On 7/1/2011 4:27 AM, TrailRat wrote:
> I was going to say! How big are the double boilers in where you are?
> Thank you for the suggestions. Most useful.
> A question though? Is it OK just to leave the timber on the bottom of
> the pipe or should it be raised so it doesn't sit in any water/block
> steam input/block water run off?
My own experience is just use a sacrificial piece (or scrap pieces) as
the bottom layer, mostly because it is then easier to retrieve other
layers. However, anything wider than a half inch would not be of concern
anyway due to the rounded nature of pipe -- I did once try wire mesh and
the adjacent wood became discolored and took an imprint of the mesh.
Real pain to remove all of that after bending.
As suggested earlier however, I would tilt slightly downward at valve or
relief end and if water becomes an issue, perhaps you may add a large
reducer between ball valve and vessel to act as a temporary reservoir.
Just as a precautionary note, try to avoid steaming dissimilar woods in
the same batch as it can cause spotting, streaking or minor
discoloration through leeching.
Good luck,
Bob O'Dell