
[email protected] (David Hall)

24/08/2004 1:59 AM

CMS gloat - I think

So an acquantance was given a DW705 12" CMS a couple of years ago for a
birthday present - why is anyone's guess as he had zero use for it. So, being
the nice guy that I am, I said sure when he asked if I wanted the opened but
never unpacked saw for $80. It came with the dust bag and the material clamp as
well as a thin curf blade. No warrenty due to amount of time since it was
purchased. Was pretty close to perfect right out of the box, but I had to fool
around and tweak it a little anyway.

Dave Hall

This topic has 4 replies


in reply to [email protected] (David Hall) on 24/08/2004 1:59 AM

25/08/2004 10:16 AM

[email protected] (David Hall) wrote:

>So an acquantance was given a DW705 12" CMS a couple of years ago for a
>birthday present - why is anyone's guess as he had zero use for it. So, being
>the nice guy that I am, I said sure when he asked if I wanted the opened but
>never unpacked saw for $80. It came with the dust bag and the material clamp as
>well as a thin curf blade. No warrenty due to amount of time since it was
>purchased. Was pretty close to perfect right out of the box, but I had to fool
>around and tweak it a little anyway.
>Dave Hall

Gosh, there must be a lot of rain in your area, flooding out homes and
stranding people up on their roofs hoping a boat will come by and
rescue them. Though suckest.

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Whiskey Echo Sierra Sierra AT Gee Tee EYE EYE dot COM
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"Paul in MN"

in reply to [email protected] (David Hall) on 24/08/2004 1:59 AM

24/08/2004 2:25 AM

There are massive swirly black holes in outer space that suck less than you

Sweet deal!!!


"David Hall" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> So an acquantance was given a DW705 12" CMS a couple of years ago for a
> birthday present - why is anyone's guess as he had zero use for it. So,
> the nice guy that I am, I said sure when he asked if I wanted the opened
> never unpacked saw for $80. It came with the dust bag and the material
clamp as
> well as a thin curf blade. No warrenty due to amount of time since it was
> purchased. Was pretty close to perfect right out of the box, but I had to
> around and tweak it a little anyway.
> Dave Hall


"Mark L."

in reply to [email protected] (David Hall) on 24/08/2004 1:59 AM

24/08/2004 2:01 AM

Let me be the first...... YOU SUCK!!!!! (Great snag)

David Hall wrote:

> So an acquantance was given a DW705 12" CMS a couple of years ago for a
> birthday present - why is anyone's guess as he had zero use for it. So, being
> the nice guy that I am, I said sure when he asked if I wanted the opened but
> never unpacked saw for $80. It came with the dust bag and the material clamp as
> well as a thin curf blade. No warrenty due to amount of time since it was
> purchased. Was pretty close to perfect right out of the box, but I had to fool
> around and tweak it a little anyway.
> Dave Hall


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to [email protected] (David Hall) on 24/08/2004 1:59 AM

24/08/2004 2:25 AM

"David Hall" <[email protected]> wrote in message

> never unpacked saw for $80. It came with the dust bag and the material
clamp as
> well as a thin curf blade. No warrenty due to amount of time since it was
> purchased.

What a foolish move on your part. For a mere $220 + tax more, you could have
had full warranty coverage. What if the yellow color fades? You'll be out
of luck!

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