Zz Yzx <[email protected]> writes:
>>Neighbor cut down a small bay laurel. There's a couple of
>>small logs (largest about 40 - 48", about 2 or more inches diameter).
>Too bad he lost the tree. The last time I bought leaves at the store,
>it was going for over $80/oz.
You might not like the california bay laurel leaves - they're much more
potent than the bay leaves from the med. Be very careful with them.
(Visit the Villa Montalvo in Saratoga Ca, and walk the county trails there
to see a lot of bay laurel mixed in with the redwoods).
MJ <[email protected]> writes:
>Neighbor cut down a small bay laurel. There's a couple of
>small logs (largest about 40 - 48", about 2 or more inches diameter).
>Worth saving for anything woodworking wise? Turnings? Knobs?
>Anybody worked with it before?