I have been on Woodmaster's mailingt list for quit a while an now that end of year is coming (tax - depreciation issues) I am looking to buy some stationary tools, a new TS (General 350 or Powematic 66) or a widebelt or drum sander. I am looking at the 26" or 38" drum sander or the 25" molder/planer. I like the fact that the molder planer can convert to a sander but have always found better success in the past with single purpose machines. WHich model Woodmaster do u have and what is your opinion of the tool.
hi scot,
i have the woodmaster planer/moulder/sander - it's primarily a planer
with a huge planing head, but allows you to swap out to an auxiliary
shaft to cut moulding and sand. it's a great machine, no question.
very well built, but yet simple - i feel confident that i could replace
any part of it myself if it breaks. and i don't expect it to break -
it's heavy. BUT .....
it's not primarily a sander. it works ok as a sander, certainly better
than sanding by hand. there are a few main disadvantages with it
relative to a dedicated sander:
1) width - large sanders are wide, much wider than my 18.5" planer. i
recently did a job building 28 custom cabinet doors and about a quarter
of them didn't fit through the machine, which royally sucked.
2) feed mechanism - planers feeds the wood via feed rollers that turn
and provide downward pressure on the workpiece. that is not ideal for a
sander - sanders typically use a conveyor belt to feed the stock, and
unpowered rollers to apply pressure. that's a much better system for
3) drum size - the larger the drum, the better - provides more surface
area for paper, and cools more quickly. the woodmaster uses large
machined steel drums, which are substantial. the cheaper (smaller)
sanders (performax, etc.) use aluminum drums.
so, with that said, if you want a machine primarily for sanding, and you
have the budget, i'd get a dedicated sander. if you can afford it, get
a wide belt - personally i cannot justify it. the woodmaster machines
are terrific, and i am considering purchasing one of their large drum
as for your table saw purchase, i went through this exercise earlier
this year and i suggest you consider a General saw. i'm very pleased
with mine.
hope that helps. i'm certainly willing to answer specific questions on
the woodmaster, if you have any. overall i'm thrilled to have it in my
--- dz
srazor wrote:
> Dave,
> I have been on Woodmaster's mailingt list for quit a while an now that end of year is coming (tax - depreciation issues) I am looking to buy some stationary tools, a new TS (General 350 or Powematic 66) or a widebelt or drum sander. I am looking at the 26" or 38" drum sander or the 25" molder/planer. I like the fact that the molder planer can convert to a sander but have always found better success in the past with single purpose machines. WHich model Woodmaster do u have and what is your opinion of the tool.
> Thanks
> Scot