What's the best
> to do this? Would regular titebond glue work ok or should I look for
> something else?
> Thanx,
> Vic Baron
> --
> Of course, I may be wrong, I thought I was wrong once but I was mistaken.


"Vic Baron"

in reply to "Vic Baron" on 11/12/2003 3:04 AM

11/12/2003 9:04 PM

Thanx for all the info. I'll check out the self adhesive for future projects
but I already have the felt purchased for this one. I'll test a few methods
and see what works best. Main concern is bleed through and setup time. I
ain't as quick as I used to be <G>.


"Vic Baron" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I want to line some walnut boxes with green or red felt. What's the best
> to do this? Would regular titebond glue work ok or should I look for
> something else?
> Thanx,
> Vic Baron
> --
> Of course, I may be wrong, I thought I was wrong once but I was mistaken.


in reply to "Vic Baron" on 11/12/2003 3:04 AM

10/12/2003 10:17 PM

white glue. thin it down a little and apply it with a brush. let the
first coat dry. lay the felt down in the second coat and press it into
place with the back of a spoon or similar.

On Thu, 11 Dec 2003 03:04:36 GMT, "Vic Baron" <[email protected]>

>I want to line some walnut boxes with green or red felt. What's the best way
>to do this? Would regular titebond glue work ok or should I look for
>something else?
>Vic Baron


Larry Jaques

in reply to "Vic Baron" on 11/12/2003 3:04 AM

11/12/2003 5:14 PM

On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 22:34:03 -0600, "Sweet Sawdust"
<[email protected]> brought forth from the murky depths:

>Go to the local craft store get some Aleene's Original Tacky Glue. A really
>horrible glue for the shop but a great glue for fabric to wood gluing. Real
>good open time, easy to make corrections in the placement of the cloth. easy
>cleanup and when setup holds the fabric in place forever. and is more
>flexible then normal wood glue for fabric. Web site is
>www.duncancrafts.com according to the bottle.

Household glue choice chart

>"Vic Baron" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> I want to line some walnut boxes with green or red felt. What's the best
>> to do this? Would regular titebond glue work ok or should I look for
>> something else?

I sent in my $5, so * http://www.diversify.com/stees.html
why haven't I been 'saved'? * Graphic Design - Humorous T-shirts



in reply to "Vic Baron" on 11/12/2003 3:04 AM

11/12/2003 3:06 PM

>>Go to the local craft store get some Aleene's Original Tacky Glue. A
>>really>>horrible glue for the shop but a great glue for fabric to wood
gluing. >>Real good open time, easy to make corrections in the placement of

I keep reading everything in reply. I need to find a new news server.

Anyway, I want to chip in my me too here. It's *great* stuff for this kind
of thing. I use it for sticking velvet to shellac-covered wood, and it
really does the trick.

The only problem is bleed-through. Little, widely spaced dots work best for
avoiding this. Easy does it. Don't press too hard.

Michael McIntyre ---- Silvan <[email protected]>
Linux fanatic, and certified Geek; registered Linux user #243621


"David Babcock"

in reply to "Vic Baron" on 11/12/2003 3:04 AM

11/12/2003 4:20 PM

Any crafts store will have felt with a peel and stick backing, and it is by
far the best choice.
You can cut and test fit with the backing in place.
But two things need to be pointed out:
The felt has a habit of stretching if handled roughly, which would mean
trimming after the felt is in place,
The stick part is just that.....very sticky. It hold pretty good with casual
contact, so be very careful with placement after peeling.
I have seen it in over ten different colors.


"Vic Baron" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I want to line some walnut boxes with green or red felt. What's the best
> to do this? Would regular titebond glue work ok or should I look for
> something else?
> Thanx,
> Vic Baron
> --
> Of course, I may be wrong, I thought I was wrong once but I was mistaken.


"Sweet Sawdust"

in reply to "Vic Baron" on 11/12/2003 3:04 AM

10/12/2003 10:34 PM

Go to the local craft store get some Aleene's Original Tacky Glue. A really
horrible glue for the shop but a great glue for fabric to wood gluing. Real
good open time, easy to make corrections in the placement of the cloth. easy
cleanup and when setup holds the fabric in place forever. and is more
flexible then normal wood glue for fabric. Web site is
www.duncancrafts.com according to the bottle.
"Vic Baron" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I want to line some walnut boxes with green or red felt. What's the best
> to do this? Would regular titebond glue work ok or should I look for
> something else?
> Thanx,
> Vic Baron
> --
> Of course, I may be wrong, I thought I was wrong once but I was mistaken.



in reply to "Vic Baron" on 11/12/2003 3:04 AM

11/12/2003 9:19 AM

I saw some felt at Walmart with a sticky backing. I saw only white. Check it
out and try the craft stores too, they might have lots more colors.
Good luck.

"Vic Baron" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I want to line some walnut boxes with green or red felt. What's the best
> to do this? Would regular titebond glue work ok or should I look for
> something else?
> Thanx,
> Vic Baron
> --
> Of course, I may be wrong, I thought I was wrong once but I was mistaken.


"Sweet Sawdust"

in reply to "Vic Baron" on 11/12/2003 3:04 AM

11/12/2003 12:39 PM

Looks like there are others that will work as well, no big surprise. I have
used Aleene's for several years now and have had no problems, the others I
have no experience with.
"Larry Jaques" <jake@di\/ersify.com> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 22:34:03 -0600, "Sweet Sawdust"
> <[email protected]> brought forth from the murky depths:
> >Go to the local craft store get some Aleene's Original Tacky Glue. A
> >horrible glue for the shop but a great glue for fabric to wood gluing.
> >good open time, easy to make corrections in the placement of the cloth.
> >cleanup and when setup holds the fabric in place forever. and is more
> >flexible then normal wood glue for fabric. Web site is
> >www.duncancrafts.com according to the bottle.
> http://www.michaels.com/online/images/glue.pdf
> Household glue choice chart
> >"Vic Baron" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >news:[email protected]...
> >> I want to line some walnut boxes with green or red felt. What's the
> >way
> >> to do this? Would regular titebond glue work ok or should I look for
> >> something else?
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> I sent in my $5, so * http://www.diversify.com/stees.html
> why haven't I been 'saved'? * Graphic Design - Humorous T-shirts

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