"John Jameson"

19/09/2004 8:35 PM

Mounting the Triton router in the Triton router table

I'm having trouble mounting the Triton router securely in the Triton router
table. The standard mounting arrangement of thumbwheel and clamp just isn't
strong enough to support the heavy Triton router, and the router keeps
slipping out of alignment. Any thoughts?

TIA .... John.

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This topic has 3 replies



in reply to "John Jameson" on 19/09/2004 8:35 PM

19/09/2004 9:16 PM

"John Jameson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I'm having trouble mounting the Triton router securely in the Triton
> table. The standard mounting arrangement of thumbwheel and clamp just
> strong enough to support the heavy Triton router, and the router keeps
> slipping out of alignment. Any thoughts?
> TIA .... John.

John, I never had any trouble with it when I had that combination.
Are you rotating the router into the keyed slot and then using the clamps? I
can't imagine how it could not hold securely if secured in the right manner?
Of course, there may be a problem with your router or mounting plate...

Triton customer service is usually very good. if you give them a call and
explain the problem, they may be able to offer a solution.


Dean Bielanowski
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in reply to "John Jameson" on 19/09/2004 8:35 PM

20/09/2004 7:45 PM

Sounds like you may have the Mk.1 router mounting plate. The current
mounting plate has 2 keyhole slots as well as 4 hold downs. The bolts
that hold the fence go thru' the keyholes & tighten up, then the 4
hold downs do up.

Triton sell a replacement plate for those of us with the Mk.1 setup -
the one with 2 holddowns & 2 crescent shaped doovers - which did slip


On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 20:35:44 +1000, "John Jameson"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>I'm having trouble mounting the Triton router securely in the Triton router
>table. The standard mounting arrangement of thumbwheel and clamp just isn't
>strong enough to support the heavy Triton router, and the router keeps
>slipping out of alignment. Any thoughts?
>TIA .... John.
>Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
>Version: 6.0.766 / Virus Database: 513 - Release Date: 17/09/2004


"John Jameson"

in reply to "John Jameson" on 19/09/2004 8:35 PM

20/09/2004 9:52 PM

Thanks for the suggestions guys.

Triton have advised I need to buy a special sub-plate that "allows the
Triton router to be easily fitted". Costs about US$10. All very
confusing - I have an RTA300 which I thought was the latest, but my table
has "2 holddowns & 2 crescent shaped doovers" to quote Bruce - so do I have
a Mk1 setup?. The photo on the Triton website shows this arrangement too
!!. Dean asked if I was "rotating the router into the keyed slot and then
using the clamps"? Well I don't have any keyed slot that lines up with a
fitting on the router. So I guess I'll just have to wait for the sub-plate
from Triton.

"John Jameson" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I'm having trouble mounting the Triton router securely in the Triton
> router table. The standard mounting arrangement of thumbwheel and clamp
> just isn't strong enough to support the heavy Triton router, and the
> router keeps slipping out of alignment. Any thoughts?
> TIA .... John.
> ---
> Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
> Version: 6.0.766 / Virus Database: 513 - Release Date: 17/09/2004

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.766 / Virus Database: 513 - Release Date: 17/09/2004

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