"Lee Michaels"

10/12/2005 6:00 PM

OT: Dumb Criminal - Dog Story


Suspect flees into arms of police
By The Associated Press

MEDFORD, Ore. - From the opening act to the in-hot-pursuit chase to the
grand finale with a twist, the Three Stooges couldn't have choreographed a
foiled shoplifting attempt in Medford any better.

It began Thursday when a Fred Meyer worker spotted a man snatching a $41.99
bottle of Calvin Klein perfume from a shelf, stuffing the bottle down the
front of his pants and trying to leave the store, Medford police Lt. Mike
Moran said.

Security personnel caught up with the man, identified as John Glandon, 33,
of Phoenix, but he fled toward Bear Creek, eventually jumping into the
frigid waters.

When Glandon emerged from Bear Creek, he made for some baseball fields -
which just happened to be the training ground for the Medford police
department's K-9 units.

Police dogs Tiko and Rudy, along with their handlers, were honing their
crime-fighting skills during one of their weekly training sessions at the
fields when Glandon took refuge in bushes nearby.

The dogs found Glandon almost immediately. He surrendered and was arrested
on charges of theft, harassment and a parole violation.

Glandon was lodged in the Jackson County Jail without bail, Moran said.

The perfume wasn't recovered. Moran thinks it may still be in Bear Creek.
