I have some tool manuals that I have, but do not have the tools
anymore. Instead of throwing them into the trash I though that there
may be someone that would want them. Just email me with your address.
and I will send then your way.
Craftsman Belt Sander 315.11720
Craftsman pad sander 315.11650
Craftsman 3.6V cordless screwdriver 973.111370
Skil Cordless Screwdriver Model 2205
B&D Cordless power ratchet 9050, or 9050-02
Wards Powr Kraft 1/3 sheet pad sander XBA-84005A
Mike Goss
On Aug 29, 9:35=A0pm, Goose <co_go...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have some tool manuals that I have, but do not have the tools
> anymore. =A0Instead of throwing them into the trash I though that there
> may be someone that would want them. =A0Just email me with your address.
> and I will send then your way.
> Craftsman Belt Sander 315.11720
> Craftsman pad sander 315.11650
> Craftsman 3.6V cordless screwdriver 973.111370
> Skil Cordless Screwdriver Model 2205
> B&D Cordless power ratchet =A09050, or 9050-02
> Wards Powr Kraft 1/3 sheet pad sander =A0XBA-84005A
> Mike Goss
> co_goose(at)yahoo(dot)com
Belt Sander is gone, rest are still available.