David wrote:
> Leon wrote:
>> "David" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>> news:[email protected]...
>>> I tried Sears. forget that--they do NOT carry the 3-1/2" sleeves
>>> either in my local store or in their latest tool catalog. Nor do
>>> they sell a similar OSS sander.
>>> Any ideas where to purchase those sleeves?
>>> Dave
>> If you need 4.5" look here BUT STAY CLEAR OF THEIR PSA paper.
>> http://www.woodworkingshop.com/cgi-bin/39F98BB4/mac/qryitems.mac/itemDisplay?lenSgDsc=6NLB4%2E5SANDING%20SLEEVES%20-%204%2E5%22%20LENGTH&qryType=GRPSG
> that's the ticket!
> I found this item:
> http://www.woodworkingshop.com/cgi-bin/F91F728E/mac/additmdtl.mac/showItemDetail?item=SS10000&qtyA=0&phsO=N&desc=COMPLETE%20SET%20OF%204-1%2F2%22%20SANDING%20SLEEVES*%2B&drpshp=N&alOrd=Y&iQty=.000&oQty=.000&initQty=1&assortParent=K&itemForSale=Y&styleName=&fixD=&face=.00&gftc=&stck=Y&prefS=&calledFrom=DS&ordInfo1=&ordInfo2=&ordInfo3=&ordMan1=N&ordMan2=N&ordMan3=N&persCode=&persReqd=&persLink=%20&shipRemaining=0&daysBetween=0&daysBetweenFix=0&monthsBetween=0
> Dave
> Dave
Look in Home Depot. I bought both the sander and extra sleeves there.
David wrote:
> I tried Sears. forget that--they do NOT carry the 3-1/2" sleeves either
> in my local store or in their latest tool catalog. Nor do they sell a
> similar OSS sander.
> Any ideas where to purchase those sleeves?
> Dave
HELL'S BELLS!! They are FOUR-1/2" sleeves. No clue why I thought they
were 3-1/2".
I'm figuring this is gonna be another on line purchase also...
Leon wrote:
> "David" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>>I tried Sears. forget that--they do NOT carry the 3-1/2" sleeves either in
>>my local store or in their latest tool catalog. Nor do they sell a similar
>>OSS sander.
>>Any ideas where to purchase those sleeves?
> If you need 4.5" look here BUT STAY CLEAR OF THEIR PSA paper.
> http://www.woodworkingshop.com/cgi-bin/39F98BB4/mac/qryitems.mac/itemDisplay?lenSgDsc=6NLB4%2E5SANDING%20SLEEVES%20-%204%2E5%22%20LENGTH&qryType=GRPSG
that's the ticket!
I found this item:
"David" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
>I tried Sears. forget that--they do NOT carry the 3-1/2" sleeves either in
>my local store or in their latest tool catalog. Nor do they sell a similar
>OSS sander.
> Any ideas where to purchase those sleeves?
> Dave
If you need 4.5" look here BUT STAY CLEAR OF THEIR PSA paper.
"John" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Look in Home Depot. I bought both the sander and extra sleeves there.
IIRC HD dropped all of that about 10 months ago. You might still find some
of the sleeves but they were scarce in April.