Does anyone participating here have an idea what process Groz uses to
finish their box lids?
I've noticed the boxes in which various Groz tools come.
The sides are kind of so-so and the bottom seems to be completely
unfinished but the top has a smooth, very slightly wavy high gloss finish
that appears on close examination to be anywhere from thin to nonexistent
at the edges.
I'm sure given the price of the tools that they don't have a bunch of
gnomes hand-sanding and polishing these things, and it's not quite smooth
enough for that anyway, but whatever they're doing achieves a pretty good
result on that one surface with what I assume to be minimal labor, so I
was wondering if anybody knew what process they were using.
to email, dial "usenet" and validate
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)
J. Clarke wrote:
> I'm sure given the price of the tools that they don't have a bunch of
> gnomes hand-sanding and polishing these things, and it's not quite smooth
> enough for that anyway, but whatever they're doing achieves a pretty good
> result on that one surface with what I assume to be minimal labor, so I
> was wondering if anybody knew what process they were using.
I would bet a lotta dough that it is some kind of lacquer, just for the
reasons you noted above. In their production environment they need a
product that goes on quickly, dries fast and leaves a pretty good
finish. I think the high gloss finish would be another tip in this
So it is probably some kind of pre-cat lacquer. Of course keeping in
mind that Groz is an economically friendly tool, they may not be using
precat but a thinned, low res lacquer. In my mind I am seeing long
rows of boxes coming down a belt with an operator spraying all sides
and top - no bottom.
Even if it is precat - this test may work. Put a large drop of lacquer
thinner in an unobtrusive place, and let it sit on the finish. You may
need to add another drop on top of the one you initially place, but
keep it wet for about 6-8 hours. If it dissolves the finish, it is
likely that it is some form of lacquer.
On Feb 13, 6:34 am, B A R R Y <[email protected]> wrote:
> [email protected] wrote:
> Robert,
> AOL returned my response to an email you sent to me, not liking the
> "nailshooter41" address. What am I doing wrong?
> does not like recipient.
> Remote host said: 550 MAILBOX NOT FOUND
> Giving up on
> Barry
Barry - at one time the spambots were able to harvest addresses easily
on the newsgroups. I don't know if it was the ISP (AOL) I was using
or host provider for the group, but I used to my name and real
address.... I was flooded out in no time. So I changed my ISP and
kept the name registered here by using Google to read and post. No
If you want to contact me, use
[email protected]
and take out "the" and "trash".
[email protected] wrote:
AOL returned my response to an email you sent to me, not liking the
"nailshooter41" address. What am I doing wrong? does not like recipient.
Remote host said: 550 MAILBOX NOT FOUND
Giving up on