
"Dave in Houston"

28/05/2008 8:11 AM

OT: Ex-Press Aide Writes That Bush Misled U.S. on Iraq



Won't get fooled again . . . .

Dave in Houston

This topic has 35 replies



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 5:32 PM

"Dave in Houston" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:lRc%[email protected]...
> DUH!
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/27/AR2008052703679.html?hpid=topnews
> Won't get fooled again . . . .
> Dave in Houston

I find it interesting that he kept his mouth shut as long as Bush/the tax
payers were paying him, so he was lying then if his book is true. Or he is
lying now. Either way the author is a liar. The best way to have a best
seller is produce a book that is "Sensational" sorta like the media does.



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 11:46 AM

"Dave in Houston" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:lRc%[email protected]...
> DUH!
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/27/AR2008052703679.html?hpid=topnews
> Won't get fooled again . . . .
> Dave in Houston


Just asking for your opinion-
Do you really think this mess was planned, orchestrated , and executed by G.
W. Bush himself? Or, maybe could the fault be with those "advisors" of W?
You know, those advisors who have (or shortly will have) jumped ship and are
now seen with McCain.

I don't have anything against McCain, I maybe even respect his record. It
is just that I fear the rats from "K" street and Wall Street will return to
inhabit the Executive Building next to the White House.

And if a democrat wins the White House, where will their brand of rats come

A pox on both houses.




in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 9:01 PM

"Dave in Houston" wrote

> DUH!
> Won't get fooled again . . . .
> Dave in Houston

Careful now, Scott McClellan is NOT/was Not/ain't got the snap/balls/ to be,
Ari Fleischer.

Last update: 5/14/08
KarlC@ (the obvious)



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 5:34 PM

On May 28, 8:14=A0pm, "Max" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Dave in Houston" <[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:jTl%j.3104=
[email protected]...
> > "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >news:04l%[email protected]...
> >> I find it interesting that he kept his mouth shut as long as Bush/the
> >> tax payers were paying him, =A0so he was lying then if his book is
> >> true. =A0Or he is lying now. =A0Either way the author is a liar. =A0The=

> >> best way to have a best seller is produce a book that is
> >> "Sensational" =A0sorta like the media does.
> > =A0 =A0Oh, Come on, Leon. =A0Many of us have bitten our tongues and toed=
> > company line in order to keep that paycheck (and prestige) coming.
> > There's a certain amount of fame and notoriety that comes with being
> > the POTUS press secretary so you "go along to get along."
> > =A0 =A0Are you part of the 29% that still thinks Bush is doing a
> > 'fantastic job'? =A0Is it THAT high?
> > Dave in Houston
> McClellan may have hung around just to have a ringside seat to the
> farce.
> He won't be the last one to bring a lot of things to light.
> It will be interesting to watch when Bush leaves office.
> Max

The finger-pointing will be everywhere.
If the next administration has any balls, Bush & Co should be tried
for crimes.. all kinds of crimes.
Aside from the finger-pointing, watch the pardons at the end of Bush's


Fred the Red Shirt

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

30/05/2008 12:02 PM

On May 28, 4:09 pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> On May 28, 11:46 am, "Phil-In-Mich." <[email protected]>
> wrote:
> > "Dave in Houston" <[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:lRc%[email protected]...
> > > DUH!
> > >http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/27/AR200...
> > > Won't get fooled again . . . .
> > > Dave in Houston
> > Dave:
> > Just asking for your opinion-
> > Do you really think this mess was planned, orchestrated , and executed by G.
> > W. Bush himself? Or, maybe could the fault be with those "advisors" of W?
> > You know, those advisors who have (or shortly will have) jumped ship and are
> > now seen with McCain.
> > I don't have anything against McCain, I maybe even respect his record. [snip]
> What record? He got his ass shot down over 'Nam. End of story.


His was the plane that was hit by the misfired missle
on deck on the USS Forrestal . McCain escaped the
burning plane by climbing out onto the nose before dropping
down on the deck but none-the-less received burns
that took 7 months to heal stateside. THEN he volunteered
for a second tour of duty during which he was captured.
Knowing that he was an admiral's son the NV offered to
release him as a PR stunt and he refused special treatment.

Then years later, he was part of the delegation that led to
normalization of relations between the US and Vietnam.
At a photo op, he refused th shake hands with one host,
offering the explanation that "He murdered my friends."
None-the-less he supported normalizaton of relations,
believing the Vietnamese people should not be punished,
for the misdeeds of their government, and perhaps also
realizing that detente was a necessary step for the
defeat of the communists.

> Sad...but how does that make him anything other than an unlucky pilot?


> There have been millions who laid their ass on the line over the
> years. hundreds-of-thousands are still alive. Many were POW's...how
> does that make ANY of them eligible to be Commander-in-Chief?

Leadership. His patriotism is proven.





in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 6:14 PM

"Dave in Houston" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:jTl%[email protected]...
> "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:04l%[email protected]...
>> I find it interesting that he kept his mouth shut as long as Bush/the
>> tax payers were paying him, so he was lying then if his book is
>> true. Or he is lying now. Either way the author is a liar. The
>> best way to have a best seller is produce a book that is
>> "Sensational" sorta like the media does.
> Oh, Come on, Leon. Many of us have bitten our tongues and toed the
> company line in order to keep that paycheck (and prestige) coming.
> There's a certain amount of fame and notoriety that comes with being
> the POTUS press secretary so you "go along to get along."
> Are you part of the 29% that still thinks Bush is doing a
> 'fantastic job'? Is it THAT high?
> Dave in Houston

McClellan may have hung around just to have a ringside seat to the
He won't be the last one to bring a lot of things to light.
It will be interesting to watch when Bush leaves office.



Fred the Red Shirt

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

30/05/2008 12:29 PM

On May 29, 7:17 pm, Paul Franklin <[email protected]>
> Ironic how the reaction so far has not been to dispute the allegations
> in any substantive way, but to heap dirt on the messenger.
> Man, that Rove stink lasts longer than skunk on a wet dog

There is nothing controversial about the allegations, is there?

The administration knew Iraq's chemical weapons had a
short shelf-life, they know the factories were destroyed in
1991, they knew the factories were not rebuilt, ergo they
knew there was no chemical weapon threat from Iraq.

So did everyone else who was paying attention to the

They knew the yellowcake documents were not authentic,
then knew the 500 tonnes of yellowcake the IAEA had
inventoried at Tuwaitha was still right where it belonged
along with the reactor fuel and other nuclear materials,
and so did everyone else who was paying attention to the

So like, what has McClellan go to say that is even newsworthy?




Fred the Red Shirt

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

31/05/2008 7:23 PM

On May 31, 4:12 pm, Fred the Red Shirt <[email protected]>
> ...
> One example would be the 81mm Medusa missile tubes.

I neglected to include links to source material for that:








in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 11:14 PM

"Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Interesting information regarding his publisher:
> The Soros-McClellan Connection
> Wed, May 28, 2008 at 7:28:40 pm PDT (littlegreenfootballs.com)
> The hat tip for this post goes to LGF reader John Williams in Texas.
> The company that published Scott McClellan's new Bush-bashing book is
> Public
> Affairs Books, and their Editor at Large is a guy named Peter Osnos: About
> The Century Foundation:
> http://www.tcf.org/about.asp?pgid=staff&staffid=42.
> The owner of Public Affairs Books is a company called Perseus Book Group.
> Here's their ownership tree: Perseus Books Home:
> http://www.perseusbooksgroup.com/perseus/about_us.jsp.
> The firm is owned by Perseus Funds Group, (holding company Perseus LLC) a
> capital management firm that grew from about $20 million in 1995 to over
> $2
> billion now. Big infusions of cash seemed to help it grow exponentially
> and
> it closed funds almost as fast as it opened them. The board has tons of
> liberals from the Clinton and Carter Administrations with credentials that
> almost put Osnos' to shame as far as far left causes go. Their website is
> here: PERSEUS - merchant bank and private equity fund management:
> http://www.perseusbooksgroup.com/perseus/about_us.jsp.
> If you go to the New York Department of State web site and enter "Perseus"
> in the "Business Organization" search
> (http://appsext8.dos.state.ny.us/corp_public/corpsearch.entity_search_entry)
> ,
> you get this on page 2 of the results:
> http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/pictures/20080528NYS-Soros.jpg
> Hi, George!
> So, Soros is backing this.

Interesting how looking a little deeper always brings up an " inconvenient
bit of information".


"Garage_Woodworks" <.@.>

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 6:46 PM

"Leon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:04l%[email protected]...
> "Dave in Houston" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:lRc%[email protected]...
>> DUH!
>> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/27/AR2008052703679.html?hpid=topnews
>> Won't get fooled again . . . .
>> Dave in Houston
> I find it interesting that he kept his mouth shut as long as Bush/the tax
> payers were paying him,

Really? Why is that hard to believe? Maybe he wanted to..oh I don't
know...keep his job??

> so he was lying then if his book is true. Or he is lying now.

Which part do you think he is lying about? That Bush and Co. deceived us?

> Either way the author is a liar. The best way to have a best seller is
> produce a book that is "Sensational" sorta like the media does.

Good grief Leon. YOU were hoodwinked by Bush and Co.

Are you part of the 29% that still thinks Bush is doing a 'fantastic job'?


"Garage_Woodworks" <.@.>

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 10:09 PM

"Swingman" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "Dave in Houston" wrote
>> DUH!
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/27/AR2008052703679.html?hpid=topnews
>> Won't get fooled again . . . .
>> Dave in Houston
> Careful now, Scott McClellan is NOT/was Not/ain't got the snap/balls/ to
> be,
> Ari Fleischer.

Yeah. Just don't trust Fleischer with the names of any CIA agents. Loose
lips I hear...

> --
> www.e-woodshop.net
> Last update: 5/14/08
> KarlC@ (the obvious)



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 10:36 PM

"Dave in Houston" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:jTl%[email protected]...
> "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:04l%[email protected]...
>> I find it interesting that he kept his mouth shut as long as Bush/the tax
>> payers were paying him, so he was lying then if his book is true. Or he
>> is lying now. Either way the author is a liar. The best way to have a
>> best seller is produce a book that is "Sensational" sorta like the media
>> does.
> Oh, Come on, Leon. Many of us have bitten our tongues and toed the
> company line in order to keep that paycheck (and prestige) coming.
> There's a certain amount of fame and notoriety that comes with being the
> POTUS press secretary so you "go along to get along."

Perhaps some of you have bitten your tongues and said nothing but did you
later write a book about it amd pretty much proove that you were a liar?

I was just pointing out the interesting situation that the author has put
himself in.


Fred the Red Shirt

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

31/05/2008 8:51 AM

On May 28, 10:00 pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> On May 28, 9:22 pm, "Dave in Houston" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > "Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> >news:0c444ac8-8eac-4049-830b-ade5ca94a21a@m45g2000hsb.googlegroups.com...
> > Aside from the finger-pointing, watch the pardons at the end of Bush's term.
> > Dave in Houston
> > If you're gonna be dum you're gonna be dum
> Clinton was a slime ball.

He still is, so?

His not, however, still president.




Paul Franklin

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

29/05/2008 7:17 PM

Ironic how the reaction so far has not been to dispute the allegations
in any substantive way, but to heap dirt on the messenger.

Man, that Rove stink lasts longer than skunk on a wet dog




in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 1:09 PM

On May 28, 11:46=A0am, "Phil-In-Mich." <[email protected]>
> "Dave in Houston" <[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:lRc%j.5490=
[email protected]...
> > DUH!
> >http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/27/AR200...
> > Won't get fooled again . . . .
> > Dave in Houston
> Dave:
> Just asking for your opinion-
> Do you really think this mess was planned, orchestrated , and executed by =
> W. Bush himself? Or, maybe could the fault be with those "advisors" of W?
> You know, those advisors who have (or shortly will have) jumped ship and a=
> now seen with McCain.
> I don't have anything against McCain, I maybe even respect his record. =A0=

What record? He got his ass shot down over 'Nam. End of story.
Sad...but how does that make him anything other than an unlucky pilot?
There have been millions who laid their ass on the line over the
years. hundreds-of-thousands are still alive. Many were POW's...how
does that make ANY of them eligible to be Commander-in-Chief?
> And if a democrat wins the White House, where will their brand of rats com=
> from?

Ohhhh don't you worry, they have been breeding. That freedom-of-choice
is only *so* effective.



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

30/05/2008 1:11 PM

On May 30, 3:02=A0pm, Fred the Red Shirt <[email protected]>
> On May 28, 4:09 pm, Robatoy <[email protected]> wrote:
> > On May 28, 11:46 am, "Phil-In-Mich." <[email protected]>
> > wrote:
> > > "Dave in Houston" <[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:lRc%j.=
[email protected]...
> > > > DUH!
> > > >http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/27/AR200=
> > > > Won't get fooled again . . . .
> > > > Dave in Houston
> > > Dave:
> > > Just asking for your opinion-
> > > Do you really think this mess was planned, orchestrated , and executed=
by G.
> > > W. Bush himself? Or, maybe could the fault be with those "advisors" of=
> > > You know, those advisors who have (or shortly will have) jumped ship a=
nd are
> > > now seen with McCain.
> > > I don't have anything against McCain, I maybe even respect his record.=
> > What record? He got his ass shot down over 'Nam. End of story.
> Nonsense.
> His was the plane that was hit by the misfired missle
> on deck on the USS Forrestal . =A0McCain escaped the
> burning plane by climbing out onto the nose before dropping
> down on the deck but none-the-less received burns
> that took 7 months to heal stateside. =A0THEN he volunteered
> for a second tour of duty during which he was captured.
> Knowing that he was an admiral's son the NV offered to
> release him as a PR stunt and he refused special treatment.
> Then years later, he was part of the delegation that led to
> normalization of relations between the US and Vietnam.
> At a photo op, he refused th shake hands with one host,
> offering the explanation that "He murdered my friends."
> None-the-less he supported normalizaton of relations,
> believing the Vietnamese people should not be punished,
> for the misdeeds of their government, and perhaps also
> realizing that detente was a necessary step for the
> defeat of the communists.
> > Sad...but how does that make him anything other than an unlucky pilot?
> Well?
Well, he's not like a buddy of mine who volunteered to go to 'Nam and
ended up in mail distribution. Twice. As a Canadian.

McCain, by your submission, is a cut above the rest then. I agree he
shouldn't be bundled in with that bunch called The Remington Raiders.
But still. Reckless abandon and gung-ho crazy, a total lack of
business experience, a lousy temper, a limited life-span, a torch-
bearer for Dubya.......... naaaaaaa.

There has GOT to be somebody better out there. Preferably with some
conservative ideologies, no blind fundy-numbed bullshit.

But, it's none of my business that my neighbour, and host country to a
lot of my friends, can't seem to find ONE person who can lead that
great nation without trying to force the second coming of Christ. What
I know about McCain, I shudder at the thought of his being close to
Big Button with all the pent up anger in him.
McCain is a hot head.
Obama would be wondering what to do when he HAD to do something....
he'd be wondering too long maybe?
And Hil...well, I guess at what stage her hormones were running
amuck.... hell, she broke down crying to get votes in NH....what a

Can you guys bring back Dole? I mean Bob?
How about Wes Clark? ( I always tipped my hat to Al Haig... a bit of
a loose cannon, but capable....understood the russkies and
europoids...he's 83... too old.)
Maybe Daneliuk is right... dig up Reagan!

You know... you give a drunk 18-year old a baseball bat.. he becomes
dangerous...not smart.. just dangerous.


Fred the Red Shirt

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

31/05/2008 8:48 AM

On May 29, 9:45 pm, tough guy or gal Mark & Juanita
<[email protected]> wrote:
> Paul Franklin wrote:
> > Ironic how the reaction so far has not been to dispute the allegations
> > in any substantive way, but to heap dirt on the messenger.
> You must be watching just the main stream media. There's been significant
> exception taken to what he said. Rove was interviewed and indicates that
> McLellan wasn't even involved in the meetings in which McLellan alleges
> certain things took place.

Amusing. For example, did Rove actually SAY McClellan
wasn't at the meeting at whcih Bush authorized the release
of Valery Plame's identity? Because if he did say that, then
he admitted the truth of the allegations. And if he did not,
then to what meeting was Rove referring?

That, as Mr Franklin noted, is an attack on McClellan, not a
claim that what he wrote was factually incorrect. And it is
poorly calculated attack at best. After all, how does Rove
know that McClellan never attended meetings where Rove
was not present?

> Others who were in the White House have said
> this doesn't even sound like the person with whom they worked and that his
> work is a pack of lies.

OTOH, that does sound like the people McClellan was
working with.

> So I'm not sure where you get the idea that no one
> has disputed the allegations. Sometimes allegations
> are so outrageous it isn't even worth justifying with a
> response.

Did Rove actually dispute any of the allegations, or did he
simply say that McClellan didn't have access to the infor-




Mark & Juanita

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

29/05/2008 6:45 PM

Paul Franklin wrote:

> Ironic how the reaction so far has not been to dispute the allegations
> in any substantive way, but to heap dirt on the messenger.

You must be watching just the main stream media. There's been significant
exception taken to what he said. Rove was interviewed and indicates that
McLellan wasn't even involved in the meetings in which McLellan alleges
certain things took place. Others who were in the White House have said
this doesn't even sound like the person with whom they worked and that his
work is a pack of lies. So I'm not sure where you get the idea that no one
has disputed the allegations. Sometimes allegations are so outrageous it
isn't even worth justifying with a response.

> Man, that Rove stink lasts longer than skunk on a wet dog

... and that stuff from Soros is even stronger on this guy

> PF

If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough


Mark & Juanita

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 9:00 PM

Leon wrote:

> "Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>> I find it interesting that he kept his mouth shut as long as Bush/the
>>> tax payers were paying him,
>> Really? Why is that hard to believe? Maybe he wanted to..oh I don't
>> know...keep his job??
> You may want to reread what I wrote. I simply found it interesting, not
> unbelievable. Still, he is a liar.

Interesting information regarding his publisher:

The Soros-McClellan Connection

Wed, May 28, 2008 at 7:28:40 pm PDT (littlegreenfootballs.com)

The hat tip for this post goes to LGF reader John Williams in Texas.

The company that published Scott McClellan’s new Bush-bashing book is Public
Affairs Books, and their Editor at Large is a guy named Peter Osnos: About
The Century Foundation: http://www.tcf.org/about.asp?pgid=staff&staffid=42.

The owner of Public Affairs Books is a company called Perseus Book Group.
Here’s their ownership tree: Perseus Books Home:

The firm is owned by Perseus Funds Group, (holding company Perseus LLC) a
capital management firm that grew from about $20 million in 1995 to over $2
billion now. Big infusions of cash seemed to help it grow exponentially and
it closed funds almost as fast as it opened them. The board has tons of
liberals from the Clinton and Carter Administrations with credentials that
almost put Osnos’ to shame as far as far left causes go. Their website is
here: PERSEUS - merchant bank and private equity fund management:

If you go to the New York Department of State web site and enter “Perseus”
in the “Business Organization” search
(http://appsext8.dos.state.ny.us/corp_public/corpsearch.entity_search_entry) ,
you get this on page 2 of the results:

Hi, George!

So, Soros is backing this.

If you're going to be dumb, you better be tough



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 9:13 PM

"Dave in Houston" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:lRc%[email protected]...
> DUH!
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/27/AR2008052703679.html?hpid=topnews
> Won't get fooled again . . . .
> Dave in Houston
But the rest of the world has known about that since 2002? 2003?



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

30/05/2008 2:33 PM

"Fred the Red Shirt" wrote

> So like, what has McClellan go to say that is even newsworthy?

Just more chum from another chump to froth the water.

Last update: 5/14/08
KarlC@ (the obvious)



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 10:33 PM

"Garage_Woodworks" <.@.> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>> I find it interesting that he kept his mouth shut as long as Bush/the tax
>> payers were paying him,
> Really? Why is that hard to believe? Maybe he wanted to..oh I don't
> know...keep his job??

You may want to reread what I wrote. I simply found it interesting, not
unbelievable. Still, he is a liar.



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

29/05/2008 11:06 AM

"Larry Blanchard" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Wed, 28 May 2008 22:33:39 -0500, Leon wrote:
>> You may want to reread what I wrote. I simply found it interesting, not
>> unbelievable. Still, he is a liar.
> Aren't they all?

Oh yeah, good point.

Still, I'm not as worried about politicians who lie as I
> am about politicians who manipulate vote counts.
> And yes, the Dems do it too - I lived in Chicago when Daley (the elder)
> was mayor :-). But the Republicans seemed have perfected the methods in
> the last two nationa elections.

IIRC his slogan was something like. Vote early and vote often. LOL

> Maybe we should get UN observers to monitor OUR elections :-).

Or get Jimmy C. to monitor them. ;~)


"Dave in Houston"

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 8:22 PM

"Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message

Aside from the finger-pointing, watch the pardons at the end of Bush's term.


Dave in Houston

If you're gonna be dum you're gonna be dum



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

29/05/2008 7:49 AM

"Leon" wrote

> Interesting how looking a little deeper always brings up an " inconvenient
> bit of information".

Yeah ... like a chubby clown who finally got his vengeance and "got his".

Last update: 5/14/08
KarlC@ (the obvious)



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 7:00 PM

On May 28, 9:22=A0pm, "Dave in Houston" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:0c444ac8-8eac-4049-830b-ade5ca94a21a@m45g2000hsb.googlegroups.com...
> Aside from the finger-pointing, watch the pardons at the end of Bush's ter=
> Dave in Houston
> If you're gonna be dum you're gonna be dum

Clinton was a slime ball.


Fred the Red Shirt

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

31/05/2008 9:12 AM

On May 28, 6:07 pm, Tim Daneliuk <[email protected]> wrote:
> Dave in Houston wrote:
> > DUH!
> > http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/27/AR200...
> > Won't get fooled again . . . .
> > Dave in Houston
> .... Note
> also that it is said *explicitly* that he is *not* accusing Bush of
> intentionally lying about the situation ... but that won't stop the
> frothing, fulminating, and drooling Bush-haters from saying so anyway.

A middle ground position blames GWB's 'management style'.

The idea is that that he was only interested in information
that suited his agenda, and objected to being provided with
information contrary to it, regardless of veracity. Thus
it didn't take long for people wanting to get ahead in his
administration to pre-filter the information along those lines,
ignoring veracity.

One example would be the 81mm Medusa missile tubes.

Some people in the CIA suspected that they could be used
for a Uranium enrichment centrifuge (Zippe centrifuge)
designed in the1950s.

The administration also consulted with Uranium enrichment
at the DOE and IAEA who experts contended that they were
not suitable for Uranium enrichment pointing out:

After reviewing Zippe designs and consulting with
Dr. Gernot Zippe, the scientist who developed this centrifuge,
DOE experts found that the tubes did NOT match those used
in a Zippe centrifuge.

No successful centrifuge cascade has ever been built using
rotor tubes of that size and material -- the tube walls (3.3mm)
were three times too thick and the tube diameter (81mm) was
too small.

The tubes were anodized, which is a standard practice in
missile construction but inappropriate for a uranium centrifuge
because the coating can produce adversely react with uranium

Thus, the administrations claims presented by Powell, whom
I will bet was kept ignorant of the DOE/IAEA assessment,
was a lie.

If the President has a managment style that encourages his
subordinates to lie to him about issues of national security
that is arguably WORSE than the President himself being
the liar.





in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 10:37 PM

"Robatoy" <[email protected]> wrote in message
On May 28, 8:14 pm, "Max" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Dave in Houston" <[email protected]> wrote in
> messagenews:jTl%[email protected]...

The finger-pointing will be everywhere.
If the next administration has any balls, Bush & Co should be tried
for crimes.. all kinds of crimes.
Aside from the finger-pointing, watch the pardons at the end of Bush's

Yeah, that seems to be the American president way of ending his term in
office. LOL



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

30/05/2008 1:24 PM

On May 30, 3:16=A0pm, Fred the Red Shirt <[email protected]>
> On May 29, 12:14 am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
> > "Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:IIudnfPmx4P=
[email protected]...
> > > =A0Interesting information regarding his publisher:
> > > The Soros-McClellan Connection
> > > Wed, May 28, 2008 at 7:28:40 pm PDT (littlegreenfootballs.com)
> > > The hat tip for this post goes to LGF reader John Williams in Texas.
> > > The company that published Scott McClellan's new Bush-bashing book is
> > > Public
> > > Affairs Books, and their Editor at Large is a guy named Peter Osnos: A=
> > > The Century Foundation:
> > >http://www.tcf.org/about.asp?pgid=3Dstaff&staffid=3D42.
> > > The owner of Public Affairs Books is a company called Perseus Book Gro=
> > > Here's their ownership tree: Perseus Books Home:
> > >http://www.perseusbooksgroup.com/perseus/about_us.jsp.
> > > The firm is owned by Perseus Funds Group, (holding company Perseus LLC=
) a
> > > capital management firm that grew from about $20 million in 1995 to ov=
> > > $2
> > > billion now. Big infusions of cash seemed to help it grow exponentiall=
> > > and
> > > it closed funds almost as fast as it opened them. The board has tons o=
> > > liberals from the Clinton and Carter Administrations with credentials =
> > > almost put Osnos' to shame as far as far left causes go. Their website=
> > > here: PERSEUS - merchant bank and private equity fund management:
> > >http://www.perseusbooksgroup.com/perseus/about_us.jsp.
> > > If you go to the New York Department of State web site and enter "Pers=
> > > in the "Business Organization" search
> > > (http://appsext8.dos.state.ny.us/corp_public/corpsearch.entity_search_=
> > > ,
> > > you get this on page 2 of the results:
> > >http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/pictures/20080528NYS-Soros.jpg
> > > Hi, George!
> > > =A0So, Soros is backing this.
> > Interesting how looking a little deeper always brings up an " inconvenie=
> > bit of information".
> Yeah, like the current President used to be partners with
> Osama Bin Laden's brother.
> It must a small world. at the top.
> --
> FF

It is a small world at the top... even regionally. We need a new
overpass and road and we need it quick.....okay.. who we got...Oh..
here's a guy with a half-dozen Cat D-9's...mmmm nobody else has gear
like that.. OKAY!!! he has the job...

The Bin Ladens are like that. Big builders. They know big, think big,
and deliver. So they have a goofy black sheep son, who was a CIA
patsy, now dead, and still moved around on the chess-board to instil
fear entirely for propaganda purposes....Da Fucking Boogy Man!!!!

He's an asset.. even dead. Dead for 4 years now. (Then again, he may
be living on that island with Elvis and JFK and Hitler) ((That was NOT
a frickin' Godwin!!!!)

It's Friday. I'm caught up with my back-orders..... time to breathe.



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

29/05/2008 5:51 AM

On May 29, 12:14=A0am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:IIudnfPmx4P_t=
[email protected]...
> > =A0Interesting information regarding his publisher:
> > The Soros-McClellan Connection
> > Wed, May 28, 2008 at 7:28:40 pm PDT (littlegreenfootballs.com)
> > The hat tip for this post goes to LGF reader John Williams in Texas.
> > The company that published Scott McClellan's new Bush-bashing book is
> > Public
> > Affairs Books, and their Editor at Large is a guy named Peter Osnos: Abo=
> > The Century Foundation:
> >http://www.tcf.org/about.asp?pgid=3Dstaff&staffid=3D42.
> > The owner of Public Affairs Books is a company called Perseus Book Group=
> > Here's their ownership tree: Perseus Books Home:
> >http://www.perseusbooksgroup.com/perseus/about_us.jsp.
> > The firm is owned by Perseus Funds Group, (holding company Perseus LLC) =
> > capital management firm that grew from about $20 million in 1995 to over=

> > $2
> > billion now. Big infusions of cash seemed to help it grow exponentially
> > and
> > it closed funds almost as fast as it opened them. The board has tons of
> > liberals from the Clinton and Carter Administrations with credentials th=
> > almost put Osnos' to shame as far as far left causes go. Their website i=
> > here: PERSEUS - merchant bank and private equity fund management:
> >http://www.perseusbooksgroup.com/perseus/about_us.jsp.
> > If you go to the New York Department of State web site and enter "Perseu=
> > in the "Business Organization" search
> > (http://appsext8.dos.state.ny.us/corp_public/corpsearch.entity_search_..=
> > ,
> > you get this on page 2 of the results:
> >http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/pictures/20080528NYS-Soros.jpg
> > Hi, George!
> > =A0So, Soros is backing this.
> Interesting how looking a little deeper always brings up an " inconvenient=

> bit of information".

Like granma used to say: " You can't dig without running into a little
If you WANT dirt, try digging into the BoD of The Carlyle Group and
its investors. It forms an acetate overlay showing ONE of the reasons
why there is a war in Iraq.


Tim Daneliuk

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 5:07 PM

Dave in Houston wrote:
> DUH!
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/05/27/AR2008052703679.html?hpid=topnews
> Won't get fooled again . . . .
> Dave in Houston

'Fascinating that he never managed to express these concerns while actually
working in the Bush White House. This smells like sour grapes to me. Note
also that it is said *explicitly* that he is *not* accusing Bush of
intentionally lying about the situation ... but that won't stop the
frothing, fulminating, and drooling Bush-haters from saying so anyway.

'Not defending Bush here, I just have far more contempt for his political
enemies than I do him...


Fred the Red Shirt

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

30/05/2008 12:16 PM

On May 29, 12:14 am, "Leon" <[email protected]> wrote:
> "Mark & Juanita" <[email protected]> wrote in messagenews:[email protected]...
> > Interesting information regarding his publisher:
> > The Soros-McClellan Connection
> > Wed, May 28, 2008 at 7:28:40 pm PDT (littlegreenfootballs.com)
> > The hat tip for this post goes to LGF reader John Williams in Texas.
> > The company that published Scott McClellan's new Bush-bashing book is
> > Public
> > Affairs Books, and their Editor at Large is a guy named Peter Osnos: About
> > The Century Foundation:
> >http://www.tcf.org/about.asp?pgid=staff&staffid=42.
> > The owner of Public Affairs Books is a company called Perseus Book Group.
> > Here's their ownership tree: Perseus Books Home:
> >http://www.perseusbooksgroup.com/perseus/about_us.jsp.
> > The firm is owned by Perseus Funds Group, (holding company Perseus LLC) a
> > capital management firm that grew from about $20 million in 1995 to over
> > $2
> > billion now. Big infusions of cash seemed to help it grow exponentially
> > and
> > it closed funds almost as fast as it opened them. The board has tons of
> > liberals from the Clinton and Carter Administrations with credentials that
> > almost put Osnos' to shame as far as far left causes go. Their website is
> > here: PERSEUS - merchant bank and private equity fund management:
> >http://www.perseusbooksgroup.com/perseus/about_us.jsp.
> > If you go to the New York Department of State web site and enter "Perseus"
> > in the "Business Organization" search
> > (http://appsext8.dos.state.ny.us/corp_public/corpsearch.entity_search_...)
> > ,
> > you get this on page 2 of the results:
> >http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/pictures/20080528NYS-Soros.jpg
> > Hi, George!
> > So, Soros is backing this.
> Interesting how looking a little deeper always brings up an " inconvenient
> bit of information".

Yeah, like the current President used to be partners with
Osama Bin Laden's brother.

It must a small world. at the top.




"Dave in Houston"

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

28/05/2008 6:27 PM

"Leon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:04l%[email protected]...

> I find it interesting that he kept his mouth shut as long as Bush/the tax
> payers were paying him, so he was lying then if his book is true. Or he
> is lying now. Either way the author is a liar. The best way to have a
> best seller is produce a book that is "Sensational" sorta like the media
> does.

Oh, Come on, Leon. Many of us have bitten our tongues and toed the
company line in order to keep that paycheck (and prestige) coming. There's
a certain amount of fame and notoriety that comes with being the POTUS press
secretary so you "go along to get along."
Are you part of the 29% that still thinks Bush is doing a 'fantastic
job'? Is it THAT high?

Dave in Houston



in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

29/05/2008 6:54 PM

"Paul Franklin" wrote
> Ironic how the reaction so far has not been to dispute the allegations
> in any substantive way, but to heap dirt on the messenger.
> Man, that Rove stink lasts longer than skunk on a wet dog

Same can be said for the "messenger" in this case ... just follow the money.

Last update: 5/14/08
KarlC@ (the obvious)


Larry Blanchard

in reply to "Dave in Houston" on 28/05/2008 8:11 AM

29/05/2008 8:48 AM

On Wed, 28 May 2008 22:33:39 -0500, Leon wrote:

> You may want to reread what I wrote. I simply found it interesting, not
> unbelievable. Still, he is a liar.

Aren't they all? Still, I'm not as worried about politicians who lie as I
am about politicians who manipulate vote counts.

And yes, the Dems do it too - I lived in Chicago when Daley (the elder)
was mayor :-). But the Republicans seemed have perfected the methods in
the last two nationa elections.

Maybe we should get UN observers to monitor OUR elections :-).

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