

11/08/2004 8:59 AM

Powermatic 8" Jointer base size?

I was wondering if any readers have the new Model 60"B" jointer and can tell
me the base dimensions? Mine will be delivered Friday and I need to know
what size mobile base to order.


This topic has 4 replies



in reply to "Gary" on 11/08/2004 8:59 AM

14/08/2004 3:06 PM

"gary" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:DApTc.18446
> It arrived!! The Powermatic 60B jointer was delivered yesterday in
> BTW, I also received a 16.5" Delta drill press, but haven't had a chance
> open the box yet.

Remember when you were a little kid and how your eyes lit in anticipation up
just before you started opening your Christmas presents?

Feeling the same thing right now aren't you? :)


"Eric Johnson"

in reply to "Gary" on 11/08/2004 8:59 AM

11/08/2004 1:02 PM

Isn't that the curved front unit that required the matching powermatic base?
"Gary" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I was wondering if any readers have the new Model 60"B" jointer and can
> me the base dimensions? Mine will be delivered Friday and I need to know
> what size mobile base to order.
> Thanks,
> Gary



in reply to "Gary" on 11/08/2004 8:59 AM

14/08/2004 2:45 PM

It arrived!! The Powermatic 60B jointer was delivered yesterday in perfect
condition. Only one very minor blemish where a box inside the crate rubbed
the fence only so slightly. Beautiful workmanship. The box, which looked
like a Luann coffin, was not damaged in the least. haven't had a chance to
crank her up yet, I have to install a 220 outlet.

The thing that impresses me most so far is how smooth the table is. I think
they actual use a grinder, unlike my Unisaw which still has tool marks where
it was run through the shaper.

I looking forward to seeing how well this thing works.

BTW, I also received a 16.5" Delta drill press, but haven't had a chance to
open the box yet.


"Gary" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I was wondering if any readers have the new Model 60"B" jointer and can
> me the base dimensions? Mine will be delivered Friday and I need to know
> what size mobile base to order.
> Thanks,
> Gary



in reply to "Gary" on 11/08/2004 8:59 AM

11/08/2004 2:33 PM

"Eric Johnson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Isn't that the curved front unit that required the matching powermatic

I'm not certain if its curved front or not, my bandsaw is. Even so, a piece
of 3/4 ply between the mobile base and jointer base would fix that problem.
I saw where one person said that it was about 1/4" shy of 24"X18", but that
doesn't seem correct.


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