

01/11/2004 1:19 PM

Good woodworking TV shows?

I know about New Yankee, are there any other good ones?


If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam

This topic has 9 replies


Richard Clements

in reply to "jtpr" on 01/11/2004 1:19 PM

03/11/2004 1:27 PM

jtpr wrote:

> I know about New Yankee, are there any other good ones?
> --
> -Jim
> ©¿©¬
> If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
> Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam

the woodright shop on PBS


in reply to "jtpr" on 01/11/2004 1:19 PM

01/11/2004 10:53 PM

There's Scott Phillips and The American Woodshop and Clive Grey and The
Pacific Western Workshop, both on some PBS stations. Whereas Norm Abram
does mostly furniture, the others are a little more varied.

"jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I know about New Yankee, are there any other good ones?
> --
> -Jim
> ©¿©¬
> If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
> Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam


"Joseph Smith"

in reply to "jtpr" on 01/11/2004 1:19 PM

01/11/2004 10:56 PM

I have DirectTV and just noticed that my PBS-U has
the Router Workshop on almost everyday.

<[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> There's Scott Phillips and The American Woodshop and Clive Grey and The
> Pacific Western Workshop, both on some PBS stations. Whereas Norm Abram
> does mostly furniture, the others are a little more varied.
> "jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> I know about New Yankee, are there any other good ones?
>> --
>> -Jim
>> ©¿©¬
>> If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
>> Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam



in reply to "jtpr" on 01/11/2004 1:19 PM

02/11/2004 2:28 PM

"Joseph Smith" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>I have DirectTV and just noticed that my PBS-U has
> the Router Workshop on almost everyday.

I started watching the Router Workshop again for about 4 weeks and then
noticed that if I fast forwarded through the bit changes, the cuts that they
do over and over and over and over and over, there was only about 5 minutes
of content worth watching. The show is a good idea but they should be
concentrating on actually finishing a project rather than showing you each
round over cut on the 4 corners of 10 legs.


patriarch <[email protected]>

in reply to "jtpr" on 01/11/2004 1:19 PM

03/11/2004 9:29 PM

"Lee Gordon" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:[email protected]:

> <<I started watching the Router Workshop again for about 4 weeks and
> then noticed that if I fast forwarded through the bit changes, the
> cuts that they do over and over and over and over and over, there was
> only about 5 minutes of content worth watching. The show is a good
> idea but they should be concentrating on actually finishing a project
> rather than showing you each round over cut on the 4 corners of 10
> legs. >>
> And is it just me, or does the old guy seem to race through the steps
> without fully explaining what he is doing and why. I imagine more
> experienced woodworkers probably understand what he is doing but I am
> under the impression this show is largely for relative beginners and I
> sense that so much of this stuff is old hat for both the hosts that
> they take it for granted that the audience is keeping up with them.
> The other thing that I find strange is that they seem to use jigs and
> fixtures for just about every project, even when it is apparent that
> the jig is of no use for anything else, yet the almost never show how
> to make the jigs.
> Nevertheless, for reasons I don't quite understand, I do enjoy
> watching them. <g>

When I found that, watching the show recorded with TiVo, that I could watch
everything of interest in about 4 minutes, I stopped bothering.


"Lee Gordon"

in reply to "jtpr" on 01/11/2004 1:19 PM

02/11/2004 1:21 PM

<<I started watching the Router Workshop again for about 4 weeks and then
noticed that if I fast forwarded through the bit changes, the cuts that they
do over and over and over and over and over, there was only about 5 minutes
of content worth watching. The show is a good idea but they should be
concentrating on actually finishing a project rather than showing you each
round over cut on the 4 corners of 10 legs. >>

And is it just me, or does the old guy seem to race through the steps
without fully explaining what he is doing and why. I imagine more
experienced woodworkers probably understand what he is doing but I am under
the impression this show is largely for relative beginners and I sense that
so much of this stuff is old hat for both the hosts that they take it for
granted that the audience is keeping up with them.
The other thing that I find strange is that they seem to use jigs and
fixtures for just about every project, even when it is apparent that the jig
is of no use for anything else, yet the almost never show how to make the
Nevertheless, for reasons I don't quite understand, I do enjoy watching
them. <g>


To e-mail, replace "bucketofspam" with "dleegordon"


Robert Galloway

in reply to "jtpr" on 01/11/2004 1:19 PM

01/11/2004 3:25 PM

My favorite is David Marks "Wood Works"

bob g.

jtpr wrote:

> I know about New Yankee, are there any other good ones?
> --
> -Jim
> ©¿©¬
> If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
> Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam



in reply to "jtpr" on 01/11/2004 1:19 PM

01/11/2004 7:16 PM

WoodWorks on the DIY channel

"jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I know about New Yankee, are there any other good ones?
> --
> -Jim
> ©¿©¬
> If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
> Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam


"Dave jackson"

in reply to "jtpr" on 01/11/2004 1:19 PM

01/11/2004 10:00 PM

DIY also has a real good woodturning show on sat eve if you are interested.
It's on right before (or after, I can't remember) Woodworks.

"jtpr" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I know about New Yankee, are there any other good ones?
> --
> -Jim
> ©¿©¬
> If you want to reply by email its --> ryan at jimryan dot com
> Please use BCC and lets all avoid spam

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