Funny how projects spawn related projects.
After seeing Harry Potter #3, the neighborhood
kids' demand for magic wands picked up. Made
five and an extra handle, which turned out to be
for a little girl in either North or South Carolina.
With four of the wands in one household, there
naturally was a need for a Magic Wand Rack.
So, a little playing in Aldus SuperPaint, some
birdseye maple ply, some claro walnut, some
padouk and what may be rosewood, along with
a piece of maple and some black or honey locust,
it's coming along. There's also going to be a
tiger eye cabachon and some crystal (actually
plastic but that's a secret) balls.
Turning the finials on a little UniMat has
been a refinement of what I learned turning
the wand handles. Doing one, winging it, finial
is fairly easy. Doing two that match is a bit
more challenging. So I'm doing scaled drawings,
again in SuperPaint.
Pics posted to
This turning thing can get addictive.
charlie b